I'm in a bit of a birdy mood these past few days. I don't know why. I get in crafty moods. White mood, pencil mood, painty mood, birdy mood, monster mood.
Do you think if they extricated my DNA they could isolate the little birdy mood protein? I sure as heck would have paid more attention in science classes if somebody had told me we'd be finding the blue gene or the glitter sequence. Instead, I was drawing birdies on my chemistry book and giving myself the giggles over molarity.
This is a silly card. Get it? You complete me? Tee hee...

The bird is the On Board So Tweet, and I covered him with crossword puzzle. I hand drew the notes and used the 1/4" square punch to make the greeting, which I hand wrote. My writing is awful, but he's just a birdie. He can't read, so he doesn't care.
While making him, I look out the window and see that my Heavenly Blue morning glories have bloomed. All my flowers are blooming late this year.
Anyway, does this not look like there's light coming out of the center of the flower?? They just glow. I love them. I love glowy things. :)

Oh - PS - sometimes I want to email you about comments you leave, but if you don't add your email to your blogger profile, I can't contact you - when I hit reply it's blank. :(
You may want to update your profiles, especially in case you win stuff! :) But mostly because sometimes Kydia wants to say hey! :)
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