
Monday, July 24, 2017

Seas the Day

I'm still plugging along with my World Watercolor Month challenge, and I did a fun one this weekend while working on Dare to Get Dirty samples.

It just so happened that one of the prompts coincided with one of the challenges for DTGD (which I still can't tell you about until Saturday :) so I made a card and did a page in my sketchbook for it.

One thing I hadn't done during the challenge yet was masking, so I got out my FAVORITE masking fluid (link also below photo). This stuff is amazing. I've tried all the others, and disliked them for one reason or another - too stinky, too sticky, wrong drying times. But THIS - this is my one true masking fluid. I have it in both white and blue. It's not expensive, and it has a really fine applicator which is perfect for masking. You can add a little or a lot and it stays wet long enough for you to work it where you need it to be and not get gummy and pilled.
Stampin' Up! So Many Shells  - Schmincke masking fluid, Daniel Smith Watercolor by Understand Blue

So what I did was apply the masking fluid in a diagonal line, making little dots and wiggles I thought would look like foam, and then some stripes out in the water area for whitecaps. You need to wait until the fluid is TOTALLY dry before you watercolor, and AFTER you watercolor, that needs to be TOTALLY dry before you remove it. This was unusually easy for me this time because I had 15 other cards I needed to get done on Saturday. I watercolored it with the blues and golds listed above, and lightly spattered the sand with Burnt Sienna for a tiny amount of speckle. Then I used my MISTI to stamp the sentiment from So Many Shells.

It was so simple and quick, and I love the look. This is an easily duplicatable card, and would work with ink refills as well as watercolor. You just have to learn to think and work backwards.

Here's the sketchbook page with the same process. I love how ephemeral watercolor is. You are NEVER going to be able to reproduce anything you do with watercolor.

Watercolor sketchbook  - Schmincke masking fluid, Daniel Smith Watercolor by Understand Blue

If you like watercolor, part of this challenge includes some great giveaways, so be sure and enter - you do NOT have to be playing along to be eligible to win!

Hannemuhle Watercolor Paper and Sketchbooks Giveaway
Davinci Watercolor Paint Giveaway

If you want to do any of the prompts, they are all on Charlie's site here. Which - I highly recommend subscribing to - his art is glorious, and his posts are so sweet.

And speaking of giveaways - don't FORGET - I have a huge monthly giveaway going - details on how you can win are at this post.

Happy Monday!



  1. This is awesome Lydia. I need that masking fluid mine is not working for me anymore. Thanks for the tip!

  2. This is just gorgeous, Lydia! What a gorgeous backdrop for this wonderful sentiment!

  3. These are lovely! I really like how the masking fluid left such a gorgeous foam line to the beach.

  4. this might be my favorite card of all time.

  5. Always adore your watercolor works, m'dear! {{{heart}}}

  6. WOW ... I absolutely love this card ... now I need to dins where i put my jar masking fluid because I really want to try this!
    Thanks for sharing!
    (Hugs) Cara
    My Creative Chaos {My Personal Blog}

  7. Amazing card can smell the salty ocean


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