
Thursday, September 2, 2010

How to Be a Nice Person, by FedEx

Why is it that you always have to run out right when you're expecting a delivery that has to be signed for? *sigh* It never fails.

That happened to me yesterday. I was having compatibility problems with my old computer monitor (and when I say old, I mean, like older than Larry King). So I ordered a new one with my Great Rewards gift card. The great thing about being Dell's neighbor is that you don't have to wait long. If I were Michael Dell, I'd deliver some of these orders myself, just to surprise and amaze Austinites. But I guess he's not as fun as I am.

I digress.

Anyway, I had to pop out for like TWENTY MINUTES yesterday and what do you know - FedEx - too bad, so sad you lose note is stuck on my door. I was dejected.

I drooped around the house until about 5:30, when my doorbell rang. And there stood my FedEx guy. I almost hugged him. I screamed "YOU'RE BACK!!!!" at which point I think he was scared but he took it well. He said - "Well, I thought you might want this today."Now is there anything sweeter than that? Stopping back by at the end of the day because he knew the yelly lady might want a box that said Dell on it?

I love you FedEx guy. Thank you.

Yesterday, I had my Blended Pencil Tutorial on Splitcoast.It's a simple technique that I told you guys about here, but now there's a whole step by step tutorial here. Go check it out - I bet you already have the supplies, it's inexpensive, and it's fun & relaxing and easy!

Have you signed up for the UBlue Cyber Club? Attended one of my Webinars?? Come on - get your geek on! :) Want to see my other blog?


  1. I really love your blog - you crack me up! Loved the vanity card - telephone was perfect..

  2. That happened to me once, too. Do u think they're a cult of happy do-gooders? Or are they just determined to get some human contact? I'm definitely a fan of FedEx and yes, I will go check out your tutorial because I've been wondering what to do with my 5 year old blending pencils! Have a nice day!

  3. Lydia,

    Wow, these are fabulous! Congrats geting your tutorial on the SCS newsletter! I have been so busy, so please forgive my absense on your comments section. Drop me an email, I miss you.



  4. Beautiful! Refreshing to discover a new technique after so many years of stamping. Which Stampin Up set are those images in, specifically the "love you much"? Thank you!

  5. Hello, this is Robin with FedEx. So glad that my driver made your day and reattempted your shipment yesterday. I hope that you your new computer monitor is compatible . Have a wonderful day! Also, I'd be happy to let the driver's manager know how my driver made you a happy customer. Thanks for sharing! My email address is


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