
Monday, October 13, 2014

Strength In The Background

Happy Monday!

My friend Chaitali Narla got some of her crafty buddies together today for a pink blog hop today - so welcome to the last stop on the hop!

You already know I've been crafting all month for our Hope You Can Cling To card drive for the patients at the MD Anderson Cancer Center and I was stoked to be asked to hop along with these great ladies.

This is a cause near and dear to Chaitali's heart because her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer earlier this year. She actually designed the stamp set we're using today to honor her mother. I love how all the artists I know really put their heart into their work, and if you look closely enough you can always see that. Thanks for including me Chaitali - it's an honor!

For my inspiration today I used Susie's challenge which is words of encouragement. I made a collage with the strength and hope images from Pink Power for my background with Smoky Slate and Melon Mambo ink. I think a lot of the women who receive our cards during this card drive (we are over 1,000 now!) have more strength daily than most of us can imagine - they have to - that's always in the background. The moments of hope really pop during tough struggles - and I tried to echo that in my design. I also created a little shadow for the ribbon with grey as well. I love doing that with solid images - it's amazing how much that adds.

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I finished it off with a little silver glimmer paper and some striped grosgrain ribbon.

If you just came here and didn't know about the hop, start back at the top - these women are amazing!

I hope you can find some time this month to make a card for one of these great ladies and send it to MD Anderson - you never know when it's going to be just what someone needs.



  1. Really lovely. I like the touch of the graphic ribbon. Thanks for using your art to help shed light on such an important subject.

  2. I really like the background you created - the pop of pink is perfect!

  3. Love this Lydia, awesome stamping of the background with those sentiments, so fun!!

  4. Love this card, Lydia! Adore the symbolism of the hope popping out amidst all the strength the journey takes. So beautiful.

  5. Beautiful card! Love the soft monochromatic colors and the pop of pink. The bit of bling is so great!

  6. So pretty Lydia. Love the words in the background and the touch of pink ribbon and word. What a wonderful cause and stamp set. Great hop.

  7. I absolutely love how you stamped the background with these powerful sentiment, Lydia! I also love the black and white bow on top! You did a BEAUTIFUL job on this hop!!!

  8. Love the way you stamped the background on this amazing card!!

  9. Love the graffiti background, Lydia! Really makes the message pop!

  10. Gotta have hope. Beautiful card. Thanks.

  11. This is lovely! I love the big striped bow!

  12. What an amazing card! I love the color combo!

  13. I am SO SO glad you joined in the hop!! This card has so many awesome meanings that I don't know where to start praising it! Really beautiful! I can see the lucky recipient will really love it!


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