
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Watch Out - I'm Officially a Deputy Now!

Yepper. I got me a shiny star badge and everything.

I found out I was a deputy on the way back from Starbucks this morning - they told me on the radio.

Apparently, there is a phone app that deputizes Austinites to cite their fellow citizens for illegally parking in handicapped spots. Yep, there's an app for that.

Now that I am deputized with this app, I'm going to go ahead and expand my authority to include issuing cybertickets for: people throwing cigarettes out of their cars, girls wearing their pajamas to Starbucks, people who drive on the shoulder in traffic jams because they think they're special, and also to the guy that wears only a white thong while he bikes around town.

I'm thrilled that I can start to clean up our town! What a great place this is going to be with Deputy Blue on the job!

I guess that poisoned apple thing struck a chord with a lot of you! I got lots of nice notes about it, and my friend Lynne sent me the CUTEST tutorial by Amanda Corbet for making a 3D apple with the heart punch. I had to make one.

I'm hosting the Ways to Use It challenge on Splitcoast today, so I used the apple to challenge people to use "space" around their card with a 3D or popup element. If you want to play along, the keyword is WT348.

To make Amanda's cute apple, just punch out 25 hearts. Trim off the bottom, fold them in half, sponge them with Lucky Limeade and Cherry Cobbler and stick them together. It's just as cute freestanding as it is on a card. The stem and leaf are from the bird punch.
How about THEM apples??

Hey - don't sass me. I'm a Deputy! :)


  1. Love that you are now a deputy! It cracked me up. I wish we could really do that here in NYC...I have had people DRIVING on the sidewalk to get ahead of me..ugh.. Thanks for the apple instructions...I must try it for my sisters as they are both teachers... Thinking that would make a fun pad if I used plain paper....hmmmm..

  2. I knew you were a Texan but didn't know you were an Austinite. I have an aunt and uncle in Austin.

    I have visions of you dressed as Barney Fife itching to pull the trigger on all those who don't follow the rules.

  3. I saw this darling card in your SCS gallery and wanted to come over to your blog to check out your chatter just because you're so dang funny! Your new motto could be something like "Deputy Blue to the Rescue!"

  4. OMGoodness, this card is the greatest CAS card ever!! You totally crack me up, Lydia, and I am trying to get that mental picture of the white thong-wearing bicycle rider out of my head! EEEK!

  5. Cyber tickets for cigarette butt throwers and people wearing pyjamas outside the house - I wish!! TG the climate here wouldn't allow for anyone to cycle in a white thong - eeeeeuw!!
    I told you already I loved your apple :D.

  6. I'm with Charlene - "Deputy Blue to the Rescue" sounds like a fun moniker!! You have me spewing coffee all over the place - what a great way to start the day with a laugh!! You SO rock!

  7. I'm with you on this one!! I could take a shot gun full of rock salt to people who drive on the shoulder (or run up the lane that we all know is going to end in 20 feet). As for folks who toss their cigarette butts out of their cars - a major pet peeve of mine! Go get 'em Deputy Blue!

  8. You are just too amazing, Deputy Blue! The apple is lovely lovely lovely! Arrest thong dude first (or give him shorts) ;o) I would say more about your loveliness, but my brain just "dostent" work today (migraine.) Another primo anti-spam word!

  9. Love this apple! The colors you used make my mouth water, they are that close to real thing.... Lol. Are you gonna get a cool belt like Barney Fife's now? *smile*

  10. I'm going to try the apple. I just love it and have a friend it would be perfect for. TFS

  11. DEPUTY?!?! I'd even buy an iPhone for that if I could do it here! OMG, I COULD RETIRE!!!!

    And that apple so ROCKS! I'm doing it!

    WV: bledn

    That guy wearing leggings as pants yesterday left my eyes bledn.

  12. Lydia,

    Squeeeeee!!!That was me squealing, absolutely love this card! So sorry I have been missing from your blog comments, I will try to do better, I do looky at it every week. Me .likey everything you post!!!

    Hugs, Lisa

  13. 1st time visiting your blog and love the Deputy story. I'm with you on that. Just think how quick a group of women could clean up this nation all with an app. Love it!

    Chattanooga, TN


Every time you leave a comment, a new LOLcat is born. ALSO - don't panic if you don't see your comment right away - I moderate my comments to keep those spammers out, so your comment will show up in short order. Unless you're linking me to Russian brides or Nigerian princes.