
Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Come Back, Chronological Order!

My sister posted an incendiary question on my Facebook page yesterday, and ignited the angst of all of us non-millennials who have been deprived of time by millennials.

Specifically, chronological order.

One of the the things I really love about forums is that the content is in chronological order. You can find old things, or find new things, but they are in the order they happened.

Then Facebook arrived, and the world became ordered by randomness, as if that were possible. Our definitions of yesterday and tomorrow were destroyed, as we began to see Monday's posts on Friday, and not see Friday's posts at all, let alone on Friday.

It's the feeling you get inside novels with non-linear time, like 100 Years of Solitude. Time just swirls all around you, and like you're a cow out in a field somewhere, it's just "today" and don't bother with the details.

When Instagram killed off chronological order, there was rioting. (And by that, I mean people typing rude, misspelled comments with poor grammar).

But the last front in this epic war is the order of books (and podcasts) in a series. A SERIES. That word means something! But not to Amazon. Not to the Apple Podcast app, or the internet in general. Any one of you whose brain has been damaged by the humiliating act of typing "what is the order of the Louise Penny books?" into Google - we stand with you. It's inhumane. Terroristic. We must rise up and restore time on this earth before no one cares anymore. I welcome you to fight alongside me. Sadly, I can't tell you what day or time to meet me because I can't tell any of those things, BUT WE WILL FIND EACH OTHER!

Anyway - back to my beloved, chronologically ordered forum happy place - Splitcoast. We are working behind the scenes on the most fun week of the year - the Dare to Get Dirty challenges.

This is a week of challenges by Dirty Dozen Design Team members and Alumni, just for Fan Club members who support the site with their membership dues. Fan Club members enjoy instant uploads to the gallery, a monthly private gallery created by the team, and exclusive tutorials and challenges. Our wonderful sponsors have lots of prizes for them at the end of the challenges, and it's a chatty, colorful week in the gallery.

There are more challenges than there are days, since we do multiple challenges per day, so I'm sneak peeking some of my cards. What the challenge is is a secret - but I can show you my sample for Dina's challenge!

I wanted (like I do every day) to use Lemon Lime Twist cardstock with some lively black and white, so I used the new Pick a Pattern Washi Tape - this comes with five rolls in five different widths - I love the super skinny 1/8" tape - by just adhering stripes of it to cardstock. Then I die cut the Happy Birthday thinlit out of both the lime green cardstock and the taped cardstock and die cut inlaid them back together. I used a Kool Tak pencil I got in Santa Fe for a pick-up stick for the itty bitty bits. I love finding new pick up sticks. They're all a bit different. I think it makes for a fun, happy card!

Now on the white cardstock panel, I adhered a Sizzix Multipurpose adhesive sheet to the back after I die cut it, so that the openings where the greeting was was sticky and I could just piece in the die cut pieces easily. Then I glued the whole thing to the card base.

Very fun and a it's hiding a very clever challenge that will go up on the 29th!

Now for two bits of VERY exciting news! My Sweet Petunia is turning THREE YEARS OLD today!

I cannot believe how much the MISTI has changed the stamping world in three years. I still kick myself for not buying it as soon as I heard of it. I'm so grateful the MSP for all the cardstock I've saved, and how much better my stamping and no-line watercoloring is because of this amazing tool. So Happy Birthday to MISTI! To celebrate, she's have a birthday sale - no coupon needed! 20% off on the Original MISTI that was born 3 years ago, as well as grid paper and the grid mousepad. Go forth and shop here! Sale ends Friday!

And here are my two winners of the amazing Unicorn Awesomeness bundles! I've given them your names, so shoot an email to them here, and they will get your info! :)  Congratulations and thank you so much for all the comments!



  1. I have personally googled that very thing many times! I am in the midst of rereading or relistening to the Louise Penny series in anticipation of the August release of her next book! My biggest peeve is that our small town library NEVER has whole series. Thankfully we're connected to a bigger network of libraries and also Overdrive and Hoopla so I can usually find what I need one way or another. I have been absent from splitcoast most of the summer :( but will have to get ready to participate in Dare to Get Dirty! Love this sneak peek card!

  2. What a timely post. Enjoyed it.

  3. So much fun! Not the lack of chronological order- the is no fun on that!

  4. Thank you so very much for the giveaway and introduction to this fabulous unicorn set! I just emailed them and can't wait to get going on some unicorn awesomeness to spread cheer through the mail!

  5. Love your writings. will put books in chronological order for you. I love the Louise Penny series a new one will be out in August.

  6. YES!!! Time is not a flat circle Matthew McConaughey!!! ☺ (Love the card)

  7. I love this card, and I love this writeup. I struggle with chronology when downloading podcasts and TV shows - feel like I'm always going back to make sure I have it all right. Love the black, white and Lemon Lime Twist combo. What fun!

  8. I'm definitely a chronological gal(Louise Penny out of order makes me crazy). This is a brilliant essay on my need for it. Beautifully written, if I may say so. I'll be the warrior on your left in an effort to preserve it. Sadly, I'm also and Instagram derelict whose fat fingers and eagerness cause ugly misspellings and grammar usages (hanging my head in shame). Despite that, crazy about your cards, paintings, etc. Love all your commentary on this thing we call life in the 2000s.

  9. I'm with you - must.have.chronological.

  10. YES- I need chronological order! It is good to hear I am not the only one. Facebook, are you listening?
    Looking forward to DTGD. You just gave us a great tease.
    Dorothy S aka etsdas

  11. Retired librarian here with another endorsement for!

  12. I couldn't love this card more!!!

  13. Hugs! I thought it was just me that struggled with the time issue. Gorgeous card!!!! Fabyulous card for Dina's challenge. :)

  14. Drives me insane the FB got rid of the chronological order. Love that Misti is 20% off - I may have to get the regular size now that I'm hooked on my mini!

  15. Congratulations to the Unicorn set winners! I agree with you about chronological order; randomness makes me rather crazy. Thrilled to see you reference Louise Penny; I love her novels and just 'may' have a wee crush on Inspector Gamache! Her new one is released in August; already have it reserved in my local library. Your card is fabulous!

  16. Not that it will fix all the chronological issues but here is a web site for books:


Every time you leave a comment, a new LOLcat is born. ALSO - don't panic if you don't see your comment right away - I moderate my comments to keep those spammers out, so your comment will show up in short order. Unless you're linking me to Russian brides or Nigerian princes.