
Thursday, November 17, 2011

I'm Feeling Pixellated

You know how you felt the first time you saw this Dow commercial?

I love those ads.

I feel that way every time I open Photoshop and start working with an image, especially when I blow it up enough to see the pixels.

I'm halfway through the incredible Steve Jobs biography  - (I'm listening to the audio version, thankfully unabridged) - and the parts where they explain how he invented some of the effects we see on our desktop daily - windows layered on top of each other, for example - is amazing. It seems like a simple thing that we all take for granted when we are moving windows around on our desktop, but it is not simple at all, and was actually pretty revolutionary. Every little pixel matters.

It inspired me for the Free For All Friday Challenge on Splitcoast.

I thought I would take the simple concept of basic colored pixels, and make it pretty. Well, and perhaps blue. :)

I just took a 3x3 square of watercolor paper and used a pencil to grid it off into 1" squares. I thought I was going to have to erase the pencil, but I didn't.

Then I used my aquapainter to color the squares with: Bermuda Bay, Taken with Teal, Brilliant Blue, Cool Caribbean, Tempting Turquoise, Pool Party, Not Quite Navy, Baja Breeze and Buckaroo Blue.

I stamped the greeting from Word Play in Basic Black and then stamped it again on some Tempting Turquoise and punched out the world with my 3/4" punch.

Thanks for looking at my pixels. :)

If you want to come play along, the keyword is F4A91. Happy Free For All Friday!


  1. so pretty!!

    Buckaroo Blue? must be old??

  2. What an awesome card and video. The Hu element is fascinating. Thank you for sharing.

  3. What a great idea. I love colors especially blues. This is a great idea for is to get some water color practice while making a great little card. Sometime simple is best. TFS

  4. Love your card. I'm feeling very fond of you as well. And your DH for choosing my number. I've told everyone in the free world. The checkout lady at Wegmans is especially happy for me.

  5. Love the blue squares!

    wv: pacters
    1. The peeps who come to your house to help you prepare to move.
    2. People who make a vow or promise to each other.
    3. Football players from Green Bay.

  6. wow, love the video of the Dow commercial....can't recall ever seeing that one before. And I REALLY love the Shades of Blue "pixel" card. How very cool is that??? I may have to try it out and see what I can come up with.


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