I'm wondering if having your toilet paper folded into a little point makes you:
A. Have a higher opinion of the hotel you're in? Do you run to the bathroom and say - ah, yes, now THIS is a classy hotel if you see the telltale point?
B. Feel like your house is cleaner? So if you hire a housekeeping service and they do NOT fold your TP into points, do you get all grumpy and feel like you didn't get your money's worth?
C. Feel like you cannot achieve such artistry in your daily life? Are housekeepers the only ones capable of providing this soul-enriching service? If not, why aren't we all treating ourselves to folded, pointy TP every day?
Where did this custom originate? Are there some opulent palaces somewhere in Europe where some sort of over-the-top royals are beating servants about the head and neck should they encounter a - SHUDDER - straight edge on their loo paper?
Just today's random thought. There's always a conversation happening in my head, you know.
Friday's (I know I'm late - HUSH UP) Free For All challenge was to make a card with circles in the background. After seeing a beautiful, rainbow colored mesh wreath that my friend Dana made, I knew what my challenge card was going to be - another deconstructed rainbow.
I used the the remainder of the Gelli Print I used for my tutorial for the background.
The big bold Thank You is from Another Thank You.
I'd love to stay and chat, but I need to go fold my TP. It's a never-ending source of joy.