Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Seeing is Organizing

I am not an organized person in general.

I am just being honest.

My craft room is organized logically, my craft room is organized, and my jewelry is organized. But I am not much of a planner - as a matter of fact, if you really want to make me mad, ask me questions about something that is three months from now. I'll go ahead and tell you right now that I'm going to a) punch you in my mind and b) tell you I have absolutely no idea what is going to happen, because I won't "plan" it until the night before.

But BECAUSE I'm not a planner, when it comes time for something to get done, I need a system, both for physical stuff and for digital stuff, because I will leave myself ZERO time to go hunting for something or wonder what date something is happening on. All that needs to be right in front of me so that the three hours I DO dedicate to a 20 hour project can be as productive as possible. Actually, it sort of seems genius now that I look at it in black and white - and you know I've always said that procrastinators are more productive because we HAVE to be. We've left ourselves no other option.

Well Kristina Werner said something not too long ago that changed my digital life forever. It was on a Crafty Chat episode, and she talked about how she kept a paper planner on her desk for her blog to help her make sure she was keeping both variety (products, techniques) and consistency (days, videos) on her blog and YouTube Channel. I decided to give that the old college try, and I bought a paper planner.

I was AMAZED at how much more productive it made me on my blog and how much more content I created when I could just visually see the gaps and the bunched up projects I was randomly creating.

So today I'm amazing myself and doing something I'd have laughed at you for suggesting I'd do - and that is, play along with a PLANNER products blog hop with my friends at Hero Arts. PLANNER PRODUCTS! That's right. Don't faint. Now I'm still not organized enough to have a traditional planner, but one product in particular has changed my blogging schedule F O R E V E R. I've been using this new system for several weeks and have kicked my paper planner to the curb. Check this out.

Isn't that cool? Now I've told y'all before my desk (my computer desk) is very tiny. Very short front to back, and I just don't have room for the two page spread of my old calendar. So it would sit there closed until I dug it out from the pile, knocked the cats off it and opened it up. For a visual person, that's not the best way to keep the important stuff in front of you - out of sight, out of mind. The new system is always in front of my eyeballs, along with my perpetual birthday calendar and weekly planner sheet. BOOM. Desk is clean AND I can see everything I need to do.

Here's what my October looks like with the perpetual blog calendar I made with the
And here's the birthday calendar.

So simple.

I use fine tip sharpies and my FAVE ultra-fine tipped dry erase markers (these are crazy cheap right now - $5.99 for 8 of them) - just depends on if you feel like you'll be accidentally rubbing off the dry erase or not - I like the dry erase for the actual blog info because it changes a lot as I swap things around, play in challenges or blog hops, etc. And this laminator will laminate things up to 9" wide.

Anyway - this is life changing and I love it. And I will continue to buy cute planner stuff to use on cards, because all the washi, the stamps, the dies - all of it is so CUTE.

So of course I couldn't resist some of that for cardmaking purposes, or maybe I was just rationalizing - LOOK - it's none of your business! :)

And here are some of the smileys I stick on those Audrey Blue envelopes I send my birthday cards out in. Hope it gives the mail carriers a smile.

InLinkz Project Manager account expired

Now if you want LOTS more smilies - check out the other people on this hop and leave comments for a chance to win one of three shopping sprees from Hero!

The Hero Arts Blog
Kelly Purkey
Jennifer McGuire
Yana Smakula
May Sukyong Park
Mariana Grigsby
Amy Tsuruta
Amy Tan
Wanda Guess
Lydia Fiedler
Jen Carlson
Barbara Picinich
Brooke Takara
Krista Wells
Jamie Waters
Nadia Azni
Kari Stiles
Libby Hickson

Hope I left you with a little smile!



  1. I'm so like that too...paper planner literally above my keyboard in my craft room so I can keep track of everything. Love how you laminated yours, clever! FUN card + envelope :)

  2. Love your cards. Thanks for sharing your creativity!

  3. Love your idea of keeping a single laminated month of 'activities' on hand instead of a cumbersome planner. Thanks for the inspiration:)

  4. I need a simple system like this just for my day to day needs!

  5. Some great ideas here Lydia. Very nice cards also.

  6. I'm with you, not a big planner. But I love the perpetual calendar for Birthdays. I have a paper list, but yours would be so easy to update on. Great idea. Thanks.

  7. Wow, love your way . Very simple and encouraging

  8. Love the smiley on the envelope!

  9. great fun - I really like your simple system need to work this out for our own particular style of living thanks

  10. This is such a fun, SMART idea, I love it!! You are such a wise woman. And of course I get ya on the procrastinating!! :D

  11. Haha...I plan but I always forget to look to see WHAT I have planned, so can releate...the card is super cute!

  12. I'm right there with ya 100% ! Simple, visible, and easy to use! Less is more!

  13. You may be able to count me as 'a win'! We shall see. I need to implement something, and a re-usable monthly one-sheet prop like this might just find its way into my stampy zone!! OMGosh! Thank you, thank you! Inky hugs, too!

  14. What a great way to stay on task. I need one of these too. Thanks for sharing.

  15. Yep.... That's a good system for me. I have calendars, I have planners, but what do I look at? Little pieces of paper that I keep notes on. I like the simplicity of what you've blogged. Thank you very, very much.

  16. I love how you keep organized! Clever ideas! TFS

  17. Love that you stamped your own calendars. That would be perfect for this retired girl!

  18. Love it! :) Thank you for participating in the blog hop!

  19. I love simple... TFS all your ideas for simplifying, as well as the simple but lovely cards!

  20. I think making these for all of your friends is a must do project...! As usual, super smart!!!

  21. I really liked your video! Thank you for sharing some really great ideas for getting organized--I can use them! I also liked your card idea--thank you for some great inspiration!

  22. Don't know why I never thought to put a birthday calendar up in my craft room. It's such a logical idea!!! Thank you!!!

  23. I love that you mark each task as "done" in another color. What a great feeling of satisfaction that brings. Loved taking a peek into your "to do" list. I like that the DT focused on other uses for these planner stamps. TFS!

  24. thanks for the video. great ideas and cards. Looking forward to the stamps.

  25. Interesting blog post! I don't have a way of organizing how, when, and what I create and share. But I think it would definitely be a good idea for me, so I think I may start with what you've suggested and tried. Thanks for sharing :)

  26. I love the yellow smile on the blue envelope! Now if I can just figure out a way to sneak my name onto your birthday calendar list... :-)

  27. I am a huge planner and love your ideas Lydia. And I just love that card. Those brushes are so fabulous, love them.

  28. What a really cool idea. I have some laminated placemats left over from a work function that I use to track projects when I get really overwhelmed but I never thought of putting a calendar on them - I might just have to hand-draw one since my placemats are 11x17.

  29. You are too brilliant! You're cards are stunning and the calendar idea is off the hook. I'm not a planner either. Have tried all sorts of them, but they never stick because they end up being shoved out of sight out of mind. Your method is so ingenious and I even have all the supplies. Gonna try it out right away. Thank you! (Perfect excuse to use my as yet unused laminator.) P.S.I think planning could be a good way to gently nudge oneself back into mojo-land and back into blogging too, for those who are a little stuck like me. Thanks for the inspiration!

  30. Wow! I love the idea of laminating a card, especially if you print on colored paper to make it easy to find. And thank you for not being a planner person!!! I keep saying, I just can't get into it. But this blog-hop has given me many wonderful ideas.

  31. Really cute cards and great planner tips! :)

  32. Good idea to use planner stamps for cards.

  33. Super cute & great planner tips.

  34. Love your ideas - I am an "out of site, out of mind" type of person.

  35. Love all these little stamps and dies. I don't use a planner either but I do use a calendar with large squares and this would be perfect. They would also be great for decorating envelopes because they are small.

  36. You sound like me. I keep buying planner supplies, but havent' used them yet?

  37. I love the perpetual calendar ideas! Off to make some now....

  38. I have not gotten into the planner phase, as it just doesn't suit my lifestyle, but I can see how it could be a useful tool. I do like the idea of using planner stamps in my card making, though.

  39. Your post struck a cord in me. I'm organized to some degree but I could use LOTS more help in this department. I LOVE the idea of keeping track of your blog posts. I am on a few design teams and participate in some blog hops - lots to keep us with. And, inevitably, I forget something all the time. I'd love to know the specific post that sparked your organizational journey. But, if not, I can at least start with a planner as you did. THANKS for the inspiration to become more organized!

  40. You are so smart! I think I need a laminator... 😊

  41. Interesting to see and thanks for the little smile, too!

  42. Well, I'm not a big planner either so I like the idea of using these cute planner icons for backgrounds on cards. Yours are adorable!

  43. The smileys on the envelope are too cute. They definitely gave me a smile!

  44. what a wonderful design you created on your card!!

  45. Thanks for sharing! I love your idea of adding a smiley to your envelopes :)

  46. Yes, Lydia, you left me with a smile!! :)

  47. The video was really helpful. Thank you.

  48. You made me laugh out loud with your sense of humor. Love the card and the smiley stickers on your envelopes.

  49. Love the smiley's, the planner and the card. Also love that I am not the only procrastinator out there. It's sad, but I do get most of my stuff done at the last minute and I'm very good at it, lol. Thanks for sharing.

  50. Lydia I am not much of a planner either.

  51. Wonderful size for the calendars/planners. Like the use of the small icons (sun & smiley faces).

  52. So clean! I must have this stamp. Thanks for the informative tutorial.

  53. Cute idea! I am very unorganized and have found using a paper planner helps me visualize all the things swimming around in my head!!

  54. I have been looking for something like this. What a great idea. Thanks!

  55. I've been saying I don't have a planner, but I do. The only thing that I do with it though is keep track of my blog posts and views. I wouldn't use this set in my planner, but I love how you used the stamps on the cards. That I'd totally do. TFS!

  56. Oh, you made me laugh & smile! I am super organized but tried and cannot use a planner. But all these planner stamps are so cute! Love how you used them for a card background.

  57. Cool idea to make a white board planner.

  58. That's funny that you are creating more by planning! Love the new dies you used ( want)

  59. Nice idea putting the calendar in laminate, never occurred to me. Thanks for showing

  60. Great ideas, thanks for sharing.

  61. I love my planner and this new set would add so much to it.

  62. Hi Lydia, You make me smile (your desk planners). I use to use planners quite abit, but don't work anymore, clubs or anything else so I don't have one. But thank you, you're great.

  63. I sooo understand you! I'm terrible at planning and also have the small space issue - the laminated planner is perfect! And the B-day planner! 😍 Thanks so much!!

  64. Whoops - pressed publish before writing that I also LOVE the cards!
    Those smiling envelopes sure made me smile :)

  65. Great idea! These would be very helpful in achieving "planner peace". And, cardmaking structure. I have always been a planner, and even before it was fashionable, I was doing some journaling/memory keeping in my agendas. Have been trying to upgrade my supplies, and this HA release looks fabulous. Cheers!

  66. Love those cards!! The smilies are so cute!! Love the idea!!
    Moxie Craftie

  67. Adorable card! Love using products that do double duty

  68. Yes! I rely on my phone calendar with alerts to tell me everything. Really had to get used to opening my planner every day. Like your style

  69. Love how you used the planner stamps to make that lovely card! Thanks for the idea about the laminated reusable planner!

  70. love the planner ideas but I'm really loving their use on cards

  71. I think the planners look great but some are too decorated for my needs. I'd miss appointments amongst the colours and decoration. Perhaps I should start like you did keeping track of what I do now. Great idea!

  72. I'm no planner person anymore either since I got a smart phone but would be more like your planner months as I have only a small area as well!

  73. Great card and envelope idea, thanks for sharing your planner:-)

  74. Great system for you
    and love how you used
    the stamps.
    Carla from Utah

  75. My son gave me a book calendar that is
    advertising some company he uses.
    It sits open on the dining room table -
    next to where I'm always walking. I
    can check it whenever I go by to see
    what is coming up. Decorating it
    would make it more appealing.
    these stamps will be a fun addition
    to next year's calendar.
    thanks for sharing.

  76. nice clean and easy to keep track of dates

  77. I have high hopes for planners, and then I only use them for a couple months, those emojis are too fun!

  78. Thanks for sharing these great ideas!

  79. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on planners. I love the little dies.

  80. "knocked the cats off it" {smile} I know this all too well. Your cards are lovely, but where are the cat hair embellishments?

  81. I can see how a one page flat calendar can keep you organized! The new stamps are really cute, even not used on planners!

  82. What a great planner and birthday calendar idea ! Thank you !!
    I like the card you made as well !
    Thanks for sharing !!

  83. Fun card and envelope! Great planner ideas!

  84. I'm not a planner person, so cards was my first thought, too.

  85. Thanks for sharing these great calendar ideas in your video.

  86. Simple yet cute! and not overwhelming! Thanks for sharing!

  87. The "just breathe" card is stunning in its simplicity!

  88. Procrastinators unite! Tomorrow! You know we're a repeat pattern, and those little calendars make so much sense to me!! I will never be a planner person, so this is perfect. Thank you for always sharing your stuff. Maybe 2018 will be the year I do better.


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