
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Where's Eve?

Well hello there. Merry Christmas Eve!

I wonder why we don't have "eves" for new holidays - only old ones?

Instead of just All Hallow's Eve and Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve, shouldn't we have Independence Day Eve, Thanksgiving Eve and other assorted modern eves?

There's so much more festiveness involved with an eve, don't you think?

It's a two-fer!

Last night was the 4th (we think) annual wrapping party that my brother-in-law came up with. They invite the neighborhood over and we provide wrapping paper and ribbon and cards and tags and everyone can wrap their gifts (or we wrap them for them) without messing up their house or revealing secret gifts to their children. It's a really fun tradition and we had a great time last night.

I made some cookies, thanks to my friend Tandra - that were AMAZING and also the easiest cookies I've ever made! Here's the recipe. Bonus - they are very low calorie and gluten free!

Coconut Cornflake Meringue Kisses


  • 3 egg whites
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 1/4 tsp cream of tartar
  • 1 cup sweetened coconut flakes
  • 3/4 cup cornflake crumbs (from 2 cups cornflakes crushed almost to powder)


Preheat oven to 350°. Line two cookie sheets with parchment paper or silpats.
Whip the eggs whites, cream of tartar and sugar into a meringue until you form thick soft peaks, about 8 - 10 minutes.
Fold in the coconut and cornflake crumbs.
Drop by spoonful onto parchment lined cookie sheets.
Bake for about 18 minutes or until golden.

Original recipe here

Try to eat less than 10 in a row - I bet you can't.

I'm so behind on blogging that I'm bringing you a card I made in October!

I stamped the little hydrangea from Best of Flowers in Memento London Fog and colored it with Touch Twin Markers ( Y45, RP9, GY48, RP138, F124). Then I masked it off and sponged Daffodil Delight through drywall tape on top of the image. The greeting is from Oh, Hello.

For those of you who are having a severe coldsnap or like my poor friend Ronda Wade, are without power in a 45 degree house, maybe at least some artistic summer sunshine will warm you up!
Pin It

What's up for your holiday? We are having Christmas with my family, and my mother says she has some new trivia game that is going to show us all how much we don't know! The challenge has been accepted. We're also going to make these CUTE binder clip angels. Pictures to come. 

I hope today is full of fun and cookies! I'd love to hear what crafty products you've asked Santa to bring you - I love to be enabled!

Oh - and in case you missed it, the engineers who did the original guide to cats are out with a sequel - and it's hysterical!



  1. Your wrapping party looked like a blast!

    I agree the EVES are more fun!

    Terrific choice of card review! I love this one with the dry wall tape sun ray, well worth seeing again!

    LOL on the video! I haven't seen this before. CRACKING me up!

    Between, HYCCT and turning OLD in Dec. I now have new storage for stamps, markers, desktop storage carousel,72 inktense pencils, and a Ranger melting pot. And that's not all..... 25.00 Michaels GC will add just a bit more! Probably UTEE to melt in the pot! :)

    Hope you are getting some fun crafty items!!!

  2. Santa brought me this:

    Now to sit down and use it!

  3. I am going to guess those two engineers are single. no?!? OH my stars that was a good video.


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