Sunday, September 30, 2007
Library Card - Beate's WSC

Let's talk about Mozart

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Friday, September 28, 2007
Defib me!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Grisly Discovery in my Stamp Room

Sunday, September 23, 2007
Knit Happens
Weekend Sketch Challenge #20

Saturday, September 22, 2007
Inspiration Challenge

Friday, September 21, 2007
Blue Gatorade and Temporal Disruptions

Strange happenings in the Understand Blue Universe today. First, at 6 AM, my friend Joe who works next to me, came in, turned on his light and put his keys on his desk. I said "Hey Joe".... nothing. So I get up to give him a hard time and Joe isn't there. All the lights in the office are off still except mine, and I start to get a little freaked. Like a dumb horror movie heroine, I stupidly walk around the office, turning on lights, peeking into everyone's office and finding... no one. I was very nervous. I had distinctly heard keys and the loud bang of someone hitting a light switch. When Joe gets there, I tell him what happened, and he starts telling me that when he got in his car this morning, his seat and his steering wheel were in totally different positions! The whole way to work he was unnerved... We decided that maybe that parallel universe everyone talks about got a little too close to us this morning. Brrr. Eek. Okay, so then yesterday morning, I was putting on my makeup, and I spilled a whole glass of blue gatorade (my white trash juice I like!!) ALL OVER MY DESK!! Little punched and stamped elements - ruined. Ink

Thursday, September 20, 2007
Sometimes you need a little... height

Wednesday, September 19, 2007
The pace of life - what happened?

Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Georgia must be nice!

Monday, September 17, 2007
Reflecting on Reflections
I got a great photoshop magazine a while back and just now had time to read it. They had an incredibly easy tutorial on creating reflections of images... so FUN!! So here are my very first attempts. Imagine how cool it will be after I blur and do effects!
Here are some of my favorite things - blue fish (it's okay if in your head you just said "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish... we understand each other!! =) ) and bunnies. I can tell I'm going to have fun with this!!! Don't EVEN think the next card I post won't have a reflection!
Hey - have you seen the new stuff on the fan club gallery on SCS? Check it out. Chriss, Pam, where are you?
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Weekend Sketch Challenge

God's Country

Okay - here's another Stampington inspiration, combined with a little Chriss technique. Chriss layers background stamps for a wonderful texture on her cards, and I've been meaning to try that. This is just a scrap, not a card, but has some cool features if I can perfect it. I started with Cool Caribbean, and stamped the sanded background once in Cool Caribbean, once in Craft Yellow. Then I stamped one silhouette in Old Olive, and on top of that, another in Basic Black, and then I highlighted it with a white gel pen. If I can perfect the colors, etc. I think this has some potential, what do you think?
I MUST go work on camp projects. I will post later today and confess either my sins of omission or comission!! =)
Friday, September 14, 2007
Life in Austin
Thursday, September 13, 2007
I think that I shall never see...

Tuesday, September 11, 2007
My Inner Cowgirl and Fire & Rescue
My firehouse is, without a doubt, America's most beautiful firehouse. I will take a picture of it, and if you have any urge to dispute me, it will vanish when you see this lovely Texas white limestone building with a gently arched glass panel roof, set back off the street a bit among the wildflowers. I walk past it every time I stomp and sometimes my fire people are taking these short, 20 yard walks in a circle around the firehouse, radios in hand, long pants on in the 100 degree heat. It's my favorite part of my walk, and it's at the highest altitude also, so it's all downhill from there. ;) God Bless America.

Finally tonight, an unsolved mystery. Why, oh why, no matter how clean my stamp room is before I start anything, no matter how few tools and stamps etc. I need to make a card, no matter if it's one card or 20, WHY DO I END UP WITH TWO SQUARE INCHES TO WORK IN? WHAT IS THE NAME OF THIS PHENOMENON? I even put every ink pad back in my caddy when I'm done, and I just want you to know that I pushed the tide of supplies BACK to complete my project before I took this picture!! (I can't show you the project because it's for my Crop-a-dile camp on the 29th, but I will) It's driving me crazy! I've been doing this for years and no matter how organized I get this never changes. Will someone please come over and make my stamp room look like Nichole Heady's, and get me some of those little bluebirds Cinderella had that will fly around and tell me I'm pretty and put things away? Thanks a bunch! Comments and suggestions (and bluebirds) welcome!!
Goodnight ladies... Have a good one.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Weekend Sketch Challenge Entry

The bird needs a name. I am gonna go with Lenny. Lenny thanks you for stopping by! Insert birdie wink here! ;>
Happy Fall Y'all!

Friday, September 7, 2007
How can you not love this face?

Thursday, September 6, 2007
Secret Projects...
I am discovering this woman's gallery for the first time, and I'm completely blown away. Her style is unlike anything I've ever seen. Wow. I hope you enjoy this as much as you do. Check out the Zindorf Gallery Here. Did I say Wow? Wow.
I hope you have a great night. Thanks for stopping by. Feel free to shower me with your ideas for my fourth Autumn/Halloween themed ideas! =)
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Just for ME by Jenn!!!

Monday, September 3, 2007
Labor Day Projects

My computer man brought me a new hard drive - the old one was a total loss. I haven't had the heart yet to see if I backed up Itunes recently. Pray! However, most of my pictures, etc were there, and I reinstalled Photoshop without a hitch, so maybe the message here is a minimilist new hard drive, less junk in my files and learning to back up early & often! I also decided I didn't need to pay for Quicken, and will start keeping my checkbook in Excel. The new me. Talk to you tomorrow. Gonna go blog hopping and have some labor day ribs!!
Martha Stewart

Sunday, September 2, 2007
Fuzzy Animal Inspiration

Wholesome Fun!!

Saturday, September 1, 2007
There so IS TOO a free lunch!! =)