
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I'm Selling This Card For 12 Million Dollars


This dude sold this boring photo for 4 million because he only took six photos or some nonsense so they were rare. Seriously.

This photo.

It gives me narcolepsy.

Hey - you - wake up. I know it's a boring photo, but you need to keep reading.

So if some shyster can get 4 cool ones for that, surely I can get 12 million for my card, of which there is only ONE!

It's first come, first served by the way. No shoving.

Today's 12 million card is even MORE special because it's for TWO challenges - the Color Throwdown (CTD168) and the Touch Twin challenge (TTC05). Since these were the colors for the throwdown...

Naturally, I had to make Tami's little gnomie sort of Santa-esque. He's so cute as a garden Santa.

Stamps: Gnome one like you (Gina K) Paper: SU Patterns Pack Ink: Memento Accessories: SU Polka Dot ribbon, Twinery Buttercream twine, ShinHan Touch Twin markers: R11, R14, R131, YR135, 120, CG0.5

You probably better hurry before I decide that 2 challenges means double the price, my gnomies!

I do accept PayPal.



  1. Great card! You should be asking much more for it! :D Just think of all the scrappy supplies that much would buy! Hahaha!
    Thanks for sharing your card and the chuckle this morning! :)

  2. YIKES! I guess I was too conservative when I declared the card that took me THREE DAYS to make - BY HAND - was going to cost a measly $10. Pffth.

    What a cute gnomie! I have my eye on one by Kim Hughes.

    wv: cerfl
    Be cerfl you don't exceed your PayPal limit when you sell this card for a SQUILLION dollars!

  3. 4 Million dollars? Wow. love this! That little gnome is adorable and the sentiment cracks me up. Love it!

  4. The photo may be boring but you're sure not, LOL!!! Love your little Santa gnome!!!

  5. I agree with you! You should get at LEAST 12!! It's awesome! :D

    Ok, I'm off to catch some 'flismins' today! :P

  6. OK, THAT'S IT. The market is FINALLY strong enough for me to share my mother's shoebox of photographs from our family vacations. I apparently underestimated her talent all these years. It's time the world was able bask in the beauty of the fruits of my mother's Kodak Brownie camera.

    Thank goodness that, as a society, we are finally sophisticated enough to truly appreciate - with our wallets - these types of snapshots, er, I mean works of art.

    .........oh sorry, I dosed off.

    Your card is a beauty. Really. In appreciation, I may send you one of my mom's photographs of Lake George.

  7. Only the mind of a genius would turn a gnome into a Santa.... Did Rumplestilskin help you? Remember, all magic comes with a price.. *smile*

    WV: hearties

    Home is where the hearties.

  8. Lydia, you would make a wonderful feature columnist for some newspaper or magazine! Oh yes...on to the card...absolutely fun and sweet! Great use of Keva's colors!

  9. LOL! I love coming here because you always make me smile! Your card is adorable. If I had 12 million dollars I would definitely buy it:)

  10. Oh my, how I adore this card! That gnome and your coloring of it are totally awesome and that sentiment is SO hilarious! Yes, I definitely think you should get $12 million. (Everything in the photo looks man-made and yes, boring....not even real nature, dude! $4 million??)

  11. You silly girl...this adorable card is worth at least 20 Mil!!!! Your coloring is spectacular, as always, and I just love that sweet little gnome!!!!

  12. This is totally adorable! And so worth 12 million...where do I mail the check?

  13. Love your Santa gnome! Too cute!

  14. well that's what happens if you snap the picture before you're done pointing the camera. I'm saving up for a christmas card, but i'm still working on my first million, so, maybe you'll have to sell it to somebody else. All sales are "finet"

  15. Any buyers yet???

    CA-UTE card, Lydia! LOVE that little Santa gnome-boy!

  16. He's a doll! Such a unique image and card. ;)


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