
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Today Stinks - Literally!!

I think potpourri should be outlawed in public places.

Don't get me wrong - it's fine with me if you want your house to smell so intensely of cinnamon that primitive spice traders show up at your door with jewels to trade.

It's a free country.

But when I walk into Michael's, as I did this morning, and am hit with such an overpowering potpourri smell that my liver curls up, my face sweats, and my head aches in the first ten seconds, it seems to me that second hand smoke would actually be preferable.

Follow that with a quick sprint through Bed Bath & Beyond, and I am about to have total organ failure!

I can still smell and taste it. Bleh.

I wish Michael's had a drive through. However, I did use my snazzy Micheal's phone app to save 40% off one item and 25% off my total purchase including sales items, so I am pretty happy about that. I never did like paper coupons, so this is awesome.

But it DID inspire me to make a card, as such bizarre things often do!! I laughed so hard when I saw this stamp from the Unity Kit of the Month that I HAD to use it on a card for this stinky occasion.

I took my design principle from this week's Moxie Fab Tuesday Trigger challenge, which is not only Moxie Fab, but reminds me of the accessories of my youth!

Here's the Tuesday Trigger:

It cried out for a retro treatment, and so that's what it got. I put the image in the corner so that I could use one iteration of each of the colors in the inspiration piece.

 Stamps: Unity KOTM November 2011 Ink: Basic Black Paper: More Mustard, Pumpkin Pie, 
Early Espresso, Crumb Cake, Taken With Teal, Very Vanilla, Chocolate Chip Accessories: 3/4" Circle Punch, Taken with Teal and More Mustard Stampin' Write Markers

Does that not crack you up?? I especially love the element of my beloved procrastination in the sentiment. So there's my Moxie Friends with Flair!

Now - do you want to meet my new favorite gadget? GAH I am in love with this thing!!

Meet the new Kindle Fire!

I skipped over the whole Kindle phase the country went through. It didn't interest me.

I really, really like real books, so I didn't see the point.

But after I experienced IBooks for a while, I started to see the allure of having all those e-books in one place. But the Ipad is not a good reading platform. It's too big, you can't read on your back - if you brained yourself with your Ipad (I tend to fall suddenly and violently asleep while reading) you'd really be sorry. It's just a really awkward way to read.

But when I started to see the specs on the new Fire, I was intrigued. And my mom loves her next generation Kindle, so I thought I'd dive into this one.

And holy cow am I glad I did!

First of all the packaging and presentation is very Apple-like.

Then, unlike any other piece of the digital world I've ever owned, when I pressed the on button, it said "Hello, Lydia" and already had my account pre-loaded on the device!! No syncing, entering passwords, plugging into my PC - it's a DIGITAL MIRACLE! All I had to do was start reading!

And did I read! I don't really have time for real books anymore - I get most of mine on audio so I can listen while I walk. But this thing is bewitching. I read for 4 hours straight in my first sitting. I love the bookmarks and all the little fun tricks. The size is really, really nice. Big enough to read comfortably and small enough to hold comfortably.

If you're an Amazon Prime member (which for me - since I don't shop in real stores willingly, and buy pretty much everything on Amazon - pays for itself a thousand times over) you can even share your books for free with other Kindle users. So really, every one of your reading friends can have a virtual book club - how cool is that?

You need one of these. It's totally going on the Blue List. 5 stars from this girl. If you scroll to the bottom of this page you will see all the features, which I haven't even played with yet because all I've done is read.

Anyway, I hope you have an unscented, literary, stampy rest of the weekend!



  1. Your card is a riot! Been giving the KF some thought.

  2. I am with you on the cinnamon! Had a the same thing happen to me just yesterday at Joanne's YUCK!

  3. I'm still laughing at the mental image of you falling "suddenly and violently" asleep.

    Great card!


  4. Cute card! I got this kit in last week and you've inspired me to "play" with it. :) I was also happy to hear you love your new Kindle Fire. It's on my Christmas "wish" list. I got a Kindle in February and LOVE it! I've read so much more since I got it....but I want the Kindle Fire so I can read outside at night (or in the den while hubby watches TV without a light bothering him) :) Love to sit on the front porch when it is pretty weather and read, read, read! :) Enjoy your new "toy." :) I hope Santa brings me one (if not, I'll just buy it....wink). :)

  5. Lydia, I adore your card, you made me laugh!
    I do not adore your telling me all about the Kindle Fire, LOL! I, too, missed the Kindle phase, but the Kindle Fire sounds good, and you made it sound even better than good. Oh dear!

  6. Fun card! :-)

    Yeah for the Fire! I'm going to get myself a Kindle Touch and can't wait. The Fire looks so cool, I've been watching the reviews like a mad woman. Enjoy yours!

  7. First, love the card! The circle punch really did the trick. I laughed out loud when I saw that stamp, too. So many options with that one. Second, you really make that Kindle appealing. Take it from someone who's gotten klonked in the head with the IPad enough times and whose hands have fallen asleep holding it up to read while lounging. Lol. Tempting, indeed.

  8. I can't stand scents either, Lydia. Oh I envy you your Kindle Fire!!Wouldn't you know it, but I purchased my 3 G Kindle just before the Kindle Fire came on the scene. Still, it's very cool! Just turn it on, and it's connects to the web and downloads the book you want from amazon for just the price of the kindle book. No subscribtion needed to support the kindle. Still, I'd like the new Canadian Kobo something or other, which would let me access Canadian libraries. I love books too, but sometimes you need that book NOW!


  9. GAH! I need this stamp set! Is it for sale on Amazon? :D (I kid)

    FABBY card, and Mike's TOTALLY needs a drive-through! I would cut way back on impulse spending.

    WV: derist
    De arm bone's connected to derist bone ...

  10. Hey Lydia! Thanks for linking this up to this week's Tuesday Trigger in the Moxie Fab World! I'm so glad you joined in on all the fun! :)

  11. I was a reluctant kindle adopter.. I thought my dh might like one so I was trying to be sneaky and ask him questions about the Kindle to feel him out, thinking I could get it for him for Father's Day. He thought my sneaky questions indicated interest on my part, so he bought me one for Mother's Day. I never had ANY interest as I love books also. But once I read my first book on it, I was in love!
    And that is much how I feel about your card -- in love!! And I LOVE that stamp!!

  12. Great card...pretty much sums up my day.
    I know exactly what you mean about the cinnamon explosions in the front of stores. At M's on the weekend I could smell the cinnamon pinecones from two parking lots away! Don't know how the poor clerks are handling it all day long! :(
    I have resisted the readers but this one looks easy to carry. I too fall asleep reading and some large books hurt when they hit your face just as you have drifted off to sleep.! 8\
    Hope you have a great week! :)

  13. I have toyed with getting the Kindle Fire until I read your blog (yes,I am way behind). I ordered mine today and asked for shipping in 2 days. Maybe I will get it before Xmas. I bought it for myself. JudyOR


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