
Sunday, October 9, 2016

Falliday Fest!

A few weeks ago, a cold front blew through. It was the weekend of my nephew's wedding, and we got some dramatic thunderstorms for a few days, and then, on Tuesday, a break.

Fall isn't quite the same in Texas as it is elsewhere. It's mostly just hot. But sometimes, it's less hot, and those days are magical.

Tuesday was one of those less hot days. I set off for my walk in the morning - excited both by the 77 degrees (not typical for September) and the fact that a Pokemon update did a "nest shuffle" and so there were going to be different Pokemon in my park.

I was on the cool trail to the park when a jogger rounded a curve and was about to jog past me. I said "good morning" and she breaks into this huge grin and says IT'S FALL!!!

It was so cute - she was so excited. Later, in the park, I passed two ladies who were alternately jogging and walking. One of them was so friendly, saying hi and waving each time we passed each other on our laps. On my last loop, they passed me again, and she said "last lap - have a great day!"

It was a small thing, but it totally made my day. Everyone was happy to be outside, and just that extra two seconds to just be kind and really interact with me just started my day perfectly.

I certainly don't think of the heat as a burden (unless my AC breaks) - I love it hot, sunny and dry. But change is always fun, and it was just cool (see what I did there?) to see everyone's reaction to it.

At Splitcoast we are super excited to have a new fall tradition this year - it's called Falliday Fest. It's two weeks of challenges, tutorials and prizes and it's going to be a blast.

Today is the first day of the event, and I'm hosting the first challenge! I wanted to make mine fall themed, because when we were brainstorming this event, we really wanted to focus on fall and holiday crafting, which, in years past, kind of got overlooked in the flurry of activity that is the last quarter of the year.

And while I no longer live in a place that really has fall, I was born in upstate New York, and went back there for college, and those vivid, bright blues and oranges of a perfect, crisp New York October day are burned into my DNA. My campus had a GORGEOUS, old cemetery bordering it, and I remember many a peaceful walk through colored leaves, seeing deep blues of both the sky and the occasional indigo bunting. It was truly a perfect time of year.

So my challenge is called "Start Spreading the News" in honor of my beloved New York autumns, and you need to incorporate fall foliage and text.

I filmed this entire process and my phone freaked out and the video went dark halfway through. Womp womp. So imagine me watercoloring in your mind right now. Then imagine me wailing and tearing my hair out after finding the damaged video.

Anyway - here's what I did. I stamped the leaves from Vintage Leaves in Crushed Curry ink. Then I watercolored them - I actually did a full sheet of watercolor paper and then cut it down - one for this challenge and one for a later one. Then I took masking paper and tore small holes in it. I stamped through the holes with the Dictionary background stamp (retired), and also stamped that on the card base.

I added the sentiment from It's a Celebration in black.
Falliday Fest Challenge Sample by Understand Blue

links to supplies

I love taking the time to craft for fall and not just Christmas and winter. Makes me happy.

There are two more challenges today - from Lori and Dina - and if you play along with us, you'll have the opportunity to win TONS of prizes from your favorite companies.

We also have TEN holiday tutorials during the event, so don't miss it!

Take a minute today just to enjoy the things only October can bring.



  1. Your card is reading about your walk and how you came to the SCS challenge prompt.

  2. We have room for you if you want to experience another Rochester fall! It is gorgeous here. Love your card and am looking forward to Falliday Fest. See you on SCS

  3. I'm a fiend for leaves, so your card made me drool. My watercoloring skills are very basic but your beautiful card is both motivating and inspiring. Hooray for fall! (It's lovely here in Wisconsin, too.)

  4. Stunning Card Lydia and I loved your "walk" story.....we had the beautiful leaves here for a week before it snowed, haha....

  5. Love this card, Lydia! And the wonderful story about the friendly people in the park!


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