
Thursday, May 28, 2009

This Love is Difficult, but It's Real...

My girl Angela reminded me that Romeo and Juliet is playing at Zilker now. So, before I start, a little music for you to read by. If this video (click over if you don't see it) doesnt stir your soul a little this Friday, you may need to go back to bed..

The two original songs they blended are here...

and here

And I love them both.

Now, I got such a wonderful gift today I can hardly believe it!

My girl Marie, who does the amazing job of military wife & mom, is the creative genius you know at From Combat Boots to Rubber Stamps.

This kind & talented lady sent me these delights this week and if you think you her work is flawless from looking at her blog YOU SHOULD SEE IT UP CLOSE.

This next one is a card-a-lope. I don't know - that's what I call em. You seal an envelope and cut the top off. Crimp the bottom part and that makes it small enough for the top part to slip over it as a lid. Then you put a card inside. This is absolutely the prettiest one I've ever seen. How sweet is she that everything is blue??Finally - look at this. OMG. Okay - I've never seen anyone put the rhinestone brads in those flower buttons - BRILLIANT!!! Glitter, rhinestones??? This is the card you get when you get to heaven, I'm fairly certain.Absolutely amazing. And she does this in the small hours she has as a temporarily single mom while her DH keeps it the home of the free and the brave.

I'm floored Marie. Thank you so much for sharing your talent and your friendship with me. This is what art does!

I'm convinced stampers are the key to world peace. Stay with me. :)

Now, since it's almost Caturday, I had to share Maddie's "halp" last night when I was trying to box up Sassy Maddie cards.

Yes - by all means, Maddie - eat them.

Hope you're having a great Friday. Thanks for all the votes in the Martha Stewart contest. When the poll closed, I was leading by a few hundred votes, so if that's how they pick - I'm a winner.

But we will see. Thanks for taking the time to vote for me! It means a lot!



Have you signed up for the UBlue Cyber Club? Attended one of my Webinars?? Come on - get your geek on! :)

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  1. Jon Schmidt is so talented. Have you looked at any of his other stuff?

    And good luck w/ Martha! :)

  2. P.S. Oops, I'm logged in with my private family blog ... I meant to comment with THIS alternate identity. :) (I have blogging multiple personalities?)

  3.'re too sweet in your kind words about the little things I sent you. I sure hope those glass pebble thumb tacks hold up. I have been trying different adhesive methods with them, and havne't found one I like too terribly much yet. I'm sorry if they pop off. I think the next thing I'm going to try is some crazy glue that I have called E-6000 or something like that, that I've used to hold really strong magnets on things. Maybe a little dab of that? Anyway, so glad you like everything, and it really was the least I could do to say thank you to you :)

  4. Lydia,

    What a very talented friend you have, very pretty things she made for you.

    Loved the video, beautiful music, and Maddie is cute as always, give her a kiss for me. Hi Splotchy!

    Hugs, Lisa A.

  5. OK when you get to meet Big Martha, I want to be part of your posse!

    Love the video too!

    Lisa I

  6. I love that mashup! It just makes it prettier, lol.

    What is it with the animals eating the stuff? My cat does the same thing and let me tell you, there's nothing better than looking down and realizing that he's chewing on ribbon that's still attached to the spool. For the record, I removed at least 2 feet, ick.

    The pieces you posted are beautiful. I'm so envious of the people who have the determination and skill to organize their time and selves in general. I'm a crafting spaz, lol.

    Have a wonderful weekend!!!

  7. Am adding Marie's blog to my faves. Not only is her work fabbie but I have an affinity for Officer's of the Air Force- being a BRAT of an officer in the AF myself!

    Maddie sez it liks acryliz or windo sheetz baby!

    Laura W.- I have many personalities also but they are not limited to blogging- O.K. I lied. However, Cletus NEVER lies and is true to me,......and now others.


    OMG! Right after Memorial Day ! Cletus would like to PLAY with this! I now give the microphone to...Cletus Kay Page.....

    Warrahed- 1. It's what you think might happen after a long period of peace.
    2. It's what you don't want to happen.....period.
    3. If it's gonna happen then the Cletus thinks we might win.
    4. Let's hope that we can keep the soldiers home to protect without sending them off to meet people like Cletus!

  8. P.S. I am so glad that Cletus had the freedom to speak out like she did! FREE!

    Now just a little ditty about wanna-be-Cletuses (Cleti?)

    WV: mener, as in I am "mener than you are"- here is my proof. Cletus' maiden name was "Leiker"(Like-her).

    There was an old woman named "Leiker",
    Her language was much like a biker,
    She's such a mess,
    She's got PMS,
    But all in all, I sill like her!

    Dr. Doug McIntyre (Cletus misses working with him!)

    Thanks Kydia for letting me be free and WEIRD!


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