
Friday, August 24, 2018

Be Different

I have traveled a lot this year for work. When you teach and do big industry shows, etc. you really need a lot of down time, because you are having such intense people time, that the silence of an empty hotel room is welcome.

Even if you're an extrovert like me. Most craft industry people I meet are introverts, but what I always say is I'm an extrovert who needs a lot of alone time. The alone time is what charges my extrovert battery.

On my last trip, I was with a friend of mine who is very similar in that way. She's an amazing teacher and such a people person, but she likes quiet time afterwards, and so whenever I get to travel with her, my favorite moments of the trips are when the two of us can sneak off to just color, and that's what we did in Utah.

Before she arrived, I visited what is billed as Utah's largest independent craft store - Heartfelt Hobby & Craft.

We don't have any of these stores left in my area, and so it was a real treat to walk in and be surrounded by all the things I love. The ladies there were so nice, and I probably spent an hour looking at every item in that store - even the fabric, and I'm allergic to sewing machines.

You would think that because of my job I'd have seen ALL THE STAMPS, but the true magic of a stamp store is that they have those things I haven't seen. And magic it was.

I found a whole AISLE of fun things I hadn't seen, and of course some of them needed to come home with me.

So after Kathy arrived, we sat down in the evenings after the day's events and colored. I started this sweet, sweet unicorn with Daniel Smith watercolor and fadeout ink. The unicorn is Quin Pink and Quin Violet, and the leaves are Perm. Green light and Sap green. The flowers are New Gamboge and Aussie Red Gold and then Payne's blue grey for hoofs, snout and shadow.

She wasn't done when I left Utah but I had hours of friend time with my sweet funny friend while I got her started, so who cares about finishing?

And come on - is this not adorable???? I DIE.
No line watercolor unicorn by Understand Blue
Darcie's OK TO BE DIFFERENT Clear...
[ SSS ]
Fadeout No Line coloring Detail Ink
[ INK ]
Tsukineko VersaFine Clair NOCTURNE...
[ SSS | ELH ]
Daniel Smith Extra Fine Watercolors
[ BLIC ]
Escoda Versatil Round - BLICK art...
[ BLIC | UTR ]
Da Vinci Cosmotop Sable Mix F Brushes...
[ BLIC | ELH ]
Fabriano Artistico Extra White...
[ BLIC ]
Heavy Base Weight Card Stock-...
[ GNK ]
Neenah Environment 100 LB SMOOTH...
[ SSS ]
MISTI Stamping Tool
[ MSW | HA | SSS | ELH | MFT ]
Rotatrim Professional Series Cutter -...
[ BLIC ]
Nesting Porcelain Bowls - BLICK art...
[ BLIC ]
My Favorite Watercolor Sketchbook
[ UTR ]
Heavy Base Weight Card Stock- White
[ GNK ]
Absorber - Synthetic Cleaning Cloth
Mudder 10 Pack White Buffer Sanding...
Essentials by Ellen Storage...
[ ELH ]
Teflon Bone Folder - Ellen Hutson LLC
[ ELH | SSS ]
Tombow MONO MULTI Liquid Glue Two...
[ SSS | ART | BLIC | ELH ]
Ink Off Cloth
[ INK ]
Stewart Superior Memories India Ink...
Fabriano Artistico 140 lb. Cold Press...
MISTI Stamping Tool - The Most...
[ SBC ]
Lawn Fawn STAMP SHAMMY Cleaner LF1045
[ SSS | ELH | CST | ART | SBC ]
Multipurpose Liquid Glue by Stampin' Up!
[ SUP ]

Now today is my BIRTHDAY, so I think we should have a little giveaway - don't you?

I want you to tell me in the comments if you are an introvert or an extrovert, and how you recharge from stimulating events like conventions or classes. I would love to learn a new ritual from you.

In exchange, I will give away a Picket Fence Studios bundle of products. If you have not seen this amazing stamp company, you can see Nicole's designs here - she's the illustrator and owner. She and her husband are such sweet people, and animal lovers, which is my requirement for anyone I call a friend.

So leave me a comment, and go do something fun for my birthday - like have some quiet time. :)



  1. OMG...I am the same exact way! I "love" to socialize, but give me some alone time!! Happy Happy Happy Birthday and thanks for letting me into the DS club of weakness! LOL And that unicorn is divine and pink, well pink! HUGS

  2. Happy Birthday Lydia! I am an introvert. Long conventions are tough for me, but I usually travel and room with people who are comfortable with "quiet time". Not every moment has to be filled with I right? LOL

  3. I really don't expect to win but I wanted to say that your little flowery unicorn is soooo sweet (and I am not really a cutesy type of girl) and as always, your generosity is overwhelming. I hope your day is filled with a ton of crafty time and a great meal with some of your favorite people (probably Maddie and Splotchy). Thank you for sharing your wonderful soul!

  4. Happy Birthday!!! Love this sweet Unicorn. I am an extrovert. Alone time also recharges my battery, but it's something I do not have a lot of.

  5. I forgot to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I hope You have a lovely day!!!

  6. I loved your post today! I am indeed an extrovert, and I love teaching and working with big groups of people. But I love my quiet time too. I never thought of my quiet time as recharging, but it really makes sense. I read an article about creative people, about how they need time to get in the flow of things, to let ideas bloom and develop and layer and mutate into a finished project, and disruptions and noises can really mess up their work flow. That is EXACTLY me! I love creating and designing when I am alone, with soft music or just the sound of the wind and the birds early in the morning, and that's how I recharge. Then I'm ready to meet the world! I wish you a very happy birthday and one amazing year!

  7. That unicorn is so adorable. I used to think of myself as being introverted, but the people in my life these days laugh their heads off when I say that. I suppose I’ve become more extroverted with age... but only for short bursts of time... and then I need silence. Silence recharged me, even when there are people around. Reading, walking out in nature, BEING out in nature, napping 😴, creating art... just about any silent activity will allow me to rev up my inner-extrovert again.

  8. Happy Birthday! Definitely an introvert, so I need to decompress after large-group gatherings, which also involves quiet, alone, creative time...... and usually a bowl of ice cream!

  9. Happy birthday Lydia! I hope you have a fabulous day and great year to come. Great post - I am most definitely an introvert! I prefer to be alone or only in small groups of people, and preferably people I know. When I have to be in large groups or do presentations, I like to be alone after and curl up with a good book, or even be with close friends which I'm lucky are some of my coworkers who I may be travelling with. I'm usually travelling, so the crafting doesn't happen for me on the road.

  10. Happy Birthday Lydia! I hope your extroverted dreams come true....I’m definitely an introvert and I love to snuggle with my puppy Dolly on our front porch to recharge ....we live in the country so I can get away with private snuggles!

  11. Happiest of birthdays to you! Hope you have a lovely day.

    I am definitely an extrovert. I do enjoy my alone time as well. (Mainly time away from my kids lol).

    Love the cute little unicorn.

  12. Happy, happy birthday to an extrovert who requires down time. Me?...I'm more like a hermit who has periods of social interaction. Still, just want you to have the happiest birthday possible. You deserve it for regaling me with your thoughts and art. Thank you.

  13. I'm very much an introvert. I enjoy stamp conventions and being around people, but afterwards I like to be alone to reflect on all I experienced. Hope you have a happy birthday and wishes for many more crafting years.

  14. loved your post...I am an introvert married to an is amazing to me how he is able to stay charged..I need space and quiet...but if am around a lot of people and need space I relax my face, put on a neutral pleasant expression, and focus on my breath. Sounds crazy but I can withdraw to my breath and find space...that space gives me a recharge... Most people don't even notice!!

  15. Happy Birthday, hope it's an amazing day! Adorable and beautifully painted unicorn. I am very much an introvert. I do love meeting people, but I do have a mild panic attack in the process (not really but close). I love quiet time and being creative in that quiet time is the best. When travelling I enjoy dinner in the hotel room and maybe a quick stroll in the neighborhood. I enjoy the time outside and just seeing the area at night. I do tend to stay very close to the hotel, sometimes its just making a circuit of the parking lot.

  16. Happiest Birthday, Lydia! I love to socialize but always look forward to quiet time at home. Spending time in my perennial and herb gardens always recharges my creativity! I thought of you early this morning, Lydia, as I picked some leaves from my herbs. Each summer, I've been using your wonderful Chlorophyll Duo-Printing technique to create special cards and gift tags. Today's the day! What lovely serendipity that it is your birthday! Celebrate in all of your favorite ways! ��

  17. Happy Birthday Lydia!! I am an introvert and I greatly admire extroverts, how they easily converse with anyone, anywhere (my mom was one, everyone who met her loved her) it's a gift. I recharge by swimming, I swim 1½hrs. 6 days a week. I love the stillness of being under water. Your card IS adorable. I saw a shirt that read "Save the Chubby Unicorns" and there was a picture of a Rhinoceros, just cracked me up! Wishing you a beautiful day!

  18. Well, happiest birthday wishes to you dear friend!!!
    You may not believe this but I am an introvert who has lapses of extrovertism! I am most happy being alone in quiet tranquility. With friends or doing what I love, teaching others stamping techniques, I can be quite loud! I do get panic attacks in large no concerts for me!
    I hope your day is truly amazing. :) I love your always!!

  19. Happy Birthday, Lydia! I am very much an introvert when I’m surrounded by people I don’t know. But with friends, it’s hard to keep me quiet! Because I live alone, I crave adult conversation, but I so appreciate the quiet alone time as well.

  20. Happy Birthday Lydia! Love your blog, and love your little unicorn too. I'm clearly an introvert in an extrovert job (I'm a pastor.) Some psychologist once told me that we can be outgoing introverts, or quiet loving extroverts -- it's what recharges our batteries makes the difference. Crowds of people drain my energy - although I love interacting with them; it's the quiet time that gets me going again.

  21. Hey Lydia! Happy, happy birthday and many more! I'm an introvert, but with a "learned" ability to mix with the extroverts from my business days. And after that mixing, I have to retreat into a book, or out into the wilds on a hike. For your birthday, we're going to go to North Cascades National Park and check out the hiking for introverts. Enjoy your day!

  22. This is such a sweet image, Lydia, and how you've colored him makes him even more wonderful! You and I are two peas in a pod with the "extrovert who needs alone time" thing - I need my alone time to have the energy to enjoy the interactive parts of my day. <3

  23. Happy Birthday! Hope it's full of sunshine and laughter! Sweet card. I'm an introvert and I love my quiet craft time! You might like to see this:

  24. First of all, Happy Birthday to You! I hope you have a wonderful day! And, I hope you had a great time with Kathy! I know how much I enjoyed hanging out with you in New Braunfels for the Road Trip! I'm an extrovert who also loves her alone time to watch TV and craft! Happy Birthday! from Cyndi

  25. Happy b-day Lydia! I am a both-vert!!! Since I work outside of the home with a bunch of people who like to complain A-LOT, I savor my Saturdays for "me-time". But... I love to go on retreats as well to see what others are working on and share ideas. I just wish I could do more retreating, but the J-O-B tends to get in the way!!! Love your card!

  26. Oh my gosh, I should not have read this post because I NEED that adorable unicorn stamp now. This is why I try not to browse craft stores, because I have no will power when it comes to new stamps and goodies...sigh. In the meantime though, happy happy birthday to you! May your day be filled with everything you love...and as much alone time as you want! I am one who needs a lot of alone time mixed in with time spent with friends and family so I get it completely. Crafting is what recharges me because there is no one perfect way to do it. It's all good!

  27. I've become an extrovert, although I was very shy in social situations as a younger person. I still need alone time to quiet the stimulus of being around a lot of talkers; there comes a times when I can't listen to ANOTHER WORD. I credit this to my Scottish heritage. You may remember that I recommended Hillbilly Elegy to you some months ago (you had just read it), so reading is how I recharge my batteries and yet calm myself. That and a lovely nap, because I'm officially retired and I can if I want to! Happy Birthday, Lydia, and many thanks for your inspiration and the various other tidbits you add to your blogs.

  28. I’m an introvert .... unless I’m with people then I’m an extrovert .... seriously i. A bit of both, I do most of my creating alone, but give me creating time with friends and I. Having a whole ,or of laughter and fun!

  29. Happy Birthday!! I am an introvert who needs lots of alone time and quiet. I recharge by reading laying on my bed. Always have several books in progress. BTW, I love when you suggest a book.

  30. This unicorn is so adorable and your colors for her are stunning! Yep, I need my alone time even more than most, that's when I'm the happiest and can craft undisturbed which makes me even happier :)

  31. Being me..... I FORGOT!!!!!! 😞 HAPPY BIRTHDAY LYDIA!!!!!!! I LOOOOVE you to the moon!!!!

  32. Oh my goodness Lydia, your unicorn is sweet, love the colours!
    I am a bit of both types....I am an introvert who LOVES my alone time (and LOTS of it!) However, get me together with my crafty friends and I am a real "chatty Kathy" and quite outgoing! Thanks for giving me the 'green light' to go play, no I HAVE too because its YOUR birthday and you told me too. LOL
    Enjoy you special day!

  33. Happy Birthday!
    Such a beautiful unicorn!
    I'm an introvert for sure. So when my husband is at work that gives me plenty of time to get recharged and inspired to create.

  34. I love that cute little unicorn! Cutest one I have seen. Love your card!
    I am an introvert. Very much an introvert on the extreme side. I have to have down time when I come home from work. I love to stamp and color and try to fit it in most days. Now socializing with the kitties at my local cat shelter where I volunteer on Sundays when it is closed, now, that is my kind of socializing!
    Happy Birthday Lydia! I hope you are having a wonderful day.

  35. Happy Birthday! The store sounds like a dream, I'd love to visit it someday. I'm more of an introvert than an extrovert, but hey, the world needs both, right?

  36. Happiest of all birthdays, Lydia! I am an extrovert also and love to recharge in nature, absorbing energy from plants, sunshine, birds and other creatures.

  37. Happiest of Birthdays Lydia!! I'm an extrovert when it comes to teaching crafts - other times I'm not that comfortable being the center of attention! I do love my alone time to recharge and unwind - is it possible to be both??
    Thanks for all you share and your inspiration!

  38. I am an extrovert, but definitely need my alone time to recharge too. I like to color or read to recharge. That or play in Pinterest.

  39. I consider myself ambivert, which is on my bibliophile list of one of the best words ever. On one hand I'm an introvert who needs alone time to recharge. On the other, I often train as part of my job.

  40. hard to say- most people thin k I am an extrovert, tho I can go forever with out talking to anyone- so maybe an extroverted introvert? I meditate a lot, walk in the woods and of course- color- mostly watercolor, and on good days ( my hand are getting shaky) lettering

  41. I tried to post with blogger and I got a message I was blocked!
    hard to say- most people thin k I am an extrovert, tho I can go forever with out talking to anyone- so maybe an extroverted introvert? I meditate a lot, walk in the woods and of course- color- mostly watercolor, and on good days ( my hand are getting shaky) lettering

  42. It was so nice to read about you and Kathy! Thanks! And I love the card!
    I'm an introvert. I find it hard even attending stimulating events. When I do, it takes a few days to wind down. I'm not good at taking care of myself afterwards but I guess what normally calmes me down would be good; yoga, meditation, a walk in the forest or a foot bath. Or petting a cat!
    I wish you a Happy Birthday.

  43. A very Happy Birthday to you! I enjoy the excitement of conventions or classes but I am most comfortable people watching "in my own little corner, in my own little chair". (It is my theme song!...and from so long ago I am sure no one will recognize it!) :D

  44. Oh my that unicorn is totally adorable. Your painting and the colors you chose are wonderful! And I'm an introvert. For years I was uncomfortable about that, a feeling of not fitting in, but then I learned to accept and embrace it. I thrive on lots of quiet alone time, which includes a lot of coloring and card making, and also reading.

  45. I often recharge by reading or playing solitaire. I've had way too much peopling this year.

  46. I'm exactly the same way. I teach 2nd graders so I am BOMBARDED with stimuli all day!! I love 'em, but I NEED that down time. I find myself watching more and more YouTube videos. I laughed when you said you're allergic to sewing machines because I just signed up for a beginning quilting class and I have been watching quilting videos NON-STOP. They're very relaxing. I'm just hoping I enjoy the experience! I spent the summer switching between papercrafting, quilting, and dot mandala videos!! Happy Birthday, Lydia!

  47. I hope your birthday was awesome!! I'd say I am an extrovert but I too like alone time. I get too distracted by what is going on around me and want to participate and my stuff doesn't get done unless I hole up and do it in the quite :)

  48. I hope your birthday was awesome - just like you!! I'd say I am an extrovert but I too like alone time. When I am with people I get caught up in the fun and don'y get a lot done to finish a project - thus the need to hole up and finish it :)

  49. Happy belated birthday ^-^. I spent time with friends yesterday morning and since I am an introvert needed to come home and just bask in the quiet of my home in the afternoon. I sometimes read or nap to recharge, anything that doesn't require me to talk OR listen.

  50. First of all, I’m wishing you a very happy birthday ! Then, your card is just so cute !! That unicorn is so adorable it would have been a real shame to left it in the store !! And finally about your question, I’d say I’m pretty much like you. In France we have an expression to talk about somebody who cares that too much about himself, somebody narcissist and egocentric. We say : “He/she looks his/her bellybutton !”. But it’s a little pejorative. Yet, I think it’s sometimes necessary to focus on our needs and desires. So I like try to empty my brain by binge-watching a serie, listening to music. Nothing revolutionary but it works for me. Thank you so much for your generosity!

  51. Introvert almost all the way (and married to a gen 62 male, I think I replied to that post too)...and agreeing with your unicorn's sentiment! We're all different. I hope you had a great day.

  52. My daughter is like you. I’m a more even/keeled version. I’m more introverted but not intensely.

  53. Happy birthday to you Lydia! That unicorn card couldn't be cuter and I love how you colored her. As for being an extrovert or introvert, I am most definitely an introvert. I like being around people in a low key way but always need alone time to recharge. My favorite way to recharge is through crafting or reading, or watching crime procedurals on tv.

  54. Happy Birthday to you!
    Love this adorable unicorn and your beautiful coloring!
    I am definitely an introvert! I do love conventions though with all the excitement and fun demos going on! It's fun to be inspired and to get a few new things to bring home! I unwind when I get home by unpacking and ooooohing and ahhhhing as I look over my purchases of the day!

  55. Hi there, I enjoy reading through your post.
    I wanted to write a little comment to support you.

  56. Happy Happy Birthday - I hope it's the start of a wondeful year for you. Love your little unicorn. I am an extrovert. Sometimes I recharge with quiet time. When I say quiet, I mean silence. No noise, no talk, no music. Other times I recharge with Zumba. Love the endorphin rush it gives me.

  57. Happy, happy birthday!! I am an introvert for sure. The fun thing about crafting is that it can draw out even the introverts into the kind crafty community. I feel like reading is one of my downtime quiet activities. I get to tune out and not worry about being social :) Ok, now I sound like a total antisocial nerd. But you get the point!

  58. Oh, that little unicorn is too sweet for words! I love your blog--you always make me laugh. Hope you had the best birthday ever!

  59. I am a true introvert who is forced to be an extrovert due to my career choice (veterinary medicine). After teaching students, interns, residents & owner's, I DEFINITELY need "down time"! Coloring is a go to only when my hands are able (think restraint, hands on physicals, surgery and of course injuries not to mention just good old fashioned "tired" hands with cramps)! My true go to is a candle lit room with good music. I will light a birthday candle for you. Happy Birthday and best wishes for many, many more!

  60. I just came home from a 3 day crop and I'm unwinding by putting everything away. What I'm interested in knowing is how you go to sleep at night after a full day of away time creating. I do stay up later that 10:00 PM but when I go to bed I can't turn off my creative brain. I keep reviewing my options and find it very hard to sleep no matter how tired I am. Happy Birthday!

  61. Lydia, your posts are a hoot! I love reading your words, my talented friend. You know I'm an introvert!!!! I have string lights in ALL our rooms in the house. When I'm overstimulated, lights bother me too but I love that they have settings from 10% to 100% so I keep them at 10%, put on some headphones and listen to relaxing music... and sometimes upbeat music. Both relax me. I then look up pretty things online (I can lose myself on Pinterest) or read uplifting articles. :) Also, I agree about Picket Fence (please exclude me from the giveaway). Happy belated birthday!!!!

  62. Happy (belated) Birthday dear Lydia!!! Buon Compleanno!
    Your unicorn is totally cute!!! Love so much this stamp set!!!
    I'm an extrovert. I recharge with a relaxing bath while listening to music or I love so much the sound of rain. When outside it's raining I love take a nap or crafting, this regenerates me a lot!

  63. I'm an extrovert... at work all day. But sometimes you can talk to much to to many people. Then I become an introvert... ;)
    Happy birthday!


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