
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Bad Boys, Bad Boys, Whatcha Gonna Do?

There are several unique days on the calendar each year in the city of Austin.

There's Eeyore's Birthday, for example, celebrated for nearly half a century here in town in a uniquely Austin way.

Then there's Spamarama, the smell of which haunts me to this day.

And today, there's the Texas Warrant Roundup. This is the day when the po-po come and get you for any outstanding warrants, rounding up THOUSANDS of scofflaws for their failure to appear.

It always is promoted in advance like a rock concert, to give the criminals fair warning. And on Warrant Roundup Day, if it falls during a weekday, receptionists all over town summon people to the lobby of their workplace to tell them an officer is here to see them. I've seen five or more in various workplaces and it's always quite the scandal, even if the warrant is for something as boring as unpaid parking tickets.

Oh hang on - someone's at the door....

heh. Not really.

I'm innocent.

Speaking of innocent, we had a fun challenge during VSN to make a card representing our first love of an object or a toy we had when we were little.

I chose Ferd, the bear. Ferd was my little white bear, with a tiny music box inside him that you could wind up and it would play Brahm's Lullaby. He was the best bear, and because of that, he was not white for very long. I've never seen another little bear so sweet and I wish I had him still.

I made a card for little Ferd, and I gave him a little friend, because a bear as sweet as Ferd should have another little bear that is his best bear buddy in the whole world and he can tell all his secrets to.
I'm on a bit of a white card streak lately for some reason. Perhaps because I found a box of white cardstock already cut into card size for a project long forgotten. But it's perfect for my little white bear and his little soul-mate.

The bears are from a LONG retired and very sweet set called Bear Necessities and the greeting is from Blowing Kisses. I scored three lines into the bottom of the card which you can barely see here, and added a strip I embossed with the square lattice folder. And although my little Ferd wasn't glittery, I did add some Dazzling Diamonds glitter to their fur here.

Now I'm off to unearth my desk and get some things done.

If you don't leave me a comment, I suppose I'll have to assume that you have been arrested for your outstanding warrant! Let me know what your bail is - I hope they take stamps...



  1. HA! Beary cute. :)

    WV: gaffe
    I am guilty of no gaffe, so I fear not the warrant ociffers.

  2. Sorry...just got 'out'! Bwahaha! Lydia, you are such a riot! And your wee bear is adorable. And, I so love your loveyameanit!!!!


  3. I had to laugh at the Spamarama comment. I live about 15 minutes away from where they make Spam. They even have a Spam Museum!

    Your card is adorable!

  4. I love your blog, Lydia, having stalked you from SCS. Thanks for your wit, insight, and inspiration!

  5. I too love the little bear card you made. Your bear must have been very special. Careful about the Spam jokes - I grew up on the stuff. Don't love it, but will eat it! Come to think of it, I know a comedian who juggles cans of it. lol

  6. Love your card Lydia. I had/have a great little dog hand puppet, he is pretty old since I am 62, kept him and a couple golden books all these years.

  7. Love the white on white! Cool texture...

  8. Round up at the OK corral? That's just cwazy, wabbit!

    P.S. Everytime I have to type the word verification, I think of you and your fun challenge to make a sentence out of it.

  9. Lydia,

    This way to cute for words! I love everything about it!

    Things are looking better up here, drop me an email when you have time. I miss you a bunch!



  10. I wish I had known about Spamarama before-I would've loved to attend that (the wiki page says it ended in 07-if your city restarts it you have to post!). And I triple heart Eeyore, that is another event I would love to go to!
    Glad you weren't arrested for Warrant Round Up day! Love the card!

  11. Do you get notifications after three years from your post? Not sure how I got here but here I the card...and my bear from my childhood got chewed when I left home at 18 by my parents pit bull named Bones. My college days bear is called Mr. Fester...I have him back after he went on a trip to IA for many years to live with some children! Off to see what other card creations I can oogle of yours.


Every time you leave a comment, a new LOLcat is born. ALSO - don't panic if you don't see your comment right away - I moderate my comments to keep those spammers out, so your comment will show up in short order. Unless you're linking me to Russian brides or Nigerian princes.