Friday, June 7, 2024

Faux Vintage Map Technique - Video Sneak Peek

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Hi friends! I have SUCH a fun video coming on today's card on Tuesday and I can't wait for you to see it. It's a throwback to some techniques that were very popular when I started stamping. So stay tuned for that. 

But I'll show it to you tonight! It's part of this amazing release which has some amazing Americana, travel themes and of course birds and flowers - so check that out here

I used this modern map stencil and turned it vintage! The ticket - which reminds me of the stories that gave me the name of this blog - more on that in a second - you cut into two pieces with the dies - the frame and the ticket and it has two different matching stamps

The little airplane is this detailed vintage airplane/helicopter set that is so classic - and I LOVE that they're cling rubber. I just will never stop loving rubber stamps. I colored it and added white gel pen highlights. These are the matching dies

The sentiment is from this set with dies.

My next video of course will be on my fave little critter from this release! SO cute. 

Stay tuned for the video! Loveyameanitbye!

10% off stamps, stencils and dies at TRHD here with UNDERSTANDBLUE
20% off anything at Glassboard Studio  - UNDERSTANDBLUE.
10% off the whole store at A Colorful Life Designs - LydiaFan10
Arkon Mounts -  - 20% off sitewide with code UNDERSTANDBLUE

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