
Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Oh Come Let Us Adore THE CAT - Inking Royalty Blog Hop

I am super excited today to be a part of Brian King's Inking Royalty blog hop!

Brian and I are sort of matchmade friends.

We met at Leadership a few years ago, but only after about 100% of all of our friends said we HAD to meet each other.

They were all right. We were meant to be friends. We have so much in common - notably, our snarky and offbeat sense of humor, and our shared desire for the internet to be a positive place where people can get a break from the world. We accept each other's differences (he doesn't like corn or glitter or watermelon, and I don't like sweet tea or politics or math) like people should - with a lot of teasing and a sense of humor, which is really something the world needs these days. I'm very grateful for his friendship and for the amazing design sense he has. He sometimes shares his work in progress with me and I'm always asking "WHAT PAPER IS THAT?" Because he finds and uses things in fun ways I'd never think of.

But mostly, he's just a really, really kind and funny person, and that's also something the world needs more of. So I'm super honored to be a guest in his Tricked Out Treats blog hop today.

Everyone on the hop today is featuring something fun from the Holiday catalog, and since I JUST (like just this minute) got back from the Blue Cat Cafe and Austin Pets Alive today, I had to make a cat card.

But my crazy twisted TRICK on this Halloween card, is that I'm using Christmas paper!

There was this magnificent black cat at the cat cafe today that was a rescue from Hurricane Harvey - he had long hair and a bobbed tail and was completely regal. So I thought the "O come, let us adore him" in the background of my black cat against a silver moon was hysterically funny.

That is, after all, what all cats demand. Not too much to ask, right?

I used two sets of thinlits to get the Boo sentiment - in the supply list above.

So please hop along the list below and see what other tricked out treats my friends have in store for you - Halloween is one of my favorite crafting seasons, and I know all of these ideas will be amazing - I can't wait to see them myself!
  1. Lydia Fiedler at Understand Blue<< you are here

  2. Brian King at Stamp with Brian

  3. Jennifer Spiller at Westside Paper Creations

  4. Julie DiMatteo at The Paper Pixie

  5. Lisa Pretto at Ink Big Academy Stamps

  6. Shawn de Oliveira at Shawn Stamps

  7. Lynn Kolcun at Avery's Owlery

  8. Sheryl Sharp at Sharp Notes by Sheryl

  9. Robin Myren at Songbird Designs by Robin

  10. Racheal Shedeed at Bluebonnet Stampin'

  11. Jackie Beers at Blue Line Stamping

  12. Karen Browning at Karen Z Browning

  13. Candy Ford at Stamp Candy



  1. This is just precious! I love cats and love how you perfectly made him the focal point!! As it should be 😻

  2. I adore offbeat Halloween cards! If we can't be nontraditional at Halloween, when can we?! I do believe my black cat sits in her Egyptian cat pose just so we can admire her!! This is really fun!

  3. Brilliant! I love how you got the sentiment. Brian is a funny guy!

  4. Ahahaha! That paper is exactly perfect for a cat card. I love how cleverly you match things up in ways that make me think, "I should have thought of that." I never do, though, and that's why visiting your blog is always such a treat!

  5. Oh, Lydia! First, thanks for joining our group for this hop. The team was so excited that you were joining us - the honor is all ours. Second, I love this card! What a fun, fresh spin on this paper and this cat and that moon. SO YOU! I adore everything about this card and everything about you! <3

  6. Oh how I love the silhouette you've created with the cat punch - how clever! Thanks for hopping with us today!

  7. Of course, all cats should be adored! I adore how you created this card. Thanks for joining us on the hop!

  8. Right now, I have 3 hims and 1 her to adore, although there have been many more in the past. Love your card and especially the sentiment! Dogs want love and stuff, but cats demand to be adored. And, that we do.

  9. We are SO excited you joined this hop! How great to learn how you and Brian became friends, what a wonderful story. Who would have ever thought to add Christmas paper to a Halloween card, but this is brilliant! Love the placement of "let us adore him", just perfect. I see what you did to make the Boo. LOVE, love, love!!!

  10. Thanks for not disappointing me. Hoped you were going to use the cat punch! Also crazy for cats.

  11. Lydia, what a clever card! I love everything about it-from the DSP to the sentiment. Thanks so much for hopping with us!

  12. Such a great idea! I love the silhouette of the cat. Thanks for yet another amazing idea. Happy you could hop with us this month.

  13. Too funny Lydia, a great twist on things with the Christmas background paper and BOO on the same card. LOL A pretty 'cool cat' too!

  14. Lydia- I adore this card almost as much as I adore you! I love reading about your friendship with Brian! Ment to be! Anyway, you channeled a little B and used your dies is a super creative way! He will be proud! I'm so honored that you are hoping along with the Royals today! I'm glad you got to be a #royalforaday. Love you girl!!

  15. Yep! You've no doubt heard that dogs have owners and cats have staff! This image just confirms that! Great ideas!

  16. Your card is great !! The cat silhouette is amazing and I really love the musical background as well.

  17. I love your clever cat card, I am so glad I read your post on why you chose that particular musical background! It is so fitting for a regal cat, hahaha! Thank you for a great morning pick me up!


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