
Saturday, August 2, 2014

Mani, Pedi.... PAPER?

Okay I've been sitting on this little tidbit for MONTHS like a broody hen!!

Bock, bock!!

In the spring, I had an idea. It was part of a totally SQUIRREL chain of events that went like this:
  •  On Amazon, it showed me "people who bought this also bought" thumbnails.
I thought - wait a minute - look at those fine little tapes - SURELY I can use those on a card! The lines were so teeny and delicate, I KNEW they would make a fabby mask, and since the adhesive had to be light enough to come off your nail after painting, I thought it wouldn't damage my cardstock.

SQUIRREL! PLUS, they were only $1.54 for TEN ROLLS!

So I ordered this set of tapes, and then they sat on my desk until this week when I was prepping for Dare To Get Dirty, which started today.

Cassie Trask hosted one of the challenges today - now, the challenges are for Fan Club Members only so I can't tell you what it is - and her challenge was PERFECT for my tapes!

So I busted out my Brusho powdered watercolor, my manicure tapes and I went to town! It worked PERFECTLY as a mask with no bleeding the very first time. I'm in love!!

Pin It

SQUEE!! Look how crisp they are!!

I  can tell this is something I'm going to be using a lot!

The stamp is from the For All Things set from the upcoming Holiday Mini Catalog - let me know if you need one!

You just never know when buying nail polish is going to spark an art storm - so by all means - paint your nails!!



  1. SQUEEEEEEEEEEE!!! I freakin' love the beautiousness of this card sooooo much! The watercolor, the mani tape, your ingenuity!! You are pure awesomeness! All in one tiny blue-hued package. I love this so much, Lydia. You are a rockstar! ♥

  2. Holy cow! How can they sell that for less than $2 and free shipping?!?!?! I thought I could do this with a ruler + Versamarker and emboss it, but then I'd smear the lines with the ruler. I might have to try it your way now. SO SO SMART!

  3. Don't you LOVE when that happens! Genius, my friend!

  4. Oh, forgot to tell you, awesome card! Love the watercolour! And the teeny diamonds.

  5. PS: I ordered the tape, because (1) 1.54, (2) free shipping, and (3) with my Amazon bonus points I got it FOR FREE! This just in: Your estimated delivery date is Thursday, August 28, 2014 -
    Friday, September 19, 2014. *thud*

  6. Love it!!! Your card is beautiful and I love the technique! Very creative! Can't wait to get my hands on some tape!

  7. Fabulous! I was wondering how you got those crisp lines on your card.
    Love the color palette too.

    I need a manicure...but I have to wait until Friday (after DTGD). ;-)

  8. What a fun way to use the tape. Great card.

  9. Who would have guessed....Awesome!

  10. FABULOUS results.
    Just dropping by via Pinterest and stayed awhile to look at your other stuff! xxx


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