
Thursday, May 28, 2009

Small Magic

It's the small magic.


You know what I mean...

The person in front of you that pays for your drive through order (do that today if you've never done it..) the person that holds a door for you, the moment all by yourself where you add glitter to something and it makes you grin like you're street rat crazy? (<-- Click for a hilarious ad) You DO know what I mean. I know you people.

I ordered a stamp. Two, actually. I'll give you a minute to catch your breath. It's true. I like stamps. Lots of them. But something caught my eye on a blog that I am so glad I took a chance on.

I don't like self inking stamps. I've never had a good one. But something about a blog post about Cambria Cove stamps was... magical. So I ordered one. Low expectations. But it got here today, and it was magic.

I opened the box, and I saw this.

A large vellum envelope with a card in it that is printed on paper I can't even describe. Incredibly heavyweight, beautiful surface, clearly expensive.

"Why do this?" - my operations nazi side asks.. "Why spend the money?"

"Why do they love me?" my heart asks, as my paw handles the card.

Then I read what it says.

I won't recreate it here, but here are two sentences... "A place of unexpected delights. A place where we strike that delicate balance between taking care of others and taking care of ourselves." (Theresa - surely, they're talking to you)

Then, the stamps, wrapped in this lovely toile tissue paper and sealed with a label with my stamp design on it. Amazing. Time consuming. Expensive.

Small magic.

Why do it?

Why not?

You made my day, Cambria Cove.


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  1. Gorgeous!!! Just think of all the projects you can get from the tissue paper and vellum, lol.

    I got a free self-inking stamp from Vista Print with my website addy on it. It's not bad but it would be better if I remembered to use it, lol.


  2. I LOVE THAT COMMERCIAL... since I've gone street rat crazy myself a few times since passing my mid-40s.... although my smoothie of choice is Strawberry... but I digress - I so very much now have to track down that company where you got the stamp and that special enabler, you!!!

    (OK - this is funny - the word verification for this post is RATma - bwaaahahaha)

  3. Haha! That ad is hilarious!

    That stamp is so beautiful! What great packaging. Wow. Will have to check it out...

  4. omg- street rat crazy- that is hysterical. I think that's going to be my new fun phrase-lol.

  5. oh wow, my self inking stamp I got from came wrapped in that exact same tissue paper. I thought it was a really nice touch. They did NOT include a fancy vellum envelope or nicely printed "Story" though.

    PS - did you ever get that numbered comment thing figured out? It took me a few tries to get it to work on my blog.

  6. I just now got to watch the commercial!!! I'm still laughing! "Street Rat Crazy", my hubby's gonna wanna use that for me, not menopausal, but crazy pregnant, lol.

  7. everytime my kids and I go thru the Starbucks drive thru, we buy a $10 giftcard and tell them to give it to the car behind us. My 7 yr old says it makes the person working there just as happy as the person who gets the card, and he's right. xoxo


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