Thursday, September 25, 2008

Simple Thanks

Sometimes I have to tell myself to BACK OFF! Keep it simple! Luckily some of the new stamps make that pretty darn easy. I needed a bunch of thank you cards so I whipped these out with Pocket Silhouettes, Very Vanilla, So Saffron and Chocolate Chip. I am trying to decide - with or without ribbon?

And here's a little shot of the reason it's so hard to get ready in the morning. Sometimes I get infested with little feline beasts and have to capture the moment with a complicated over the kitty mirror shot.

They love to look at themselves in the mirror. I can't decide if they have eating disorders or they are just vain...


  1. love it without the ribbon!!! very cute!

  2. your thank you cards look darling...I have 2 old cats who are vain too.....

  3. with the ribbon, for sure! these are great. i need to take your advice and simplify.

    i think you're about to be overrun there by those kitties. they're lulling you into believing they're cute, but they're planning a coup!

  4. Lydia,
    I love those cards. I was planning to order that set esp. since it is on sale. I have got to case that idea. They look great with or without the ribbon, but I would move the knot over so that it doesn't hang down over the stamped image. Call me picky. Too cute on the kitty picture. How do you keep getting these cute photos of those kittens?

    Lisa A.

  5. Love the cards...I hadn't thought of using them with the circle punches yet!

    Total vanity on the kitties part! Just watching Splotchy prance around with that cute little wiggle convinced me that they like to see how pretty they are any chance they get. Too, too cute! If you ever get overloaded with their kitty cuteness, just bring them by here and I'll take a turn.

  6. Both cards are the clean and simple look.
    As for the's sheer vanity! You know what they say about cats don't you? *Dogs have masters, but cats have servants* LOL

  7. Good Morning sweetie: Love both the cards, actually ordered the set last night at our stamping party, I caved in :o( I can just see the kitties hanging around your neck when they get Kings size ha ha ha You will never get a cold neck. Have a good one, Hugs n' Stuff, Lynne

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I love the card without the ribbon, but they are both adorable! I agree about the kitties...they are both very cute, and therefore, have to be undeniably vain! Out kitten had a little obssession with the mirror for a few weeks, but then she thought that her reflection was another cat, so she tried to play with it by jumping into the mirror...needless to say the "other" cat hasn't been here for a while! I think she learned her lesson!

  10. I like bothe cards. For the one with the ribbon I would put the bow on the left side instead. :-)

  11. I'm so glad I'm not the only one whos cats make all kinds of noise and then look at you with fake surprise when you open your eyes... like, "Oh, your UP!?.. Oh good, scratch my head now... and play with me"... CATS!!

    Love your card, too!

  12. I can't make up my mind....I like them both! Great idea, by the way, I will be casing it for sure!


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