Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Hot Googlie Holiday Season

Well when it's 80 degrees, we Texans can still conjure up some Christmas spirit, so don't underestimate us.

For example, a person can just trot down to Starbucks, where the airconditioning is set on STUN (like 67 degrees) and have a Peppermint Mocha, or, as of today, a GINGERSNAP LATTE, and feel quite festive in ones shorts and t-shirt.

That's how irreverent little Christmas cards get born here on UB. You sit around in your shorts with your peppermint striped ribbon and think - hey - it's all about the nose, right???

And you bust out a little googlie eye card that really gets quite to the heart of the whole Christmas matter by drawing your attention to the nose, lower right.

The nose is Riding Hood Red Cardstock punched with my 1/4" circle punch, and the images on top are from Winter Post in Basic Black and Riding Hood Red.

Simple, and I hope - fun!!

Please - seriously - understand that googlie eyes are not just for Halloween!! Our national stamping security depends on it! :)

Have a great day!



  1. Much better! Love the thought of the reindeer in such a snowstorm that all you can see are beady little eyes and a glowing red nose! Very, very cute!

    Have a great day...talk to you soon!

  2. Mmmmm....bit slow this morning...took me a minute to get it but when I did I laughed out loud! Sounds like you'd be right at home in Australia for Christmas...a couple of years back it was over 40C (104F) and we all just spent the day sitting in front of the air-con....days like that have you wishing for snow :)

  3. I thought it was reindeers in a snow storm too!

    Fun card as always.


  4. Wow - I love this card!! It's awesome! :D

  5. Found your blog by clicking "next blog". This card(envi)just makes me smile. How adorable are the googly eyes!


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