
Monday, January 23, 2012

Why She Buys

I'm baaaackkkk......

Leadership was a BLAST! We had some amazing classes in addition to all the stampy inspiration.

I think my favorite class was Carrie Cudney's "Why Women Buy." It was a really cool exploration of how marketing messages are tuned to men or to women successfully. She pulled a ton of information from this book, which I will be buying today:

It had these great stories in it about the differences between men and women when it comes to shopping - including a HILARIOUS map of a man's trip to the mall to buy a shirt at the Gap and that same trip with a woman. The woman goes into every store - the last one is the Gap. She spends $800. He walks in, goes to the Gap, buys the shirt, and leaves.

But all the information about the psychology of a female buyer is AMAZING and I highly recommend it. I can't wait to get it on my Kindle.

I thought that I would share a real picture of one of my Make & Takes at Regionals instead of an Iphone pic. This card was SO easy and fun to make!!

To make the flower, we used the largest of the shapes from the Triple Blossom punch - I adhered the first one flat, and then curved the second one with my bone folder. The center was stamped in Calypso Coral - it's the polka dotted kite from Send me Soaring, then we punched hearts from it with the itty bitty heart punch. The DSP is from the Sweet Shop suite.

Cute, eh?

I'll be back with more tomorrow! :)

Thanks for hanging out with me during Leadership. I had so much fun meeting and hanging out with a lot of you. Can't wait to see you again!


  1. This is so cute! I love the color combo as well.

  2. i'm like a guy when it comes to shopping--in and out. that's why i'm a bit of an enigma wrapped in a riddle when it comes to purchasing stamping stuff, i guess.

  3. Gorgeous make & take. LOVE the dots madly: so 50's chic. That's too funny about the GAP. I like to think I'm in & out with the shirt (and if it was a shirt I would probably actually be that way) but I'm a girly shopper when it comes to stampy goodness, for sure). Thanks for the grin!

  4. I must be a guy, too. I am allergic to shopping, the mall in particular, and I'm another in-and-out person. Hey, I think we NEED and In-and-Out BURGER place here, just for meeeeeee!

    And I'll be CASEing this card, just you wait and see.

    wv: redaut
    When you make it too light, sometimes you need to redaut your i.

  5. Love that card, so CAS. And thanks for the book suggestion. Maybe now I'll find out why I salivate like Pavlov's dogs when I see the words "warehouse sale." Lol.

    WV: comem
    When Dorothy's Aunty was a little girl, she used to dawdle so much her mother was constantly saying "Comem!"

  6. The book suggestion sounds great. Bet the class with Carrie was totally cool. LOVE the card - might just have to case it. And please give some type of award to Leslie who came up the redaut of an i for the WV. That was LOL funny.

    Speaking of which, I'm sure you've heard about people who "hit every branch" falling out of some tree or another. When that happens, many people end up with a facelymb. Just sayin'.


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