
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Hey Little Turkeys!!

Happy Thanksgiving my little bloggy turkeys!! I hope you have a day filled with yummy dishes to stir on the stove, and enough whipped cream to bury your pie.

I'm very, very thankful for every one of you that take time out of your day to stop by here to see me.

If I could have made a little peppermint patty turkey for each one of you, I happily would have!!

I CASE'd this design from the lovely and talented LeAnne Pugliese, and made a few mods.

My tail is inked with More Mustard, and then I colored parts with a Chocolate Chip and Only Orange Marker. His little noggin is More Mustard (1") as well, with a Cajun Craze topknot - I just cut a little strip into fringe and scrunched it. I gave him two different sized googlie eyes to make him look sort of crazy and desperate, since, well, it's not a good day for turkeys.

His beak is Pumpkin Pie (get it - Pumpkin Pie??), and his body is made of two 1 3/4" circles with the bottoms cut off. A Pearson Peppermint Patty is sandwiched in between them, and then you stick his tail on the back. I dotted his body with a white gel pen.

Then I brought him to Starbucks to give to sweet Holly at the window who handed me my Thanksgiving beverage. She squealed. :)

Thank you for reading this and for keeping my little turkey company.

Happy Thanksgiving!



  1. He really is VERY cute. I still don't have that stamp set. Hmmm ... And I see you didn't use a YORK PEPPERMINT PATTY, because THEY HAVE FAILED US! :(

    Happy turkey day!

    WV: spers
    Make sure to not wear your spers to dinner - they snag the fur-niture.

  2. Super cute! I think I might even like him better than the owlurkey, but it is close.

    Hope you had a great day!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving to you, too! I'm blog hopping at this ungodly hour as a reward for all the work I did today... Hee hee. Love the turkey but now I'm craving a Grande Decaf Cafe Latte, darn it! :-)

  4. Super cute project, Lydia! I hope you had a fabulous holiday! :)


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