
Sunday, September 4, 2011

You Are Loved, Tomato Cobbler, You are Loved

So I'm so mad at all of you.

Well, not really. But I can't believe that I told you I was going to blog the best recipe in the world, and then I didn't, and you weren't even sad! IT'S THE BEST RECIPE IN THE WORLD!

Well, until the next recipe that I think is the best recipe in the world. But for now, this one dominates.

It's Tomato Cobbler, and it's just as good as it sounds. I got it from this blog. As a result of this recipe, I am now completely addicted to thyme. Here are my edits.

3 TBS extra virgin olive oil (And if you call it EVOO I will poke you with something)
1 large onion, thinly sliced
2 pounds tomatoes - I use homegrown Sun Golds t
1 tsp. coarse Real salt and freshly ground pepper, and red pepper flakes to taste

2 cups all purpose flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 tablespoon fresh thyme (2 is better)
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup butter Miyoko's vegan Butter
3/4 cup heavy cream or buttermilk Chobani Oat Extra Creamy.

Make the filling: Heat 3 tablespoons of oil in a large high-sided skillet over medium heat. Cook onions, stirring occasionally, until translucent and lightly browned, about 25 minutes.  Let cool. Toss onion mixture, whole tomatoes and red-pepper flakes with 1 teaspoon salt and some pepper. I also threw in fresh thyme here.

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Whisk together flour, baking powder, thyme and salt in a bowl. Cut in butter with a pastry cutter or rub in with your fingers until small clumps form. Add cream or buttermilk, stirring with a fork to combine until dough forms. (Dough will be slightly sticky.) 

Transfer tomato mixture to a 1 or 2 quart baking dish - I think mine is 1.5ish. Spoon 5 clumps of biscuit dough over top in a circle, leaving center open. Brush dough with cream. Bake until tomatoes are bubbling in the center and biscuits are golden brown, about 45 minutes. Transfer to a wire rack. Let cool for 20 minutes. Enjoy the following view - it won't last long. I've halved this and done it in a loaf pan.

Seriously one of the most amazing things I've ever eaten. And a huge improvement on my previous Tomato Pie recipe. It also reheats beautifully.

So since I excelled at domesticity on that front, I think I'll refrain from any guilt about not dusting or ironing or doing any of that boring stuff. Why do it in real life when you can just stamp it?
Stamps: House & Home, You Are Loved Ink: Pool Party, Basic Black 
Paper: Calypso Coral, Pool Party, Whisper White, Domestic Goddess DSP 
Accessories: Pool Party Ruffled Ribbon, Scallop Punch, Circle Punch
See - I wasn't really mad at you. You are loved! :)

So how about THEM tomatoes?


  1. In theory, this looks good. In reality, I hate tomatoes. Cool card, though.

    Got anything else up your sleeve? ;)

  2. You had me at cobbler.
    We just finished our final 4 tomatoes from our garden, otherwise this would have been my meal this evening. I love thyme, rosemary as well! This is a perfect fall meal - can't wait to try it out!

  3. Mmmm, must try this next weekend.

    WV: teratibe

    A whole lotta tibe.

  4. Must try this one but I am not sure. I will let you know what I think after I try it. I will use the butter milk though.
    Your card is darling. What a clever use of that side of the paper.



  5. :D - I'm glad you're on my list of blogs to actually catch up with after the holidays and not just mark as read - definitely going to try this. But waah, after the gorgeous fresh fruit and vegetables in France, what we get here isn't going to be a patch on it. I've had cobblers on my mind recently; my mother used to make them and I haven't had one in years. I'll just have to work out the conversion for the size of dish you used, the ingredients bit is easy-peasy.
    Heard somewhere about all the fires near Austin - stay safe.

  6. p.s. How on earth did it take you this long to get addicted to thyme!! It's one of my must have herbs, along with parsley, mint, oregano, basil, cilantro...At least it's one it's easy to grow here!!


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