
Saturday, July 17, 2010

Good vs. Evil, Chuck Connors Style

I think I got imprinted by the Rifleman.

Before my wicked brother broke our TV, I watched Rifleman reruns, completely riveted by the opening, with exactly 11 gunshots, and this insanely badass good guy who you just KNEW was going to set some things right in a hurry.

It was just one of many black and white shows that I remember not really in black and white. I just remember them in incredible detail, and never felt like there was anything missing.

The Rifleman was larger than life, like Atticus Finch. I loved him dearly.

So I used him for one of the Dare to Get Dirty challenges on Splitcoast this week. If you are a Fan Club member, you can play along here. If you are NOT a Fan Club member - now's the time to sign up and play! DTGD runs from today till the 23rd, and you have till August 1st to upload your cards. I can't tell you the deets of the challenge I played with, but if you are a Fan, you can see this challenge here.

I did the card in black and white of course, with new catalog goodies, all! The stars in the sky are 11 of the new self adhesive pearls - one for each rifle shot in the opening of the show. :)

So who's going to convention? I will have my normal convention coverage, prizes, hilarity... If you're coming maybe we can try another happy hour! If not, be sure and at least come give me a hug! :)

L8R peeps.

Have you signed up for the UBlue Cyber Club? Attended one of my Webinars?? Come on - get your geek on! :) Want to see my other blog?


  1. SHUT UP! I think this card is AWESOME. Love the moon in the back ground. The pearl stars in the sky. The black and white. You know I've always loved a cowboy. :)

  2. OMG! That card is awesome!! The pearls made a perfect finishing touch!
    BTW, I not so sure I ever got over my crush on the Rifleman, LOL....

  3. I love this card! You have so many details from the movie. Growing up in Kanab Ut. (dubbed Little Hollywood) we got to see lots of the starts from the movies that were filmed in the area. Gun smoke was one and my mom was a waitress in town and met most of them. They called me Isreal Boone when I was little because they wanted me to play the double I looked so much like him. Last week while staying in Kanab for a visit we stayed in Gregory Pecks room!!!! Too much fun.


  4. I live in Calgary, we've a lot of cow folk running around (especially last week with Stampede) and.. I LOVE this card! I especially like the stars detail you did!

    How did you keep the moon so white when you did the "dirty" sky?

  5. Super cool use of the pearls. But no blue? See you in Salt Lake!

  6. Me, me, I'll be at convention! But you already know that. Loving your card today!! :)

  7. yay! you get a "that is pretty cool!" from my hubby. :)


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