
Thursday, October 6, 2016

The Wonder of Christmas

I have a card for you today for two different challenges, but first I wanted to tell you why I chose the sentiment I did.

I am very nervous about this hurricane approaching Florida today. I have lots of friends in the area where the hurricane is expected to make landfall and I'm terrified for them and their pets and their property. Just the fear they will experience while things slam into their shuttered homes at 140 miles an hour makes my heart hurt for them. I know I, and my animals, would be freaking out.

While we will all pray for their safety, there is something else to think about. I've heard lots of stories of people helping each other board up their houses, do all those things that increase your chances of living through such a thing. Imagine if you live alone, or you're in any way mobility challenged, trying to get heavy metal storm shutters up, moving your patio furniture somewhere where it won't be a projectile, all while frantically shopping, getting gas, filling up containers with water, and generally panicking. You really would depend on the kindness of friends and neighbors literally for your life.

My friend Kat said that times like these bring out the best in people. Her neighbor - a firefighter, came over and helped them shutter their French doors and she was so grateful.

Wouldn't it be just fabulous if we were always doing things like that and not just when we are worried it's your last few days on earth? That's something to work towards.

And that's why I chose the sentiment I chose today. I'm worrying with all of you! I hope the news is good a few days from now, or a superhero flies up into the storm and turns it around.


This card is for two different challenges - tomorrow's Mix-Ability challenge by Anna Wight at Splitcoast. Since I'm blogging it early for 3,000 complicated reasons, I can't tell you what the challenge is - you'll have to peek at it in the morning here.

It's also for Lori McAree's Falliday Fest challenge on the 21st.

To make this card, I just cut a triangle of watercolor paper, and applied Rainbow Tape to it (I used the Crepe White in 1/8" and 1/16") to mimic garlands. Then I used some postbox red acrylic paint to cover everything, and rubbed on some InkaGold to highlight the texture. I used turquoise Schmincke watercolor to make a wash on another piece of watercolor paper, matted that with Poppy Parade (retired) and put that on a white card base. I love that poppy red with aqua. Such a great combo.

On my favorite things list this month is the following items. I've been meaning to tell you about these, but keep forgetting.
  • These amazing pantry storage containers. I love them - the lids come totally apart for cleaning, drying. They are stackable and see-through. My old containers were those round ceramic canisters - and that just leads to wasted space and mystery. These are worth every penny.  
  • This apple cake recipe. I don't eat much cake, but this one is FANTASTIC, with or without the icing. 
  • This graph paper - it is reinforced, can go in a notebook and is perfect for zentangling. It is at a crazy great price right now.
  • This password book - I finally found one with enough space per letter for my 80 billion websites. I use these erasable pens because I'm a frequent password changer. FYI - the clickable versions of these are not as good. Get the ones I linked with the caps. I don't know if the clickable ones dry out or what, but they're not nearly the same. 
  • This Family Cookbook site - I'm intrigued. So you can work on your family recipes and have a custom cookbook. Wouldn't that make a great Christmas gift? When my schedule slows down, I'm going to make one. Personal cookbooks are free, so if you just want a place to collect your recipes, this is cool!
  • Do you have little kittiots that play fight and sometimes scratch each other? You can keep that from turning into a $300 vet visit with this amazing antiseptic - my friend Rebecca (in the path of the hurricane as I type) told me about this and it's been a lifesaver. Sometimes a little scratch turns into a really bad thing on a kitty and I have had no issues since I've started using this. I just spray it on a cottonball and wipe it on the scratch for a few days until it starts to get better. 
  • This Project Life kit - it makes GORGEOUS cards. Gorgeous. 
If you are in harm's way today - I doubt you're reading blogs - but I'm thinking about you! Please make sure you keep tennis shoes on - that's my best tip from tornado country - most people are seriously injured walking over debris AFTER a storm because they were barefoot or in flip flops. And help your neighbors if you can!




  1. Praying with you!!! That sentiment is just perfect. Totally off subject, but I love the font that "Falliday Fest" is in on that watermark. Any idea what it is?? :)

  2. Hey Tricia! Thanks! Yes - It's Madre Script.

  3. It is always dangerous when I come here - not only do I love your cards and reading your stories, I end up adding to that darn wish list at Amazon!!!!


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