
Wednesday, November 23, 2011


I survived.

So I don't want you to worry about me - but it was close.

I had to drop off some card samples and things at Scrapology yesterday for some upcoming classes. Scrapology is out by the lake, and the commute involves a perpetually-under-construction-and-horrifyingly-high-speed-and-dangerous-road-upon-which-drivers-behave-like-pithed-frogs stretch of highway that can age a person on the best of days.

But yesterday was not the best of days.

This is because while I was trying to navigate in the four inches between me and oncoming traffic on the left and the four inches between me and the concrete construction barrier on the right, I suddenly became aware of  a LARGE ANGRY STINKBUG FLYING AROUND IN MY CAR!

Companies whose employees have a need to perform the equivalent of the game of Operation after 86 shots of espresso should be recruiting me at any moment now because I did NOT veer into either oncoming traffic or the construction barrier, despite my vociferous screaming and brain twitching.

For the love of all things holy, can we PLEASE eradicate these things from the earth??

By the time I got to a light, rolled down the windows and flailed around like I was in a very sub-par 80's music video, I am quite positive my life was shortened by decades and many people around me tweeted videos of my fit.


Thank goodness that I could totally conquer anything after that!!!

After I got home, I tackled two challenges since my adrenaline was coursing. First, the incredibly pretty Color Throwdown.

That combo could calm any stinkbug elevated heartrate!

Then - my friend Korin said she hadn't stamped in a WEEK! That is WAY scarier than a stinkbug - so we held our own challenge, inspired by this pinterest beaty.

How perfect are those two together? So here's what I did - I used those fun glasses for my design.
Stamps: Tags Til Christmas Ink: Early Espresso, Pool Party, Tempting Turquoise, Poppy Parade Paper: Whisper White Accessories: Ultimate Glue pad, Dazzling Diamonds Glitter, SU Rhinesones, Twine, Dimensionals, brayer

Now, I can categorically state that "naughty" does NOT include the EVIL that is a stinkbug. Naughty is something cute, like when your cat bats something onto the floor or when your baby colors your couch with a marker.

Stinkbugs - they are harrowing.



  1. Awesome card!! Love the gradation of color - how'd you do that?
    Stinkbugs are the insect equivalent of canned gravy. I will pray that you escape PTSD.

    you crack me up. Nice way to start the day. Happy Thanksgiving - I'm thankful for your blog!

  2. Oh I can so relate!!! Bugs in my car while I am driving make me crazy skeeeered! Once my SIL had a grasshopper in hers and she rolled her car. I am AMAZED at your ability to maneuver yours with a stink bug! Love your card background!

  3. Girl....ya did good staying on the road...I'll be checking You-Tube for the instant replay...LOL!!!! I'm glad your harrowing experience didn't disrupt the blue mojo cause this is gorgeous!!!! Love your brayered background and the pretty blingy ornament!!!!

  4. Very pretty card. Love the gradation and the colours you used. The two colours of twine and the bling are great accents.
    I am not sure what a stinkbug is but it sounds nasty. I shall have to google it. One nice thing about the winter here in our corner of the world is the absence of creepy crawlies!
    Wishing you safer drives from now on!

  5. Oh man, anything in a car is harrowing. And in busy traffic on a mad road - rather you than me.
    You should have seen DH trying to make sure that not the smallest flying critter was zipped into the tent at night when we were on holiday - not easy in cramped quarters on an airbed. But not as bad as a car.
    You know I love your card :D.

    Happy Thanksgiving - I hope you have a wonderful time enjoying whatever you do.

  6. I've been baking all day and am TIRED...but when I came on to read my e-mail and read your description of the stink bug flying around in your car.....I was laughing out loud so hard!!! I can just see me doing that very same thing. Ewwww....I didn't know that stink bugs could fly....I have never seen one fly....but they sure STINK

  7. OH Lydia, You are just way to funny for words. I so miss hearing from you via email, drop me a line and tell me what you have been up to.

    Love the card, way to awesome for words!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hugs, Lisa

  8. I'm so sorry for your harrowing experience...but girl...what an entertaining story!!! Thanks for sharing...HILARIOUS.

    Your card is gorgeous, by the way. ;)

  9. Just fabulous, Lydia! Love the graduated colors in the background panel. And, I'm totally with you on the stinkbugs--they need to just go away!

  10. Love that gradient color! I agree...all stinkbugs should die. But can we please add the Japanese beetles as well? Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  11. Your descriptions are just so entertaining and I've had such a good belly laugh this morning picturing your battle with the stinkbug while in an already precarious driving predicament! So is this a new challenge that's starting? The LYDKOR challenge? LOL! Love the gradient colors and the pop of BLUE (wonder if you love blue...). :-)

  12. Pithed frogs?!? I must commend you for being the first ever scrapbooker to use this phrase on a blog. ;) I was laughing so hard everyone at work asked me what was going on ... but they misheard "pithed" as you-know-what (even though I don't have a lisp) which has totally made my afternoon. THANK YOU!!

    PS - Good job with the stinkbug. ;)


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