A magic number! That's what my last post was, and 13 is my super extra lucky number, so hoo-aaaahhh!!!
Sorry it's been so quiet. I worked like a million hours this weekend and am just getting back to stamping. I am about halfway through the treat bags, and you ladies were right - they're easy, but I

made some mistakes (as I'm happy to so that you don't have to!! ;) )
Go to
Cambria's link on how to make them. When you put them together, it's extremely important where you put the sticky strip - fold it and mock assemble it so you can see what I'm talking about. On the non-DSP covered sides, you want the sticky strip to go across the top so that the flaps are secure at the top of the box. You'll see what I mean. Also, I couldn't really spare 50 jumbo brads, or as SPam would say - I'm "hoarding" them, so I made my own hole reinforcers instead out of pumpkin pie cardstock. I punched with the large hole on the Crop-a-Dile and then punched out that hole with the 1/2" circle punch. Punch, punch, punch!! Then black gingham ribbon for the handles and tonight during the World Series, I will punch the scallops and assemble the peppermint patties. I love Cambria's tabs on the outside but I will have to decide if I have the energy for 25 of those.
The Rockies have not yet called me to see how I'm doing this week. To this, I attribute yet another SKUNK by the Sox. When are they gonna learn?????? There's still time if they call me after game three, but if I were the manager, I wouldn't chance it.
If you're reading this in my beloved Texas, or better yet, my beautiful, bright shining city on a hill, then if you don't know it already - the
Tuna Texas team is back on stage at the Paramount with their newest play - Tuna does Vegas! I'm so excited I can't stand it. Front row seats on Tuesday!!! Get tickets if there are some left. If you're not in Texas, get here quick!! These guys are brilliant!! And there is absolutely no way even an exaggerating Irish girl can explain this magic, so I won't attempt. Just trust me.
Hopefully I'll post a completed treat tonight or tomorrow. Hope everyone went outside this weekend. *sigh* So pretty. Wish fall lasted forever.