Thanks for stopping by - here are the secrets I've kept from you!!
My new blog launches today, on Day One of 2009!

It's called Project Reanimate and is something I've wanted to do for a long time. It begins with the fact that I've never liked the buzzwords for recycling. I don't even like recycling - it makes it sound like my water bottle was inevitably going to become a grocery bag, and that is not quite true. I don't like "green" for everything everyone does either. First of all, if I were naming it, it would be blue. But green doesn't really make sense if you're taking old tires and turning them into asphalt. Because if there's anything that's not green - it's asphalt!!! Finally, I don't like recycling things just to celebrate the process of recycling. I mean - I don't want a coat rack made out of toilet brushes - you know what I mean?
So when I made my bunny trees, and my cards with that old Red Clark on the Border book, I really tried to think about what I was actually doing. Each time I "recycled" something, I gave a little nod to what it had been in its former life. So on the bunny tree, I told you that it amused me because the magazines had started as trees, and then were magazines, and then I turned them back into trees! It tickled me, and it served a functional and fun purpose in my art. Same with the Christmas card made from the cover of my book of Christmas stamps.
I wanted to re-animate the thing they were at their core and be very playful, and still have pretty or cute or fun things that appealed to my peers. So I hope you'll join me.
Click here for the first project. I think you'll recognize me in there somewhere. ;)
SECOND - I got promoted!!! I'm so excited about this I can hardly stand it!! I have moved onto the real, grown up, serious Design Team at Starving Artistamps from my guest designer status!! You guys know how much I have loved working with the Doodle Factory images, the gorgeous natural images Tracey has created, and my beloved aboriginal creatures from Red Castle. I will get the opportunity to use many more of this great company's artwork soon, and be a part of a crazy talented team with people that just awe me. I'm very very grateful to start the year with this good news!
And, I've been sitting on this for a while until I completed some things I needed to get done - I WON SOMETHING VERY FABULOUS!!
I won a spot in the Indie Craft Showcase at the CHA (Craft & Hobby Association) show in Anaheim later this month!!!!!!!!!
And what is so cool about how a plan comes together, is that I won it with a Project Reanimate card! A bunny tree.
And if there's anything in the world I love with all my heart, it's a bunny under a tree! So thank you, universe, for rewarding that love!
I'll keep the exact card under wraps until it shows up on the Project Reanimate blog, but I will be at CHA, and so please tune in for updates from the show floor and the Indie Craft showcase!
Thank you for sharing my excitement over these small and wonderful things!
Happy New Year!!