Tuesday, February 2, 2016

My Six Billion Dollar Idea

Welcome to the Daily Marker 30 Day Coloring Challenge blog hop!

Super excited to be a part of this incredible lineup of amazing designers for Kathy's awesome challenge.

I just started doing this challenge last year, and I love how amazing just spending five minutes a day coloring something makes you so happy! So a big thanks to my friend Kathy for spreading coloring joy throughout the world with this fun challenge. Be sure and use the hashtag #thedailymarker30day when you play along Instagram - Kathy comments on all of them - she's amazing. Just color something - it doesn't have to be finished, and the medium doesn't matter - I love that about this challenge - makes me feel more creative the fewer rules I have.

Before I show you my samples, I wanted to share this fabulous idea with you, that could save crafters billions of dollars.

I was briefly employed in the stock trading software industry. (Feel free to picture me holding my nose - I'm not a fan of trading, but that's a story for another day. Let's just say I know a lot more about it than I care to know, and have changed my investments accordingly.)

Anyway, I was preparing for my mini-retreat in Salt Lake the other day, and was sad to see that so many of my Canadian friends are unable to come because of the wretched state of the Canadian dollar right now.

But in the midst of my sadness, I thought AHA!! This is a FABULOUS opportunity to launch my new craft-supply based travel agency.

What this agency will do is study currencies around the world, and organize shopping junkets to far-off lands where the travelers' dollars are strong in comparison to the destinations. We will shoot off, BUY ALL THE THINGS, and come home.

I think it's brilliant. Canada - prepare for planeloads full of crazed creatives carrying huge, empty bags to arrive and wipe out your art and craft stores! I'm such a genius!!

Okay - back to coloring.

I am taking the UBER incredible Online Card Classes Watercolor for Cardmakers - Intermediate Techniques class right now, and I have never, ever, taken a better class - it's incredible. Dawn and the other instructors have packed SO much information into their videos - I've watched many of them several times to really let it all soak in.

One of my favorite lessons was a technique for dealing with the edges of shapes. I loved this so much I did it a few times, experimenting with paper and two different brands of watercolor - the first is QOR, and the second is Winsor & Newton in Alizarin Crimson, Aureolin, and French Ultramarine. (Both brands are tube watercolors). I didn't see an appreciable difference between the two.

There is SO much information in this class about paper, it's mind boggling. I decided to do my exercises on Fabriano Acquarello 100% cotton cold press 140 pound paper, and man is this a dreamy watercolor paper. 

I stamped leaves from Stampin' Up's Vintage Leaves in Memento Pear Tart Ink, and then went to town with the watercolor. After I dried it, I lightly spritzed the back of the paper and flattened it with the surprisingly useful bacon press I never use for bacon. Then I stamped the sentiment from Concord & 9th's By Your Side in Versafine several times using my Mini MISTI so that it was nice and black on the textured paper, and attached that to a white card base.

I liked the intensity of these colors.
Understand Blue - 30 Day Coloring Challenge - Watercolor I I did a softer version with the Winsor Newton, with more pinks just to push myself out of my color comfort zone. The greeting is from the same Concord & 9th set - By Your Side
Understand Blue - 30 Day Coloring Challenge - Watercolor II
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And SURPRISE - when I went to photograph this second card, I made the oh-so-common discovery that I glued it on my card base upside down. Sigh. I will take it apart and fix it. 

Don't worry - I'm a better crafty travel agent than I am a cardmaker :).

If you're interested in this watercolor class, there will be a coupon code at the end of the hop - so be sure and stop by each blog to get that as well as an amazing giveaway from Kathy.

Thanks for stopping by - if you are new to Kathy's challenge, here is a little more info.

THE GOAL IS:  To color something daily even if it's a few minutes but, certainly not required
 It’s  been proven that coloring can lower your blood pressure so it’s worth carving out a little time for yourself each day. You will find that Kathy encourages you along the way to stretch your creativity a little bit more and to feel successful with your coloring.

That would be awesome if you want to participate & feel free to jump in at any time during February! Everyone is welcome! If you miss a few days don’t feel like you have to catch up. The challenge is meant to be fun and with no stress. 
Kathy will have a weekly feature that she will be sharing on her blog that showcases some of your work every Sunday.

Hope you can find some time to play along - it's really fun, and a hashtag search for this challenge on Instagram will fill your phone with absolutely beautiful things. 



  1. Like the background coloring w/ large wording sentiment. The upside down is not so bad after all. Have a BEE-utiful day!
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

  2. Very sophisticated card!

  3. TOTALLY live both of these....i woukd gladly take investment tips, Lord knows in 18 years when I'm alliwed to retire there aint gonna be squat for Social Security left

  4. Wow~ this is gorgeous! I love your blended colors and the softness of this beautiful card!

    1. I agree! Absolutely stunning! And I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who does oopsies! grin! By the way, do you "Need a Poem?"

  5. These cards are absolutely GORGEOUS!!!!! I will be watercoloring later in the week. I just know it. Plus, if you ever DO SCHEDULE a trip to Canada, I'm TOTALLY IN on that idea in a New York minute!!!!!

  6. You're hilarious!! :) I love your card! I need to try the exercises for that OCC class :)

  7. Really enjoyed this...I just finished my first online card class -Tim Holtz Chemistry 101. Like you I learned so much it was amazing. I want to take more of these classes. You are right they are so worth it.



  8. WOW! Your cards turned out great! I am so impressed. Just beautiful.

  9. Love your cards, they are beautiful. Love the technique of stamping and then watercoloring. Yes, please come to Canada with your crazed creatives, we'd love to have you!

  10. OH MY...I've been toying with the idea of the watercolor class. After seeing these cards, I'm off to join in the fun! Thanks for giving me the push I guess I needed.

  11. Really beautiful cards Lydia. A fantastic job on them both!

  12. FABULOUS! I am bookmarking this to try some day. You crack me up from the bacon press to thrift-craft tourism... what a hoot! : )

  13. Reading your blog is like therapy for me. :) Gorgeous watercoloring! Miss you!

  14. Speechless! These are just amazingly beautiful!

  15. Call me when the dollar is strong in Paris. Meanittoo.

  16. OMG love this! The colors are awesome! And the upside down thing is no biggie. Been there done that. LOL

  17. Love both your cards. A tip (not investment!) for you: you should step outside your color comfort zone more - I like that one best! lol

  18. GORGEOUS cards Lydia!!
    LOL not only does or CDN. dollar ellestinko but the selection is not all that fabulous either! LOL (we could definitely use all the help we can get! :D
    TFS :D

  19. These cards are stunning. I love the softness of the colors, contrasted with bold black sentiment. I need that sentiment set!

  20. Hasn't the watercolor class been great? Love your take on this card. Really nice. Thanks.

  21. Love the card! I'm taking the same course from Dawn and it is amazing!

  22. This is so utterly beautiful, I have not taken the classes you are on yet because, I figured I may as well start at the beginning and I am pretty impressed with what I have seen of those so far. so this is fun to see to look forward to learning. :)

  23. Sign me up for the inaugural trip of your new travel agency! I have a ton of friends who'd sign up too! LOL!
    I'm taking that watercolor class, too...but I am way behind. I have to watch each video about 100 times before I practice. But it sure is fun and I'm having a great time...and have learned so much (even though I'm only to Lesson 2! LOL!)
    I love your watercolors...so pretty and so soft. I will look forward to that lesson!

  24. OMG!! I am in love with these!!! I am addicted to watercoloring and would love to be able to recreate this!!! Maybe one day I will be able to afford a class but till then I will continue experiment on my own!! TFS!

  25. That is really beautiful! Very inspiring.

  26. Those are both so incredible. Especially Love the results on the second sample. Inspiration +

    1. Just re-read your post...the travel and currency and exchange rate "pain" is completely curtailing any chance of adventures this year. Living vicariously through blog hops and travelogues 😏

  27. I just think this is so amazing! This is art- I love it!

  28. Good luck finding many craft stores left up here in Canada. =(. They all seem to be closing as more people shop online. I really prefer to see true colours and actual sizes myself but I have had to shop online also as in our huge city there is one scrapbook store. Love your watercolour cards! The technique looks so interesting.

  29. Just love everything about those two cards. Beautiful job.

  30. Beautiful, both of them, Lydia! I am taking the class also, but this was the most complicated for me...I have not yet attempted, but watching the video over and over :)))
    I like you idea about the retreat junkets in Canada, heck, maybe we could all pitch in and buy a retreat house!

  31. I like these cards, even upside down.

  32. Oh, Lydia!!! Both of these cards are fabulous! I really love the second one especially. Wow, its so soft and translucent. watercoloring really gives that ethereal look like nothing else i have found. its so heavenly. the pear tart memento ink was the perfect stamping ink. i have been thinking about what color to use. those leaves are gorgeous. wow, i am in love with both of these. thank you so much for sharing.

  33. These are beautiful! Can't wait to have time to start this class!

  34. Glad to hear that I'm not the only one who attaches the main piece
    to the background upside-down. Very frustrating - especially when the glue is REALLY STRONG that day.
    Love the watercolor look. I've not tried anything like that yet.
    thanks for sharing some beautiful cards.

  35. Your cards are beautiful!! Love the watercolor look!

  36. love, love, love, love, love...can you tell I love it!
    I really want to take that class. I have just been so busy with my little daycare kiddos I haven't even had time to check it out. Since I enjoy WC I need to do that....just too much to do.
    Thanks for inspiring!
    hugs mf

  37. Hahaha...you slay me...as one of those poor Canadians it sort of sounds like a good idea, but... These are stunning...you are an amazing student and certainly have this technique conquered. Hugs!

  38. Omg!!! Love that water coloring. I may have to sign up for that class!!!! Your cards are BEAUTIFUL!

  39. The watercolor class for cards is fantastic. Best watercolor class in a long time. Put me down for Canada but I warn you, those airlines really over charge on weight. I had to leave my colored penciles home or pay $50.00 for 1 pound over. I saw nary a speck of sympathy but did have a great conversation concerning Gesso. The weight Nazis had heard of Gesso but had never seen it. She opened the jar and got gesso on her shirt and hand and then ask how to get it off. Sorry, I just couldn't help myself and I told her it was pretty close to permanent. The look on her face kept me laughing for days.

  40. Love the card it's great I can't wait to try it.

  41. Wow I love your cards!! I'm on the Exploring Mediums class but can't wait to get to the Intermediate one to try out this technique!!! I need more than 24 hours in a day!!!! 😬 and definitely going to join in with this challenge! Love colouring - anything and everything!!

  42. Your work is amazing! that is all.

  43. Love these cards. You are so talented and funny.

  44. I, too, am taking the Online Card Class, and you are light years ahead of me! Your cards are so beautiful!!! I love the colors you've used in them!

  45. Lydia, you are a scream! I love your posts more and more with every one I read! Honestly, a bacon press? I never even heard of it before your blog! LOL I glue stuff wrong all the time. Glad to know it's not just me. This coloring is stunning. I am signing up for that class. Why not? $20 you can't beat and everyone is benefiting. . . so I guess I will, too, even though I am a beginner. THANKS!!

  46. Just beautiful! I love the card classed too and I'm going to sign up for the first watercolor class as soon as I finish the hop.

  47. Beautiful watercolouring, Lydia! I agree - the watercolouring class with Dawn has been amazing. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has mounted their card incorrectly - lol. This is a gorgeous card!

  48. The colors you chose for your card are beautiful. I guess the class tells how to stamp and paint the images. I want to learn.

  49. Both of these cards are so impressive that if I found it in my mailbox, I wouldn't care if it was upside down! ;-)

  50. Stop it Lydia. 1. You are taking all my ideas and 2. You made me pee a little when I read the part about the bacon press. Note to self: wear depends before heading to Lydia's blog. PS Your watercoloring is fabulous and now I want to take the class. Enabler. Pusherwoman. Stock Trader.

  51. Love YOUR travel idea...it's so sad the Canadian dollar is so low...! Love your fantastic water coloring! WOW ! Happy your love Kathy's Challenge..me too!

  52. These cards are stunning! Wow! You are tempting me to sign up for this class!

  53. I love your idea to help the Canadian artists! Amazing card too!

  54. Those cards are beautiful! Thats a travel plan i can wrap my head around, and no more cheesy destination refrigerator magnets as a souvenir.

  55. Those cards are beautiful! Thats a travel plan i can wrap my head around, and no more cheesy destination refrigerator magnets as a souvenir.

  56. Love your travel agency idea, and what better way to spend my retirement money so quickly and efficiently! Beautiful cards - love the hope and inspiration!

  57. So jealous that you achieved this much perfection! This is drop dead gorgeous! I had Arches and Fabriano Cold Press Paper and Arches Hot Pressed but could not achieve this and maintain my leaf shapes. I'll try again someday.

  58. These are beautiful. My favorite is the darker one; I like the contrast between light and dark. Thank you for the details.

  59. Beautiful! I love this look! I am going to be signing up for this water color class! Always love visiting your fun blog and would love to book a flight with your crafty travel agency!!

  60. Fabulous! Love the way the leaves blend in with the watercolored BG, yet stand out with their detail and shading.

  61. This is stunning!! I LOVE both of these cards. I think I am going to have to take this class.

  62. Hi Lydia! These water colors are gorgeous! Dawn is an amazing instructor. Love Kathy Rag too! I've not got to play today as my iPad is full and can't upload to Youtube! Thanks, Paulette S.

  63. These cards are absolutely stunning. You have inspired me to go color something!

  64. Beautiful card. Love the colors and blending.

  65. Beautiful cards, such a soft and gentle feel!

  66. lydia, this is gorgeous. i just signed up for the class last evening.

  67. Wow Lydia, these cards are "over the top" gorgeous! Yes, it is a sad time for us Canadians and on top of our poor dollar, groceries, utilities and taxes keep going up and I am having a difficult time trying to keep up, which of course leaves no $$$ for new craft supplies. My American friends, next time you shop for an item on Amazon.com, check out the price for the exact same item on Amazon.ca....it will blow you away how much we have to pay. Sorry to get off topic...obviously a little stressed which is why the "30 Day Coloring Challenge" is even more important to me...at least I still get to have some fun!

    1. Hi Nancy ~ I took your suggestion to check out the price difference between USA and Canadian pricing. Holy cannoli!! There was a $10 difference between the two countries for a set of Lawn Fawn Scripty Sayings stamp set; unreal and insane! So sorry.

  68. That painting technique was my favorite! Beautiful

  69. Hey Lydia.....all I can say is WOW - this is beautiful!!!! I am taking the class too but it is obvious that I am in preschool compared to your beauty! You are such an inspiration! I LOVE to color and CHALLENGE ON!

  70. LOVE these cards! The colors are gorgeous! I'm doing this challenge for the first time, with a newborn. I suspect all my coloring will be done after 10 pm! :)

  71. What amazing cards! They are both truly beautiful. Your coloring is absolutely wonderful.

  72. I love watercolor and these cards are so beautiful!

  73. Oh my gosh those cards are glorious! Maybe I DO need to do that new WC class.

  74. ABSOLUTELY STUNNING cards Lydia!!!
    WOW - your watercolouring is GORGEOUS!!!
    PS - been there done that ... your 2nd card will just have a double matted base and nobody will be the wiser :)

  75. Absolutely gorgeous cards, don't care it they are both upside down, if they came to me, I'd be thrilled. Thanks for sharing them with us.

  76. Incredible interpretations of the OCC Watercolor for Cardmakers Intermediate class. You are obviously gifted.

  77. Just lovely, Lydia! It's always such a treat to read your blog (and your cards are so amazing, too!) ♡Dawn@Petals.Paper.SimpleThymes

  78. Your cards are gorgeous. I'm enjoying the watercolor class too.

  79. Gorgeous, stunning cards! And best of luck for your new venture! Hopefully I will visit Canada in the near future.

  80. Beautiful cards love the soft watercolor look. Thanks for sharing!

  81. I like the color choices. Everything came together beautifully.

  82. I have seen this technique popping up lately and I totally love it!!! Thanks for sharing your cards, and your ideas!! LOL!

  83. Gorgeous cards! I love the soft colors!

  84. Oh wow, your coloring just blew me away!

  85. Wowza! I have so many things to say about this post. Let's start with the travel agency idea – amazing. Signed me up! Your card rocks my face off. Every single element is perfection. I can't even grasp how beautiful this card is. Also my finger is sore from scrolling through all of these comments. You are quite amazing!

  86. You are amazing - that is one fabulous technique and you have a knack with the colors. TFS. As for the empty suitcase syndrome... I'm a pro. Just let me know if you want my resume ;)

  87. Beautiful card, you are doing great!

  88. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and ideas. It is always such a great day when I get to read your blog. Keep up the good work and wonderful words. You just make my day. Hafta go make a card now luv u!!!!

  89. Gorgeous cards. Thanks for sharing.

  90. Your handwriting is sweet and the perfect addition to your water colored card :)))) thank you for the inspiration!!!!

  91. Your craft supply-based travel agency isn't so far fetched. On a cruise to New England and Canada I searched for craft and art stores in every port. Think about it. With pre-planning we could really scope out the stores, and even arrange some meet-ups with our Canadian friends. Sign me up please.

  92. Great idea for a craft supply travel agency. Your stamping and coloring is amazing. And the sentiment is fabulous. Lovely work.

  93. Wow!! These are amazing. I'm taking that class too but I'm so very slow in getting it done. Have some catch up to do! Now I'm excited to learn this technique and try it out!! Great job. (I've put so many card fronts on upside down, but now I'm telling people they are worth a lot more money that way ;)

  94. Beautiful cards! A great inspiration to enroll in the online watercolor class!

  95. Wow, what a stunning technique!!!! This is incredible - love it!! And need to try it out myself! Thanks for the amazing inspiration - this challenge hop is awesome! Yours, Steph

  96. Love what you created - you can all come to Ireland as the dollar is so strong against the Euro! Definitely a fantastic idea for a travel agency!!!

  97. Good grief, you've really mastered this watercoloring technique. Both these cards are outstanding.

  98. Oh my, your water coloring over the stamped leaves is BEAUTIFUL!!!

  99. just amazing!! you always rock! love it!

  100. Awesome watercoloring. I real like the leaves stamped with memento pear tart ink. Thanks

  101. Your cards are gorgeous - absolutely love the colors! I'm taking the watercolor class but haven't had time to watch the videos yet. I love this technique and am going to look it up right away - thanks so very much!!

  102. Hi Lydia ~ Your cards are absolutely stunning!! I love coloring leaves and these cards would make one realize that leaves don't have to be just for fall. Totally gorgeous (& one of my favorite stamp images to color). I can't tell you how many times I've actually put my card front on upside down! As a matter of fact, not too long ago, I had to take a birthday card apart and then when I put it back together I had done it AGAIN!!!! Felt SO dumb!! I left it so it wouldn't tear and am saving it to send my brother, who is also left handed. We always whine because we live in a right handed world, so I'm leaving the card as a left-handed-opening!! He'll get a kick out of it....lol. Thanks for sharing these stunners.

  103. These are really so gorgeous. I love the watercolor class, too and think it's the best class I've ever taken! I'm still practicing and hope to reach a higher skill level someday. You definitely have achieved that! :)

  104. These are so beautiful. The color is fantastic.

  105. I want to be your traveling companion when you go on these shopping trips. That would be a hoot. I love your cards and now you are going to make me take this class. You're the best enabler there is. LOL

  106. Absolutely beautiful and inspirational!

  107. So beautiful, it looks like a painting.

  108. Lovely watercoloring! I like your crafty travel idea.

  109. WOW! What success you had with this! I haven't had a chance to try yet but THAT is the one that caught my eye! Beautifully done and love the soft, spring colors!

  110. Oh my gosh! These 2 cards are so beautiful! In the first one you used a lot of my favorite color, yellow and you used it some in the second one too. Do you know what this reminds me of, kind of? When I was coloring Easter eggs one year we didn't buy a kit we used our food coloring bottles and water. I accidentally got a paper towel in the die and what the die did to the paper towel kind of looks like what your water color looks like. It's so soft and pretty and colorful. I just colored some leaves with colored pencils and the shading I managed to get makes them look so pretty but they don't really look like leaves you would see on a tree. That's what yours look like.
    I did a card the wrong way too but when I looked at it, I liked the way it looked so much I left it that way! You would have had to see the card to know what I mean. I guess we all do it at some time or other.

  111. Beautiful cards! I'm taking the OCC class too and it is the best one yet!

  112. Your cards are gorgeous. Thanks for sharing.

  113. Oh Lydia, your colors are gorgeous, the cards are stunning, it's all so beautiful!!! Great job!!!!

  114. Those leaves are beautiful - like a damp misty day in the autumn! The travel agency idea is great, but don't bother coming here even though you're pretty strong against the €, we don't have enough indigenous supplies. I'd say the Netherlands could be a good destination to add to your agency list, though!

  115. First of all, your idea is good, but it doesn't help the Canadian cardmaker who goes to the craft store to buy something and it's out of stock. That would feel awful! But, an okay idea, I guess. Secondly, your cards are beautiful!! It's nice to hear that someone else makes that kind of mistake too!! But honestly, if the front is glued too tight, you could just cut the card in half at the fold line and glue the entire card front to another card base. Good luck with your six million dollar idea!!! Your cards are beautiful!!! I will have to try watercoloring again. It never looks nice and crisp, so I don't like/prefer it.

  116. I just love all those soft colors and how they complement each other.

  117. Oh, these pieces are so beautiful! love them both!

  118. Gorgeous watercolouring on each of these cards. This class seems awesome.

  119. Your cards are absolutely stunning.

  120. Totally stunning, ohh to have the talent to just pick the right colours and produce such beauty.


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