
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Skeleton In My Craft Closet

It's true. I'm ashamed of my crafty past.

I remember a time when I - are you sitting down? - didn't "get" die cuts.

I used to walk around my LSS, looking at rows and rows of pre-cut shapes - this was in the days before personal cutting systems were affordable - and  think - those are so BORING! So what if I have the outline of a bird?? Pffft.

It looks so horrifying all typed out like that. What a numbskull I was.

I just felt the need to air that little shameful secret so that we could move on with our relationship. I hope you still love me and can find it in your heart to forgive me.

Because now, as I frequently tell my stampy friends, should my house catch on fire or be in the path of a meteor, the FIRST inanimate object I would run out the door with would be my beloved, beloved Big Shot.

I was lucky enough to take part in a fun little Sizzix/OWH blog hop over the weekend with some now beloved dies, so I thought I'd share my fun.

My friend Dina posted a link on Facebook to a Better Homes & Gardens project that I used as my inspiration for the hop.

I liked the way it turned out so much I did it with my monthly stamp class. The Leaves #2 die made it a cinch - especially since the original project used a template, and I'm wayyyyy too lazy to print and cut things out.

All I did was cut the leaves out of Crushed Curry and score them with my Simply Scored. After mountain/valley folding them, I sponged them with Poppy Parade.

The birch trees are hand cut from Frostwood Lodge paper and was kind of an afterthought. Well, truthfully, my room was a mess, and that particular paper pattern happened to be lying face up on the floor and voila - I give you "afterthought."

See what people really mean by the words they use?

So do you have any crafty secrets you'd like to confess? I won't tell a soul... ;)


  1. No worries, we still love you now that your secret is out.
    The Big Shot is my very best friend too, right there next to me at all times. Kind of like Linus and the security blanket :)

  2. Popped over to read your juicy confession! I thought you said you were too lazy to cut things out by hand yet you hand cut the birch trees! Love project, thanks for the inspiration.

  3. Hmm, I still like fussy cutting. But I LOVE your leaves scored and folded like that. Sheesh, I though the trees were a background stamp - they're fab. When I was little we had a couple of silver birches near the front porch for a few years. I was desse-olated when they were cut down to give more light. (WV)

  4. When I see birches bend to left and right
    Across the lines of straighter darker trees,
    I like to think some boy's been swinging them.
    But swinging doesn't bend them down to stay.
    One could do worse than be a swinger of birches. (Robert Frost)

    "ellati" work is saved by die-cut machines.

  5. Hmmmmmmm, now you have me thinking: maybe i just don't have the right dies. (Cause secretly, i confess, i still sort of feel like that with the bird-outline-so-what philosophy). But then I don't have this fabulous leafiness in my collection! The way you scored them, the script, the colour! The pop against your hand cut birch trees = DROOL! (Your stamp class is a lucky bunch)

  6. Can't judge. Same boat. After my first horrific experience of chalking a telephone die cut and hating it, it took me awhile to embrace them also. Love the scoring and inking on your leaves....and those birches... Perfect...

  7. glad I scrolled down to see this gorgeous, artsy card!! LOVE those dimensional leaves!


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