
Monday, November 14, 2011

The Forgotten Felt!!

HOW does a person forget that they have some cute felt mittens, I ask you??

It really makes me wonder if I've forgotten other really important things, like that I won a Nobel Prize, a lunch date with Bruce Willis or where I left the Hope Diamond.


Anyway, luckily a VSN challenge reminded me that I had such cute fuzzy mittens and I had to bust them out for a quick card with my fave winter color scheme - aqua and red.
Stamps: Bright Christmas Ink: Craft White, Basic Black Paper: Pool Party, Whisper White  

So what cute thing might YOU have forgotten you have?

Whatever it is, I hope it isn't mitteny and fuzzy and red!

Maybe you should dig around in your stash to find a little holiday stampy treasure!


  1. oh my... so cute. might need to get some felty mittens...

  2. OMG, I DID FORGET! Must find these and use them. What an adorable card!

    wv: glatin
    And I'm glatin you reminded me about them!

  3. Adorable card, adorable mittens and I LOVE this color combo!!!

  4. Red Glimmer Paper! I was searching through my stash of DSP the other day and lo and behold - an unopened pack of Red Glimmer Paper I didn't remember buying. Huh.

    BTW: Your mitten story really hit a ABSORE spot with me today. How could you forget the darling mittens?!

  5. Yes! I forgot felt too! (Not cute fuzzy mittens, but in general). You ROCKed the mittens. That is the cutest layout on earth. It just might make me crazy enough to make my own leetle mittens. ;o)

  6. So cute.... it looks like that banner is truly unfurling in the winter breeze.... *smile*

    WV: snesher
    When I hear someone say "snesher" I make sure to say "bless you."


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