
Friday, December 27, 2013

If Life Gives You Lemonade, Make Lemons!

I was half listening to Modern Family tonight while I was cooking and I had to stop and laugh out loud at Phil. As usual.

That just cracked me up.

I had some lemonade - in the form of some Arches Watercolor paper. Beautiful, smooth, hot press paper my dad gave me for my birthday. It's the kind that you have to free from the adhesive with your palette knife.

Sometimes, some people - not mentioning any names - get impatient and try to free it too fast. And sometimes it rips. Then sometimes, some people - not mentioning any names - are sad that they made lemons out of it.

BUT - I chopped the salvageable part up into ATCs and painted tiny paintings. So is that lemonade again?

First, I masked the edges with drafting tape. I like drafting tape better than artist's tape because it really doesn't tear your paper - sometimes artist's tape does.

After that I made an ATC for this week's Mix-Ability challenge, which is super cool - we had to use triangles, circles and squares and at least two mediums. I chose mountains, and moons and a masked off rectangle. I used my Lukas Aquarelle watercolors and my Montana refillable acrylic paint marker.

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I love this tiny scale. It lets you be creative, but it's not big enough to feel lost in.

Here are two others I did in the same session - all are ATC sized - 3.5" x 2.5".

Hopefully life is all "WHAT???" now! :)


1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous! I love the creative use of the shapes! Gorgeous color too!


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