
Monday, February 14, 2011

There's NOT an App For That...

On my walk on Saturday, I encountered several interesting things.

The Loudest Woman in the World (capitalized because it's quite obviously her official title) was in my Starbucks BELLOWING some very cheery conversations with the baristas. Our Starbucks is very loud. It's all tile, the busiest and largest store in town, and has a very tall ceiling and loud music. Despite what is at times deafening ambient coffeeshop sounds, this lady triumphed with her unusual vocal chords and grit. When I came in she was screaming at one of our boy baristas, asking him what store he was moving to. He was visibly uncomfortable, knowing that adjacent counties had now been alerted to his whereabouts. It seemed to go on forever, although she was very chipper. I think my mouth was actually open in amazement. Finally, it ended, with an earsplitting TOODLE-OO!! I think she was just as happy as she was loud.

I made my way to the counter to get my post walk Strawberry Smoothie, and immediately induced S.A.D.S. - or Starbucks App Derangement Syndrome - in my fellow customers by paying with my sassy Iphone App, which I love. Especially when I walk, it's nice not to have to carry anything extra. People in line always ooh and ahh and freak out and touch my phone when I use it. I feel like the modern equivalent of a Salem Witch - with irresistible and mysterious powers.

But oh did I discover the dark side of this technological wonder. I open the door to leave and what do I see? The world's most adorable teeny scout with cookies. She asked if I wanted to buy some, and it was gut wrenching to have to say "No, I don't have any money..." She looked crushed. :( I felt like calling Steve Jobs right then and there and demanding a Girl Scout Cookie App! I'm sure she was glaring at my smoothie and thinking "Well what did you buy THAT with?? Some glass beads??" Sigh.

Before we leave the Starbucks topic, I have to say - their new food is wonderful. Starbucks food has always been bad. Dry, frozen, tasteless pastries and stale bagels for years. But their new slogan - Great Coffee Deserves Great Food - on their packaging is not just marketing. The new stuff is really, really good. If you haven't tried the Bacon Artisan breakfast sandwich - do it. It's awesome. And their packages of glazed almonds are amazing! So nice transformation, Starbucks! You won over a hardened critic!

I laughed at some tweets this morning by single people about Valentine's Day - they've renamed it S.A.D. - Single Awareness Day. People are so creative. I say if you're single, enjoy it - you just saved yourself a few hundred bucks and some lip gloss! :)

Since I love all of you, this is my valentine for you! I made this at a fun Craft-Up with some Twitter peeps last week. I love crafty work nights with fun people. We all need to do that more. This one is really simple and quick so it was perfect for a work night. I stamped the girl on watercolor paper and then used an Aquapainter with Tempting Turquoise and Summer Sun refills to color her. The card base is Real Red, the DSP is Love Letter (an accident, I promise) and then I added a strip of Glimmer Paper and some glitter on her little heart. 5 minute card.

I'm feeling sort of organiz-y lately. I re-did my ink storage and reclaimed a TON of space on my desk and then I put up my Chalkboard Decor Elements on the side of my bookcase. I got this sucker free from Sale-A-Bration and it's the PERFECT size for the side of my Ikea bookcase. Now I just need some chalk. :)

Don't forget - tonight the Fan Club Gallery opens for February and we have two new Dirty Girls to wow you! That's what I'll be doing at midnight. You should hang out with me!

Hope you have a fabby night. I'll leave you with what my friend Lori Craig posted today. God Bless John Wayne!

All the gold in the United States Treasury and all harp music in heaven can't equal what happens between a man and a woman growin' together. I can't explain it any better than that. ~ John Wayne, McLintock!


  1. at my store today, we handed out carnations to all the ladies to spread a little Valentine's Day cheer. it was so great to see the expressions on their faces as we brought the single stem up from below the counter to hand back with their credit card or change.

    btw, you need a chalk ink marker to go with that chalkboard decor element. the company--chalk ink--is HQ'd in Austin, and the BEST customer service guy Phil Crocker sent me 3 of their 1mm markers via USPS because it would've cost me $15 in shipping to get 1 little $5 marker. phil's getting a card from me!

  2. Glass beads! BWAHAHAHAHA! Poor Girl Scouts. :(

  3. A--Chalk ink markers are AWESOME. Muuuuuch less messy than regular chalk with a wonderful opacity!

    B--Lydia, really? Did you think you could tell us that you redid your ink storage then NOT show us that new storage. Get with the picture taking, girl!

  4. Love the JW quote!
    Love the card. 5 It looks like a lot more time went into this, very cute! I think of 15 minute cards all of the time, in my head, but they always take an hour and 15 :)
    Chalk markers are great, I used them all of the time at my former store as we made all of out signs on mini chalkboards. I wish I had some to give to you (:
    As for people oohing and awwing at you apps phone, girl, you have been ahead of all of us throughout history! I remember your "bionic ear" years and years ago. You still do amaze me with your technological advance applications! :)

  5. I so love reading your posts, you keep me in stitches with your fabulous wit! I just got an iphone this weekend . . . just what I needed . . . right! LOL! I have a lot to learn about apps . . . here we go again!

    Your card is totally adorable! {{{{hugs}}}

  6. Adorable card and great story, as usual! I have that same Decor Element up in my stamp room and I love it. I'd heard about the chalk markers, but if you want just regular ol' chalk, go to an office store. Everyplace else I looked just had sidewalk chalk. Now try and write something with THAT!

  7. I love that Decor Element! I'm totally getting that!

    Another super cute card!

    WV: gedouts
    After a long day I have to tell my kids to getouts and let me have my calgon moment.


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