
Friday, April 19, 2019

A Little Honey Bee Told Me...

I heard, from a very reliable source - a sweet little Honey Bee - that they are celebrating their birthday this week!

I'm bringing kittens and good luck to the party, because I absolutely adore Melissa, the owner, and her ride-or-die, Lisa Cisneros, my fellow Texan and someone I got to meet when Kathy brought her Daily Marker road trip here last year.

They are both stellar human beings - so sweet & kind, and Melissa's designs are always original and adorable.

They've both been really kind to me this year, and so I'm honored to be invited to their birthday party!

And guess what? I brought KITTENS!!

This card is a hybrid. I made the background with her incredibly delicate two piece mandala mask - I love this thing and can't wait to gel print with it! I used a Life Changing Blender Brush and Wild Dandelion Ink to give my kitties a little patterned glow. The sentiment is from this AWESOME kitty themed set, and I used these sequins. The kitties were stamped on watercolor paper in Morning Mist, painted with Daniel Smith, and cut with the matching dies. I also love the sentiment in the set that says "start each day with a little curiosity", and as perfectly as that matched this image, there was no way I could resist "Oh, my whiskers!" I did put little white dots in their eyes - on the stamp, they are solid.
You have to see the rest of these kitties though - so cute! 

And these are the sentiments - just awesome.

You know what's cool about that mandala mask? She also has a stamp set and a die that match. Check this out. Super cool.

And she has tons of new embellishments too - look at these - SQUEE!

Now this isn't part of their birthday release - it was a free with purchase set for St. Patrick's Day - but I was also thrilled to find some four leaf clovers that were big enough to watercolor. I stamped them in Fadeout Ink and colored them with Green Apatite, Serpentine, Undersea Green, Quinacridone Purple and Aussie Red Gold. We were JUST talking about greens this week in my Daniel Smith Split Group on Facebook. If you like watercolor and want to be able to afford Daniel Smith - join this group! We split tubes of watercolor to save money. There's a ton of inspiration in there too.

The sentiment in this set is awesome, and I stamped that in Nocturne on the watercolor paper - it's the only ink I like for cold press watercolor paper. The main panel is matted with this paper.
Now since it's a party, of course there are gifts! Leave me a comment, and Honey Bee will pick a winner and announce it on their blog. What do you win? Behold - the entire Rainbow Wishes suite!

You can see the rest of the birthday goodies right here. Loveyameanitbye.


  1. Your coloring is amazing, as always! Love your cards!

  2. LOVE the kitten card! Sweet stamp set for us cat people!

  3. Those little clouds are too cute!!!

  4. Wow!!! Such a gorgeous release!!! You know you had my attention with the cats!!! :)

  5. This release is awesome and your kitten card is so cheerful. Sweet coloring on the clovers.

  6. Those kitties are purrfectly adorable!

  7. So many awesome new products! Thanks a lot for making me even love the kitties!

  8. love the background on your card

  9. I love it all!!! The 4 leaf clover looks gorgeous. And the cats? AMAZING. I am going to need to get the cats. They look Japanese inspired, which I love. You did a superb job.

  10. I love your kitty card! All the goodies are amazing too!!!

  11. Your posts give me all the feels. <3
    And this release! Swooning!

  12. Adorable kitty card! I also love that four leaf clover card as well!!

  13. Not only are all those kitties adorable, but even the name of the set 'Oh Whiskers' is adorable, too!! I love it. I think it's my fave of the release. Maybe. Love ALL your fun cards. tfs!

  14. I love these kittie stamps more each time I see them!

  15. Love the kittens! I read your blog every day, enjoy your artwork, appreciate your tutorials and love your quirky sense of humor!!!

  16. Oh. My. GOODNESS! Those kittens are too cute! They make my teeth hurt with their sweetness. A must have set for any cat lover.

  17. Adorable and love that sentiment too fun!

  18. Adorable cards! I love the sentiment on your cat card and that die cut is really special!

  19. Oh my goodness I love those kitties, awesome card! Thanks for the inspiration!

  20. So sweet! Kitties in a pail. It just doesn’t get cuter! Love it!

  21. Love love love! This kitties are my favourite set from this release, and that's something, cause this whole release is simply AMAZING!

  22. The yellow mandala background really makes your kitties pop, so cute.

  23. Oh my! For kitten's sake! How adorable is your card! I love the mandala in the background! That mandala is truly spectacular and I think you have just convinced me to go out and buy the die and the stamp! That would look lovely gold embossed! Happy Birthday to Honey Bee!
    I like that you are a TEXAN, I married one, gave birth to some, and am now one by military default plus my heart is there! We plan to retire to the Ft. Worth area someday once my USMC hubby retires! Hugs and thanks for the great kitten display!

  24. These kittens are adorable!! Such a sweet card!

  25. All of these are so cute. I love the kittens! What a fun release this is!

  26. Darling kitties. Your coloring is awesome.

  27. I love the new kitten stamps and sentiments. I am a cat lover ever since I got my kitty 16 years ago. My little buddy is a Maine Coon named Tiger and he is my baby and a spoiled brat. Your card is adorable!! I love the little kittens and you did a wonderful job with the design.

  28. I want everything! This kitty is soooo cute! I love the yellow background!

  29. Awww! Super cutie card!!! Love so much your fabulous colouring technique!!!

  30. Love the kitties! Such little sweeties!

  31. Love the bucket of kittens.
    Looked at the embellishments and
    I'm going to have to place an
    order for those. I didn't make
    many shaker cards because I got
    tired of just using sequins.
    those eggs are clever.
    thanks for sharing

  32. So sweet! I love the new releases!

  33. Love it all! Your card is adorable! Nothing cuter than a bucket o' kitties!

  34. Oooo I love the kitties. Beautiful

  35. The cats and sayings are purrfect for my daughter who has fostered a litter of three and now I have grandkitties. Sooo cute!

  36. Just love those cute kittens against the stenciled mandala

  37. Love the cute kittens in the rainboot! So adorable and the yellow Mandela die is a wonderful compliment!

  38. I really love the use of the Mandela die/stencil in your beautiful card today for Honey Bee Stamps fourth birthday 🎂🎂🎂🎂! Cake for everyone!
    Love the yellows!

  39. So, so, so cute and adorable card, and that little clouds are just so lovely.

  40. Your card with the kitties is so cute! I love background too! Great job!

  41. I'm a cat person, so this stamp set is right up my alley. Love it all

  42. Those kittens are so sweet and I love the background with the mandala set.

  43. DEar Lydia
    The cards are awesome. Love the whole release. Happy 4th Birthday Honey Bee

  44. DEar Lydia.
    Lovely awesome pretty. love and hugs

  45. This kitten set is SO cute and your card is adorable!! So many things I want from this release. Did you see those egg embellishments! Too cute!

  46. That Mandela is so gorgeous! Beautiful work.

  47. Such sweet kitties! I just love the sentiment set that goes with them! Super cute card Lydia!

  48. OMG your projects are totally fabulous!!!! And this release is absolutely amazing! Thank you for sharing your inspiration with all of us!

  49. What adorable kitties and sweet sayings.

  50. I love your card!!! So pretty!!! TFS

  51. Great cards! Your kitty card is so sweet, and the yellow background with the mandala is really pretty! I love cats and always get excited when I see a new stamp set featuring them.

  52. I just love your cat card. So ooooooh cute. I love the mandala background. I love how you painted the clovers. When u saw your name I was hoping you'd paint something. (I'm a lurker on the FB site)

  53. Simply darling! A great release!

  54. Adorable cards. Congratulations Honey Bee!

  55. Happy Bee'day Honey Bee! I love the colors and embellishments - well all products, wih list continually grows!
    And Lydia - where is that clover stamp from? Terrific card! (cards)

  56. Love these adorable kittens and the background.

  57. They're so cute and adding the little white dots makes their eyes look so much more real roo

  58. So cute! I love the mandala background!

  59. Love the mandala background! So cute.

  60. Such a pretty card Lydia. I must have those kitty stamps, too cute. As well as the sentiments!

  61. The kitty set is adorable and love how the yellow background makes the kitties pop.

  62. Thanks for sharing your sweet card! I love the new products in this release!

  63. Your kitten stamp set is so cute

  64. The bucket of kitties is so sweet- love it!


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