
Monday, March 31, 2014

Will Toilet Paper Be Folded Into Points In Heaven?

I have an informal survey to conduct. Please indicate your opinion in the comments.

I'm wondering if having your toilet paper folded into a little point makes you:

A. Have a higher opinion of the hotel you're in? Do you run to the bathroom and say - ah, yes, now THIS is a classy hotel if you see the telltale point?

B. Feel like your house is cleaner? So if you hire a housekeeping service and they do NOT fold your TP into points, do you get all grumpy and feel like you didn't get your money's worth?

C. Feel like you cannot achieve such artistry in your daily life? Are housekeepers the only ones capable of providing this soul-enriching service? If not, why aren't we all treating ourselves to folded, pointy TP every day?

Where did this custom originate? Are there some opulent palaces somewhere in Europe where some sort of over-the-top royals are beating servants about the head and neck should they encounter a - SHUDDER - straight edge on their loo paper?

Just today's random thought. There's always a conversation happening in my head, you know.

Friday's (I know I'm late - HUSH UP) Free For All challenge was to make a card with circles in the background. After seeing a beautiful, rainbow colored mesh wreath that my friend Dana made, I knew what my challenge card was going to be - another deconstructed rainbow.

I used the the remainder of the Gelli Print I used for my tutorial for the background.

The big bold Thank You is from Another Thank You.

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I'd love to stay and chat, but I need to go fold my TP. It's a never-ending source of joy.



  1. I love how your circle background looks. I like where they overlap. And Yes I like my tp in a point. It just makes me happy.

  2. I really don't like my butt wipes touched by other people. When I go to a fancy hotel, or a regal loo in old Europe (almost once a week), I have to scrabble the first 10 squares into the trash. It do this by spinning the roll with my finger tips only on the outside exposed edges.

    Toilet paper is such a personal item. I wonder why Congress doesn't allocate more funding to understanding this critical need-to-know issue. If they did look into it, I'm sure they would immediately add a tax credit to IRS filing for bringing your own sanitary products into a public area for personal use. I mean, look how much money that would save business owners! Immediate economic recovery for the whole nation!

    And kudos for 2 blog posts using the same card as the hook for your propaganda. No wonder you get such interesting email spammers and fat guys sitting in front of your house for hours...

  3. Oooh I love this one. I want to touch it. I'm always disappointed by gelli prints because they look like they should be soft and squishy once dry. Beautiful!

  4. Well, this one is pretty too. I like them both.

  5. I vote for Option D - while the point looks pretty, I'm not so thrilled that someone has so obviously manhandled the toilet paper... germaphobic tendencies....

  6. i gotta tell you that when i find tp that has been folded into a point, i rejoice! here's the deal: i spend way too much time, especially at 3:45am when my day starts, spinning the tp on its roll trying to get it to detach from its tp friends so that i can USE it! so, the pointy tp detail speaks my love language. if my husband were to fold the tp after he used it, my life would be so much less stressed!

  7. Aha! The germaphobe topic! Don't touch my TP! My cleaning service has been hired to clean! And sanitize! If I wanted a point I would have folded it myself. I probably would have come up with something a tad more clever than a point, but that's a different issue.

    Darling card. Do you thing Sara and Apostrophe S will be offering gelli plates and if so will it be in the kits or a lifestyle reward?

  8. I think it was started as a tradition to let those staying within their establishment that 'we have been, seen and now it is clean'.
    Love your card and your procrastinations. I too have those never ending thoughts.

  9. If I saw it done in a home, I would think the homeowner had pretty severe OCD.

  10. I love it when I find other people who have thoughts as random as some of mine! Personally, I couldn't care less if the tp has pointy ends, I have other things to worry about. But, like Jenn said, I have also battled to find the end of it, so I just try to pull a couple of sheets extra to leave hanging before I tear it off. But fold it? I don't even like folding laundry!

    Love the card!

  11. A) I would prefer that people NOT touch my TP and
    B) If I chose to fold it myself, then I'd become totally OCD about it and freak out every time someone else in the house didn't do how no one ever replaces the empty roll! Aaaaggghh!

    Cute card! :)

  12. D) I'm just happy if there is a roll that still has paper on the dispenser.

    That background is amazing. I love the bright colors.

  13. Pointy TP or not, 'tis the question. I really couldn't care less, lol. I have other things to stress over. Now your card, that is gorgeous! I love that print. I was sad to see it was a gelli print, because that means I won't be able to do that at home. Oh well, I'll leave it in your capable hands.


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