
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Turkey Induced Amnesia - I Haz It

Seriously. Enough turkey and pumpkin pie can truly erase all memory of all the things that went before.

I have no memory of my days before the pumpkin pie for breakfast days. And I don't want to - so please don't contribute details and bring suppressed memories of soup and salad to the forefront or I will glare at you. Intensely. Until you look away.

As a result, I can't remember who I stole the idea for this card from - but I do know at least part of this design was borrowed from someone else, so if it's you - let me know so I can add to your street cred! Also, I should publish my blog posts instead of leaving them in draft, but I suppose that's what I'll do when I retire.

Anyhoo - one of the curious quirks of stampers is that we actually never have cards for anyone's birthday or special occasion. Why?

Let's see - magazine submissions, card hoarding, contests - there are a million reasons that all of you - our loved ones - are getting awkward smile/shrug combos instead of cards or adorable handmade packaging.

Here - have some pie and you'll forget all about it.

Wait - who are you? Who am I? Why are we here?



  1. Pie for breakfast is the BEST part of the holiday.

    Also, several years ago, Jan Tink posted her theory of why card-makers so rarely SEND cards, and I've quoted it ever since. It's not that we don't have a bazillion cards laying around. Nope. It's that we need to make a SPECIAL card for our peeps, and we just run out of time, so we end up sending NOTHING.

    That's the Jan Tink theory, and I believe her.

  2. Awesome card! LOVE those colors.
    I had only one tiny sliver of pumpkin pie. Now I am a little sad when I read of all the willy-nilly pie eating going on.
    Too funny about the cards - and all too accurate.

  3. Ha ha ha!!! Oh Lydia, once again you made my day start off with laughter! I too ate way too much of everything, but especially desserts on Thanksgiving, then Sunday we had another family get-together and there was pumpkin pie and German chocolate cake!!! I'm hoping nobody noticed when I got third helpings! Ha ha!!!

    You & Jan Tink have explained perfectly why we stampers never seem to have cards to send. Even if I have a perfectly gorgeous card on hand, for some reason I feel guilty if I made it weeks ago instead of specifically for the recipient.

    Peace, Love & Joy,


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