
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

May the Horse Be With You!

I came here intending to bring you wisdom for the new year, which happens to be in the Chinese zodiac - the year of the horse.

I was quite certain that in just a few keystrokes I'd find ancient wisdom in what this horse year had in store for us.

Instead I found a lot of websites that said things like:

-you find good calamity in this year of wood horse
-after the slithery snake of 2013 we can have landslide and forest fire

Not exactly what I was going for. So I've decided to make up my own Chinese zodiac outlook for 2014 if that's okay with everyone. Except I'm not a fan of China. So here's my American Year of the Horse Zodiac by Understand Blue.

-Horses (or as I call them, horsies) are awesome. Therefore, 2014 will be awesome

-Horsies represent freedom to those of us who live in the wild, wild West. So I predict that freedom will actually come back into style in 2014 and replace the NSA, drones and the IRS with cat videos and silly string.

-Horsies are wicked fast, and so I think this year is going to go really fast. Please hang on, and try to be productive.

-I hate to bring this up, but on behalf of my brother I must. Horses bite. So watch out for mosquitos and the IRS.

-If you're single, please note that where there are horsies, there are cowboys. If you're a boy, please note that where there are horsies, there are cowgirls.

-Into every life, a little horse poop must fall. Don't get all bent out of shape about it. Don't whine. Buck up and get over yourself. Get back in the saddle. Don't share the poop. Everyone has their own poop - they don't need to hear about yours.

-Good shoes are very important. You can never spend too much. Seriously. it's the year of the horse. I can't recommend Zappos highly enough.

-While it's said that horseshoes are lucky, that's completely false. You make your own luck. So do it. See the don't whine part above. 

-Take care of your mane. If you're not a Clydesdale, it's the only thing people will notice.

-Be a Clydesdale - they're awesome. 

-Horses aren't afraid of anything except for mice. This is where we get into the part about horses not really being all that bright. Mice aren't scary. The lesson here is not to overdramatize things, unless you're telling a story, in which case bring. all. the. drama. 

-Chew your food. Several times. Eating fast is for carnivores.

-Work hard, Even if it's not glamorous. It builds strong bones and makes you appreciate resting and playing a little more. 

-Have a big heart. Go at full speed until it gives out. :)

Most of all, you should probably watch Secretariat - I think you can get everything else you need to know from that :).

Whatever happens, may the horse be with you.

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Stamps: Happy Watercolor, Ancient Asia, Deadbeat Designs May the Horse Be With You
Ink: Summer Sun, Orchid Opulence, Tempting Turquoise
Paper: Whisper White

Now, you may be here for the Season's Givings Blog hop - in which case - welcome!

This was such a fun and joyful event last year I'm really excited that we're doing it again! I met so many new friends and had so much fun hopping around from blog to blog.

I was really blessed this year with some crafty Christmas gifts, including this Derwent Inktense pencil set (crazy AWESOME price on them on Amazon right now) and a Brother Scan and Cut Machine - OMG! I can't wait to play with these tomorrow!

In the spirit of paying it forward, I will choose one lucky commenter to win an amazing prize package to help them ride their crafty horse into 2014!

This package includes:

 That's more than $80 worth of amazing stampy goodness! You'll need your own horse to haul it all! :)

I'll be choosing my winner on January 6th at noon - so don't waste any time - leave me a comment! Tell me what you got for Christmas and what your plans are for 2014!

If you're hopping along, the person after me is Kelly Klapstein - GO LIKE THE WIND - see what she has for you.

Most of all, happy new year! :)

Here's the full hop list in case your horse ran off and you are lost.

 Happy and safe and blessed New Year to you.



  1. I got to spend time with my family which is more than anything I would wish for Christmas!!!

  2. Happy New Year! Thanks for the chance to win your fun prize! Best wishes in 2014!

  3. Thank you for NOT going with: you find good calamity in this year of wood horse
    -after the slithery snake of 2013 we can have landslide and forest fire!!!


    Pretty card!

    May the HORSE be with you in 2014 and Hang ON I have a feeling you are right, it is going to be a FAST ride!

  4. Love your artwork, thank you for sharing and thank you for the opportunity to win blog candy as well. Happy New Year!

  5. Love your artwork, thank you for sharing and thank you for the opportunity to win blog candy as well. Happy New Year!

  6. Great Hop...TFS! My 2014 resolution is to SHARE more.
    Happy New Year and blessing throughout the new year!

  7. You are took funny! I love it! Happy 2014 and thanks for the chance to win!

  8. You are going to love your new Brother Scan n Cut. I bought it for myself as an early Christmas gift

  9. The New Year is here... Let us live it to the fullest and may it be the best year ever! Happy New Year!

  10. Love your year of the horse predictions - great fun. Thank you for the chance to win an awesome prize and have a great year of the horse.

  11. Happy New Year and Happy Crafting in 2014!!
    To Christmas I became many new stamps and I am looking forward to spending more time to playing with my stamps.

    Lydia, thanks for the chance to win!
    Regina from Germany

  12. Thanks for opportunity to be entered to win on the blog hop.

  13. Happy New Year! Thanks for chance to win such a great prize package. Gonna check out those inktense pencils right now. :)

  14. for Christmas I got copics and coloring guides from my hubby! For 2014 I want to make and give more cards! Thanks for an amazing hop!!!!!

  15. Happy year of the horse, Thank you


  16. I always giggle when I leave a comment since I love the LOLcat is born quote!

    Enjoy your crafty goodies!! I finally got some mixed media goodies to try out so I'm looking forward to getting mixed up soon. :)

    Best wishes for a happy and healthy 2014!

  17. Lol, what a fun post!
    May the horse be with you as well!m
    Happy New Year!

  18. Your cards are so creative. Thank you for the ideas! Happy New Year!

  19. I enjoy your blog so much! Happy Year of the Horsie!

  20. I enjoy your blog so much! Happy Year of the Horsie!

  21. Just stopped by to say Happy New Year! -- That scan and cut machine looks rather amazing!!

  22. What a gorgeous card! Love your zodiac:)
    I got a pink Dreamkuts! It's a start to my year of being organized!

  23. Christmas was a frenzy of family, friends, vacation, and wonderfulness! I couldn't have asked for more! Thanks for the chance to win. Happy New Year!

  24. Wishing you the best for health and happiness in the New Year! Thanks for an opportunity to win your great prize package.

  25. Love your blog! You always make me smile! I got to spend time with my family and that was the best gift of all! Thanks for a chance to win your goodies!

  26. Our Christmas was wonderful - my son, who moved to LA last May, came home for a week. My daughter is still home from college. We had a houseful of friends on Christmas and then visited family out of town. Ended with New Years Eve wine tasting - wonderful! My heart is happy. My dream for 2014 is to travel and enjoy life after a rough 2013. Happy New Year, friend! Oh - and after the second mention of the smokin price on the Derwent pencils, I bought them for myself. Love that Amazon Prime. And thanks for the enabling.

  27. Thank you for the possibility of winning!! Great blog!

  28. Christmas was fabulous fun with family!! I got a new camera that I am looking forward to documenting memories to scrap with!! :)

    Awesome prize package! Thanks for the chance to win!! Happy New Year!!

  29. Happy Year of the Horse to you, too!

    I am glad you went with your own version - it's so much better -- enjoyed every thought -- especially not to "share our poop" since everyone has enough of his own!


  30. PS I forgot to add -- my best gift was spending time with my family and being near them - not having to deal with delayed flights and traveling! I also got a beautiful book on my children and grandchildren that my daughter in law created with Shutterfly. Anne

  31. This Christmas I treated myself to a pair of boots from Country Outfitter. Little did I know that they would come in handy for "The Year of the Horse!" I <3 your perspective on the coming year, thank you for entertaining & inspiring me on a regular basis, AND wish you health and happiness while you gallop through 2014!

  32. Great card, thanks for the Year of the Horse explanation! Also, can you fix the link to my blog to, thanks!

  33. Your horse card is awesome ... you always make me smile ... ribbon, ribbon ... love some ribbon.

  34. LOL I love your card and this post! I can't wait to see what you do with that scan and cut machine! How cool!

  35. Thank you so much. Happy New Year.

  36. Really awesome giveaway, thanks for the chance! Happy new year!!

  37. Well not this year but in 1987 and then again in 2001 I was lucky enough to get a house for Christmas--true story. This year my daughter and her fiancée bought a house, so I am so thankful and happy as a horse (does that work? typically here on Cape Cod we say Happy as a Clam lol) that the tradition has continued ;) We are VERY blessed, VERY grateful in all that presents itself. Happy New Year!!! And may the Horse Be With YOU!

  38. Happy New Year, Lydia! I got good loot but my favorites are the paper crafted bookmark my daughter made and the photo collage of goofy pictures of my son that my husband made me. Still reeling from 2013 so haven't thought about 2014 plans. PS. Don't include me in the giveaway, it's a great prize but I have most of that. :-)

  39. Love your card and I had to chuckle at your comments. I must be a carnivore because I eat my food quickly...very quickly. I guess that should be my new year's resolution...slow down and savor! LOL

  40. I got a new labeler - live in our house may never be the same! My poor husband didn't know what he was asking for! On the bright side - all my crafty supplies will be well labeled and easy to find! Happy New Year!!!

  41. Crafting wise, I got Dear Lizzy's Polka Dot Party collection and the Mini Album as well. I plan to use it to document my life!

  42. Thank you for your generous prizes - I got a bunch of 12 by 12 cropper hopper storage containers and my goal is to get the paper UNDER control.

  43. You will have to post about your Scan N Cut. I've been dreaming about one of those. I got basic items for Christmas (which I asked for) - a heater for the garage so my Stampin' Night ladies will stay warm during the winter, a couple flannel shirts, an elephant hanger (I collect elephants). Still have more to come next weekend. Love when it drags out over several weeks. thanks for sharing.

  44. Happy New Year!!

    I am definitely following your blog from this day forward! I have family members who own horses and participate in rodeos, etc. I always try to give them cards that are the western theme, so I know I will find Fantastic inspiration on your blog!

    GREAT blog!!!

  45. You are so funny!! And, I LOVE your card. Thanks for the chance to win some awesomeness! Happy year of the horse, USA style.

  46. My husband & I don't exchange gifts, we just get what we each want during the year, so I got stamps and dies! Happy New Year & thanks for the chance to win!

  47. My heart was so full of the joy of the Christmas season and family that I could not ask for more. Thanks for a chance to win.

  48. I love your horse wisdom! I received some crafty goodies, a bread machine & some other special stuff. Have a wonder-filled 2014!

  49. Super cool CAS card! I didn't get anything crafty for Christmas but did get a purse, bracelet, perfume, some cool Converse (gray with pink laces,) and my first collection of Urban Decay makeup. It's my bday today and my present is a weekend getaway to a scrap retreat! So excited! Happy new year!

  50. Happy New Year to you and your loved ones too Lydia! I like horses, so I am happy 2014 is the year of the horse. I really like the modern feel of your 'Year of the Horse' card and it's Star Wars reference (LOL, sorry to be such a geek!). Happy 2014!

  51. One of the gifts I received for Christmas is a Michael's GC. Already used a portion of it :)

    Thanks for the super prize package chance.

    Happy New Year!

  52. We didn't have a very good Christmas this year because we both got sick & we are still trying to get well. Hope you have a happy new year. Thank you for a chance to win.

  53. Wishing you all a happy new year of crafting fun!

  54. Wishing you all a happy new year of crafting fun!

  55. Wishing you all a happy new year of crafting fun!

  56. May the horse be with you this 2014! I hope it is with me this yr!!!

  57. Happy New Year!! I love, love your horsie outlook for 2014!! I got a new camera lens for Christmas and the tall Uggs I've been wanting!! My plans for 2014 are to improve both my crafting and photography!! Thanks so much for the chance to win an awesome prize!! May the Horse be with you, too :)

  58. I am still ROFL over your year of the horsies...LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I'll still be smiling about some of your comments tomorrow. Thanks for a chance to win your blog candy.

  59. Love it! Happiest of horsey new years to you! I got money and coffee for Christmas and my plan for 2014 is to make more cards, send more cards, worry less, and laugh more! And actually keep up with your blog because it's awesome. Thanks for the chance to win! See you on Splitcoast!
    blythekitten at yahoo dot com

  60. I was laughing reading your version of the year of the horse wisdom.

    For Christmas this year my family just exchanged some homemade treats, but we didn't travel this year and decided to forgo the gifts. My plans for 2014 is to run the Austin Marathon and to find a different job (goes along with making your own luck). Haven't thought much past that. Happy New Year!

  61. Love your some new dies for Christmas and other non stamping goodies! Thanks for a chance to win more stamping goodies!

  62. LOL I love your horse zodiac!
    I didn't get anything crafty for Christmas :( but I've just treated myself to some new stamps and papers seeing as Santa didn't!

  63. Thanks so much for the chance to win Lydia - I love your horsies zodiac ;)
    I got some great crafty treats for Christmas.... a new Cuttlebug, some much-wished-for stamps and dies. Cn't wait for the chance to play with them all! Happy 2014! Rx

  64. Happy 2014 to Horses Everywhere!! I love your card, tfs. Patricia B

  65. Happy New Year, the year of the horse huh? Well thanks for helping me ride into 2014. Great give away!

  66. Just being able to be with my family is the best gift of all! I got that!
    Happy 2014!

  67. Lol! Awesome post and fantastic card! Happy New Year!

  68. I got inktense and some other crafty goodies!

    Thank you for the giveaway!


  69. Happy New Year!! Thanks for a chance to win!

    I got a big bundle of new stamps and dies that I can't wait to try out!

  70. The Blog Hop is a wonderful idea. I got for christmas a die cutter and letter pressing machine and thank you for the chance to win.

  71. Thanks for sharing.

  72. Awesome card! I got the Starbucks espresso tumbler for Christmas, some candles, and some makeup. I'm pretty excited! This next year, I'm gonna work on getting more accomplished, last year was run on survival mode.

  73. I love the humor in your horse card. Very cute. Happy New Year to you and your creative imagination...let it flow!

  74. Happy New Year! Love the horse card. I got me favourite perfume & I intend to smell beautiful in 2014 :)

  75. Thanks for the chance to win - Happy New Year!

  76. HAPPY 2014 cute card great giveaway

  77. I loved your horsie humor, still laughing, very good. Hope to get my crafts more organized this year for sure so I can find things easier. Thanks for a chance to win and Happy New Year.

  78. I love how you made up your own year of the horse saying! Thanks for sharing and the opportunity to win too! Have fun with all your new toys!

  79. Hi, Happy New Year, thanks for the chance to win. I am enjoying the blog hop on this lazy New Year's Day. I had a fun time perusing your blog, many great projects!

  80. Happy New Year! I'm afraid to say that this holiday season was not like our previous ones, I had surgery in November and have been off work since so my husband and I focused on our children this year and that's what it's about anyway, but I would of loved to get the Inktense pencils! I've been swooning over them for awhile now! Maybe next Xmas! Hope your holidays were filed with love and joy!

  81. My hubby cleaned my car and is watching the kids. Merry Christmas to me!

  82. Great prize...Thanks for the chance to win.

  83. Happy New Year - I got a new laptop for Christmas which is making this blog hop even better :) thanks for the great giveaway and also for sharing your great work

  84. I don't celebrate Christmas so didn't get anything. I appreciate the chance to win your fabulous prize pack. Thank you.

  85. for Christmas I got some crafting goodies from the hubs, and a photo collage from the grands. happy 2014. thanks for sponsoring the hop. may the HORSE be with you. :)

  86. Awesome give away.Happy New year!

  87. I love ur work, awesome card and horses are cool or horsies. Thank u

  88. I'm still chuckling over some of your horsey predictions for 2014! Have a wonderful year of the horse, and thanks for the chance to win an awesome prize.

  89. love your creation... I am a follower and email subscriber...

  90. what a hoot your card is! Love the blog giveaway too.. crafting goodies for Christmas.. really a ton of dies and stamps.. I've been blessed!

  91. Happy New Year and Year of the Horsie. Love your card. Thanks for the chance to win some awesome goodies. I received gift cards to Michaels (bought a sizzix die) and Walgreens (will use for photo printing), Despicable Me2 dvd, blanket, popcorn maker, picture frame, watch, a doll house and a stocking stuffed with washi tape, wood veneers and 6x6 pads. Yes, I am spoiled.

  92. Thank You for the chance to win your blog candy.
    I got to see my both my children and their families together for the first time in 5 years for
    Christmas, it was wonderful. That is all I wanted for Christmas. Best wishes for 2014.

  93. I love your take on the zodiac outlook. It is much better than the Chinese one. Thanks for the chance.Happy New Year to you and your family.
    resatwo at sbcglobal dot net

  94. And a happy year of the Horse to you, may he have a calm year. For Christmas I was given the gift of a Christmas Day with family and new friends. Thanks for joining in the blog hop.

  95. Hi! I spent Christmas with my two daughters and two of my grandkids. Played 3 hours of RISK. I lost, but it was fun. 2014 will be more crafting and less TV for me. Happy New Year to you, Lydia.

  96. LOL love your advice- especially about shoes!!
    AprilsL8 @

  97. What did I get for Christmas? Crafting stuff of course, and I'm not just horsin' around...haha. Totally enjoyed your comments. Great giveaway! Thanks for participating in this awesome hop!

  98. Lol...thanks for the laugh and insight into the new year!

  99. I got new floor mats for my car (which I wanted). My plan for 2014 is to find a new job.

    Happy 2014!

  100. Happy 2014! Thanks for the chance to win! :)

  101. oh my goodness. thank you for the continued inspiration. blessings!!!

  102. Love the giveaway big fan of Stampin up. Happy new year.

  103. I got some wonderful twinery twine for Christmas and my plan for 2014 is to USE IT ALL! LOL!

  104. Hilarious post!!! Love all the horsey facts!! Fantastic sense of it! Great card!!


  105. Happy New Year Lydia! I received some gift certificates to 2 of my favorite crafting websites. Looking forward to getting some new products. I had a wonderful Christmas with my family. Thanks for sharing your "horse" wisdom.

  106. Wow! I just came across info about the Scan & Cut yesterday - sounds like something that I will have to look into. I will be following to read how you like it. I have just added your blog to my Feedly. Happy New Year!

  107. Love your words of horsies wisdom! Thank you for sharing. Wishing you all that the New year can be.
    Sandi Smith

  108. Very creative and fun post! Nothing crafty for Christmas this year but I did buy Inkadinkadoo's stamping gear to stamp with my granddaughter.
    slrdowney at hotmail dot com

  109. Loved reading your horse zodiac 'facts'. :) My best Christmas present was just being with my family. Thanks for a chance to win.

    Katie B.

  110. Happy new the year of the horse.....I hope you have a crafty year!!

  111. Love your version of "Horse Wisdom". May you and yours have a prosperous 2014.

  112. Holy loads of goodness! Thanks for the chance to win. What did I get for Christmas, a large standing mirror that opens up to hold all my jewelry. It was a big surprise from my husband and kids this year. I am hoping to buy the magnetic platform, scoreboard and other goodies during SAB. LOVE IT! Have a blessed 2014!

  113. I hope you enjoy your Inktense pencils as much as I do. The best gift ever.

  114. I got beautiful knives, cuttlebug stuff and fabrics. Love them all! I am looking forward to more sewing for me, perhaps a quilt just for me.

  115. Happy New Year. Thank you for a chance to win such a wonderful prize. I love it.

  116. I had an amazing Christmas! Got bunch of crafting supplies! the biggest, softest, cuddly and light blanket ever created!!! I love this new blanket. It keeps me very warm while crafting

    Have happy holiday!
    Jackie P

  117. Happy 2014!
    Thanks for sharing.
    Crafty hugs,

  118. I got an Epson PictureMate printer for Christmas which is lovely but I'd have loved to have received a Brother Scan and Cut!! Lucky you! My plans for 2014 are to spend less money on crafty stuff and spend more time using my existing crafty stuff!!

  119. I got a set of organizing drawers for my craft space :D My plan for 2014 is to be more organized, I guess I am starting well.
    And may the horse be with you ;)

  120. For Christmas my husband took me a trip! San Juan! thank you and happy 2014.

  121. what a great card! You will have so much fun with your pencils...I love mine!!! Thanks for the chance....Happy New Year!

  122. Hi Lydia! Ha.....went out and had to buy my own crafty gifts this year! Love Tim Holtz, so bought some stamp sets and a few distress inks I didn't own. THANK YOU so much for sharing your beautiful art & talent with us all! I hope that 2014 brings much happiness and success your way!

  123. Oh my gosh, I laughed out loud at your comments. Thanks for the advice. I must quit horsing around and thank you for a chance to win your great giveaway. Enjoy your Christmas presents!

  124. Thanks for sharing!!

  125. Happy New Year and thanks for the opportunity to win.

  126. I got some new fountain pens! Can't wait to use them! Happy New Year!

  127. What a cute card and my the horse be with you too!! thanks for the chance to win this great prize package.

  128. I got some jammies, Derwent watercolor pencils and a cute little purse to bring with me to CHA! :) As for 2014, I'm looking forward to CHA! haha Thanks for the chance to win! Happy New Year!

  129. Christmas with my not quite 5 yr old grandson... and him turning 5 on new year's day! Fun hop!

    Kris in Alaska
    funamom at yahoo dot com

  130. Such a fun blog post
    from you! And I agree
    about the cowboys, I
    have one of my own!
    Thanks for the chance
    to win your great prize!
    Carla from Utah

  131. My plans for 2014 include a lot of crafting. I want to craft to my heart's content this year. Thanks for the chance to win!

  132. I got my very first Lawn Fawn stamps (which I LOVE) and a Cuttlebug (how did I live so long without it?) Thanks for the opportunity to win! Happy New Year!! :)

  133. Thanks for all the horsey wisdom. While I don't know if the Chinese would approve, it was very entertaining and good ideas to incorporate into life. The only crafty thing I got for Christmas was the envelope punch/score board from we R Memory keepers. So excited to give it a try!

  134. Hehe, hilarious blog post Lydia! I got lots of crafty things for Christmas, including a new flash gun for my camera and vouchers for my local Craft Shop. Happy new year! Hannah x

  135. It was also my 15th wedding anniversary in December, so I got a combined gift of an anniversary ring. :D I love your horsey wisdoms :D

  136. This blog hop has been so much fun! Thank you for a chance to win!

  137. It was a jewelry kind of Christmas for me this year! Thanks for the giveaway! I love Stampin' Up products. Happy New Year!

    2014.. I want to fight my illness and still be wonderfully creative.
    Thank you for the chance to win tis amazing giveaway!

  139. This is a great blog hop. Its insane. The card is adorable.

  140. Love your blog! I am hoping to be more creative and organized this year! (WAIT--can we be more creative AND more organized at the same time???)

  141. Happy New Year and thank you so much for that delightful version of The Horse Zodiac! Loved it and I am still giggling!

    Thank you for the opportunity to win such nice prizes and I am looking forward to more inspiration in the coming year!

  142. May the Horse be with you!! Tee hee. I LOOOOVE horsies too :) So awesome, so strong, so loving, so gentle. I love your card too, absolutely gorgeous. THANKS for offering such a great prize package. Happy New Year.

  143. I think you found your calling , I like your version much better. Thanks for a great outlook on the year! Great way to start the year with awesome candy. Thanks for the chance to win. Happy New Year!

  144. I think you found your calling , I like your version much better. Thanks for a great outlook on the year! Great way to start the year with awesome candy. Thanks for the chance to win. Happy New Year!

  145. For Christmas I got a Pampered Chef chopper and some storage containers.
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  146. Love the card fun! Thanks for a chance to win! Happy New Year!

  147. Whoa, Nellie! What a great giveaway! Sorry, I couldn't resist. :p My daughter loves horses so I am good with your version of the year of the horse. LOL Thanks for a chance to win.

  148. Oh my gosh your horsey wisdom was so freakin' funny and by far the most awesome bit of info I've read this year! LOL I got some sneakers for Christmas (my first pair since high school. I'm in my 30's) so I'm hoping to maybe get into shape. If not at least my feet will be comfy! ;)

  149. What fun horse sayings! Thank you so much for sharing!!

  150. You're not horsing around - with all your wonderful ideas and sharing. Thank you for the chance to win your terrific blog candy

  151. happy new plan for 2014 is to be more creative and be more efficient in time management..thanks for the chance to win your is a good start for 2014! :)

  152. Thank you so much for tempting me with the Inktense pencils, I couldn't resist the price! I've had my eyes on these for a long time! Now can you help me hide them from my DH when they arrive!! Thanks so much for the giveaway! Love your post! Happy New Year!!

  153. I got a mix of everything for Christmas..including a nice stash of scrab book supplies from a friend who had no idea what to get...and she did really good!!!
    Have a colorful 2014!

    Jackie P

  154. I'm new to papercrafting and I'm slowly growing my stash. I received a papercrafting organizing cart for Christmas and I'm looking forward to filling it this year. Also, I'm excited to learn more techniques such as embossing and making as many cards as possible. Thanks for the chance to win :)

  155. I got Copic Markers for Christmas! It was a nice surprise -- they never buy me crafty stuff! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  156. I am ROFL! I love horsies (as does my mom and daughter) and I know about the biting thing (because my mom loved them and had us living near to them so that I spent every day of my summer vacation when I was 12 with horsies and one decided to nip my shoulder - ouch!)
    I was blessed with lots of awesome crafty gift cards, which I'm trying not to spend all on horsy crafting supplies that I can use for creating projects about my daughter and her favorite horsies (she owns Secretariat and is excited that it's the year of the horse! But what year isn't?)

  157. What a great card! Thanks for the chance to win!

  158. You had a great Christmas! Thank you for the chance to win!

  159. Thank you so much for sharing your talent...

  160. I got several gift cards to help me with purchases for some projects I have going on around the house. My goal for this year is to finish the household projects I have started and to be much more organized in my crafting and in general. Happy New Year and thanks for the chance to win a great prize package!

    mjg0051 at yahoo dot com

  161. Hi Lydia, for Christmas I got to have my whole family here! And I got the new Kindle Paperwhite from hubby! I couldn't resist the Inktense pencils - I already have the 24 pack, but I caved when you posted the link!!

    Susan, aka Soozie4Him on SCS
    moot96 AT aol DOT com

  162. Love your horse card. For Christmas, almost everyone sent us food gifts - jams, relishes, fruitcake and chocolate -lots of chocolate. All very tasty but not so good for the waistline. We'll be dieting until summer!
    isoscia at aol dot com

  163. Having a lovely Christmas visit with far off family and spending New Years Eve with old friends were the best gifts of the season! Happy New Year!

  164. Thanks to all you bloggers who continually offer fresh inspiration to the rest of us. I appreciate all of you.

  165. HAPPY NEW YEAR! I've so enjoyed hopping along with you. Thanks so much for the great inspiration and the chance to win such a fabulous prize package!

    I got a gift certificate for Christmas and am still deciding what crafty item(s) to purchase with it. I'm thinking STAMPS! :)

  166. Loved your horsie zodiac! I got some fun papers and embellies to play with for Christmas. My favorite things though were the Gift Box Board and the Gift Bag Board. Can't wait to use those!

  167. I received lots of awesome craft supplies for Christmas! So, you know what my plans are for 2014...papercrafting, of course!! :) Thank you so much for the chance to win such a generous giveaway! Happy New Year!

  168. Loved your horsies wisdom :-) Thanks for the giggle. What an awesome prize too!!

  169. Thanks for all the year of the horse tips...I need all the help I can get! As for me, I am hoping to get more scrapping done in 2014 and to use up more of my stash. That said, for Christmas I got more scrappy stuff (of course!!!) Happy 2014!

  170. Best. Post. Ever. My husband and I only do stocking stuffers, so no extravagant gifts. But, I got a beautiful handmade wooden Wonder Woman ornament. And for 2014 it's the year of Declutter! Thanks for the chance to win!

  171. Wow! That is truly an amazing prize package. I'm on day 2 of going through the blogs and I'm not even half-way through yet. Everybody is so talented. I'm having so much fun!

  172. Happy New Year! Love your post and card! :) Now, I didn't get anything too big for Christmas. Though, I did get the scissors I wanted and hey, that's a big deal to me! lol Nothing like having an awesome pair of scissors! :)

  173. Thanks for sharing some wisdom!! Thanks also for the chance to win!! Have a Fabulous New Year's Weekend!! ;)

  174. Love your horse wisdom!
    Happy New Year

  175. Love your horse card! Great hop, thanks for the chance to win!! :)

  176. Wow your cards are one of kind :) and thank you for a giving a chance to win :)

  177. When you get my age you feel like you are on a run-away horse!! I just hang on and enjoy the ride! Happy New Year!

  178. Wonderful prize! Thank you for the chance to win!

  179. Beautiful and creative card. Thank you for all this wisdom, Lydia~have a Happy, healthy, horsie, new year ;-)

  180. I got some great gift cards for Christmas and I plan to put them to use to get more crafty in 2014! thanks for the chance to win and Happy New Year!

  181. Such an artsy awesome card! Plus a super fun prize pack! Happy New Year Lydia!

  182. Okay, I laughed myself silly reading your blog....yes laughing to tears. I appreciate your sense of humor and may the horse be with you, too! Thanks for such a fun blog hop!

  183. This is a huge blog hop and I love it! Thank you so much!

  184. I got completely lost in your Pinterest boards. Almost forgot to come back here and comment...and we certainly want a new LOLcat to be born.

    Love your style.

  185. Love, love, love all your horsie wisdom! I got some really thoughtful gifts this Christmas, all related to baking and crafting. My goal in 2014 is to get a side biz going...and to run a marathon:)

  186. Pretty card! Love the colors! I got a gift certificate for my favorite stamp store... thinking I will go after the new CHA goodies start to arrive so I can pick out something fun and brand new!

  187. I got a Creative Options organizer tote. It's what I wanted because when I go to crops my supplies are always all over the place. What did you get? I hope it was great for you as well. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  188. Oh Lydia! Your bit of wisdom about falling horse poop is awesome. I laughed and got it all at the same time!

  189. I got lots of fun things for Christmas, incl $ for a die-cut machine from my dear hubby and dear son. I am now shopping for the right price on the right one!
    One plan I have for 2014 is launching a ladies craft group. Our first mtg is on Jan.14th and I'm super-excited abt it.

    How lovely of you to offer such wonderful blog candy. You did not twist our arms by requiring us to become followers in order to be eligible (which is SWEET BEYOND WORDS!), but I am a brand-new follower by Google Friend, nonetheless. Yippee!!
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

  190. I started coloring with alcohol markers so I received several sets of colors, plus other odds and ends like stamps. Hope to do more crafty in 2014
    upnurse at aol dot com

  191. I got choc gift for Xmas and my 2014 goal is to create mini album.

  192. yahoo! more Stampin' Up! goodies. Thanks for being a part of this blog hop... I got to have part of our family here for Christmas... very blessed. I plan on knowing Jesus more this year by studying Him through the Word, the Bible. I plan on spending lots of times with family and friends crafting...

  193. yahoo! more Stampin' Up! goodies. Thanks for being a part of this blog hop... I got to have part of our family here for Christmas... very blessed. I plan on knowing Jesus more this year by studying Him through the Word, the Bible. I plan on spending lots of times with family and friends crafting...

  194. yahoo! more Stampin' Up! goodies. Thanks for being a part of this blog hop... I got to have part of our family here for Christmas... very blessed. I plan on knowing Jesus more this year by studying Him through the Word, the Bible. I plan on spending lots of times with family and friends crafting...

  195. Thanks for "ponying" up all those goodies! You're not "horsing" around are you?! Great giveaway!


Every time you leave a comment, a new LOLcat is born. ALSO - don't panic if you don't see your comment right away - I moderate my comments to keep those spammers out, so your comment will show up in short order. Unless you're linking me to Russian brides or Nigerian princes.