
Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Noveau Retiform Technique

Today I'm the guest tutorial author at Splitcoast and I have such a fun technique for you.

Back in the olden days, when I had to walk to school wrapped in a wet sheet, uphill both ways and whatnot, there was a very popular technique called Retiform, where you would mask off sections of your card, and fill them both with sponged ink and with stamped images, to make an overall geometric collage pattern.

Back then, this was considered super arty and edgy. Here's a gallery of samples. As I did with the shaving cream technique not too long ago, I decided to modernize this technique a bit with stencils. You can make anything new again with all the fabulous stencils on the market. I also found that using a Rollagraph® wheel made the collage portion of this technique a snap. I call it Noveau Retiform.

In the olden days, when we had to cut down trees to make the blocks for our own stamps, this technique typically used earth toned colors - warm browns and rusts to give sort of a vintage feel, which I also changed up to be a bright, happy color scheme for my adorable little fox. In the video below you'll see how easy this is and no Post-it® notes required!

I made a quick video of this technique - and step by step instructions are available at Splitcoast as well.

I also decided to play around with the super fun Doll Faces wheel too since I had the handle out - first with a snarky card, where I masked out the floral border from Big on Birthdays just to leave the snarky sentiment. Then I paired that with a Cathy Zielske set, which is also hilarious. Cracks me up. I used the Pick a Pattern Washi and just kept it simple in black and white.

Then for my last Doll Faces card, I kept it a little more traditional, with a light watercolor on Bristol and a sentiment from Colorful Seasons.

I hope you go check out the step by step tutorial on Splitcoast today, and if you are in the path of Irma - I hope you are safe this week!

Speaking of Irma - my friends at Concord & 9th are being amazing as usual. 100% of their profits from their hope bundle to relief efforts for Houston for the entire month of September. So please take a look at that awesome bundle - I like when buying craft supplies helps people! Proud to call these people my friends!



  1. This is so cool!! I think I need some stencils!!! Such cool looks for all three of your cards. Your first one came together so quickly with the help of the stencil and the roller but looks like a very time consuming technique. It's always fun to give a card that makes people wonder, "how did she do that?" I love the faces!!! Your second card is a hoot. Such a great sentiment! I love a tool that feels like magic happening beneath your fingers and watching you roll out these images made me think of magic!

  2. THIS is a fabulous tutorial Lydia, thanks for doing the video. Very helpful and informative. I love going back to techniques I originally learned and old products that I own and incorporating them with the new. This was a great reminder. Thank you for that!

  3. Sorry you got the crud - might be the greatest card ever...until I see the next card you make. You are amazing!

  4. Fabulous cards! I love the aqua and limon card!

  5. Great tutorial, thank you! I can't wait to give this a try, I don't remember doing this one back in the day.

  6. Wow! Love this technique and your cards.

  7. I had forgotten about the Retiform technique! Thanks for the reminder. I am going to have to use this technique next time I get into my craft oasis! Thanks for the inspiration!

  8. What fabulous cards! I love the graphic background on the first one and the last two are awesome!

  9. Oh, man. This is WAAAY cool! I've never seen big ole' wheels like these. When you said Seattle Gray, I thought - hey, that could be a million different shades of gray (didn't see the movie) cause I grew up in the PNW. I'll miss ya while you're away at retreat! I'm coming back to see if a new LOL cat was born!


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