I don't know why she doesn't want to marry me. I mean - I'm neat, I'm fun, I'm a fellow artist, I live right down the street...
Oh - do you need background?
Stay tuned after the card for all the tabloid style gory details!
Stamping is a big tent, right? There are all different sorts of artists among us. The mavericks, the copiers, the stamp-a-ma-jiggers and the anti-stamp-a-ma-jiggers. You visit blogs to get ideas, or to copy, or just for eye candy. Maybe you do all three. I do all three at different times, based on energy, caffeine, or what's on my desk.
Today, I was actually feeling pretty unoriginal. Maybe it was the rejection from Libby. Anyway, I took the Sense of Time card, from my last post and borrowed the color scheme, which I really liked, the round shapes and I turned it into something totally different.

If there's one wish I have for my blog, it's that you guys can take little bits that appeal to you and make them your own. And sometimes, making them your own means copying, which is completely great. Sometimes it means adapting it to suit the stamps you have, or your paper or whatever. As long as you are inspired, I'm happy. You'll never hear me yelling about someone copying something I've done - I would love that. Otherwise I wouldn't be on the intergoogle with my art. So I want you to look at the previous card and look at this, and make a creative leap of your own. These two cards are nothing alike - or are they?

This one has all the warm oranges and blues, but it's more cartoony, featuring the chick from
Oh Baby!, who I colored with Copics. I paper pieced her sassy blue dress. I accented her hair with white gel pen. All the DSP is from Basic Grey Marrakech. I will be so sad when I run out of this.
I lined the envelope with it too, at which point I really decided I didn't want to part with this card. It's very warm and bright in real life.

But when I was done, I still had... rejection.
Okay, Libby Hickson, of
Libby's Little Addiction - former fellow SU! demo, extremely talented woman, neighbor - is CONSTANTLY torturing me on Facebook with descriptions of these lavish gourmet dinners she's making. The other nights, the fates aligned and she was having some ridiculously yummy Libbychow with like grilled salmon and asparagus and what was I having??? At that exact moment - 7 Triscuits!
That was a step up from the Dorito dinner of the other night - and I love both Doritos and Triscuits - but it wasn't Libbychow!! So I asked her if she'd marry me. She gently reminded me we can't do that in Texas and that our DH's might object, but come on Libby - can you just cook for me? I'll let you use all my stamps!!
Anyway, after the rejection from Libby, and following payday, I decided to take matters into my own hands. Well, not my own, because although I am a passionate and devoted cook - I don't have time right now, but instead, into the hands of the Casserole Queens.
If you don't live in Austin, you probably need to take a walk right now, because you're going to be really mad you don't.
We have two lovely ladies here called
The Casserole Queens. These adorable and talented chicklets cook up yummy food and - *GASP* - bring it to your house!! Their signature dish is their gourmet chicken pot pie, which was so noteworthy it got a Throwdown visit from Bobby Flay!! I'm not even kidding. Well tonight, we threw some down.
OMGYes, it was even better than it looked!!!!!!! Roasted chicken, a cream sauce (with actual cream and milk - 2 to 1, I believe) that was peppery and full of tarragon, carrots, onions, peas, red bell peppers and ....... puff pastry!!
This has absolutely completely ruined me for other CPP now. That gross gelatin clear filling you get from everyone else - never again. These women - I'm sorry Libby - might have to marry me!!
If you look at
their website, not only will you see them, dressed in the freaking insanely cute 50's garb they deliver in, in all their adorableness, but you will see that the small Chicken Pot Pie, which I got is $4.50 per person - very reasonable! However, if you really like this CPP, which you will - IT AIN'T SERVING 5 PEOPLE!! Well, maybe if Libby brought over a salad and dessert! :)
If any of you are in Austin - you have got to hook yourself up with some of this grub - absolutely amazing, and their order and delivery system is scientific and clockworky.
Will you marry me, Casserole Queens? I'm available ;)
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