
Friday, April 23, 2010

Awash with... Birthdays!!

Happy Friday peeps!

I think you all know what April 22 is. Or if you don't, you sure should! It's my sister's birthday!

It's celebrated all around the world. Really!

I have a few stories about the old sis (and of course, I had to throw in OLD, since she's older than me).

First, she taught me to read. When I was 3. Yep, 3.

Since reading is so central to my enjoyment of life in general, you can imagine how grateful I am to have had a few years' head start on such a thing. I credit my English major, my ability to learn foreign languages, and my fondness for making up words to this sweet gift.

She kept me from biting my nails. Ever. One day, I wanted my nails painted. I think I had been biting them. She said she would paint my nails, but only if I would never bite them again. I so desperately wanted my nails painted that I agreed. I never had that habit. And I have nice nails as a result.

She introduced me to sangria. My mom reads this blog, so I shall not reveal HOW she did this - but who doesn't love sangria?? Come on. :)

She had a dog that ate an entire bag of dried squirrel corn off my back porch and then went shooting through our neighborhood at 110 miles per hour in an extremely entertaining incident.

She passed on the house that I now live in, which is why I live in it, and I love it.

She was no less than 50% responsible for an incident which involved a gallon of boiling peanut oil, my patio, and some of the most insane giggling our neighborhood has ever witnessed.

We shared a room when we were little. I remember being granted a remodel at some point when I was very young by our mother. She must have told us we could have whatever colors we wanted, because I remember a wee bit of a grimace when we said "pink and purple."

But that's what we got. Purple bedspreads and these crazy psychedelic purple and pink curtains that we loved so much. I can see them in my mind to this day.

So when I went to make a birthday card for my sis, I knew I needed to dredge up a little 70's action.
Stamps: Awash with Flowers, Petite Pansies Ink: Basic Black
: Prismacolor Pencils, white gel pen Paper: Sahara Sand

This is the new Awash with Flowers set from the upcoming summer mini. Everyone is being all civilized and making nice pastel-y samples with it. Me? I want you to hear Elton John and Wolfman Jack when you see this card.

Happy Birthday Cynt! :)

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  1. Happy Birthday to your sis!
    She sounds wonderful!

    For some reason, Philadelphia Freedom is ringing through my head!

    Love the card.

  2. Awwww.... I love the memories and the beautiful psychedelic card.

    Those were some pretty wild curtains. It was nice to share a room and have a mom who made curtains for it.

    Birfday Girl

  3. Beautiful card, and Happy Belated Birthday to your sister! The colors remind me of my favorite jeans from the 70's...they had embroidered flowers across their bell bottoms with vines that went up to my knees, and they were the same colors as your card.

    Anyone who sees this card and doesn't immedidately hear the Partridge Family in their head doesn't know what they are missing.

    WV: "whiking"--
    When Chekov saw the large men with horns on their hats, he warned Capt. Kirk that they were being attacked by whikings.

  4. Wonderful card. It truly does remind me of Elton John well at least the pictures that Oprah showed of him last week when he was on her show.

    Sounds like I missed out on a fun decade. I grew up in the 80s.

    Happy Belated Birthday to your sis.


  5. I think I had those same curtains... and I have an OLDER sister much like yours! We slept together but had separate bedrooms - hers was purple (still is at mom n dad's) and mine was and still is pink....

    My bedroom in my house is a nice boring white...

    Ah, thanks for the memories, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Cynt!

  6. I like the white accents on the flowers - very pretty!

  7. Awwww....I giggled a ton reading this post. I wish the Birfday Girl had met up with us at Art City. :D

    I freakin loved the 70's And love this card. What a great tribute to your big sista :D

    WV: "aximb"
    If my job were to write the program for word verification I'd do something more aximb than just random letter grabbing.

  8. Gorgeous card - I love the bright colors! Of course I would because I had a bedroom painted ORANGE for awhile... and it had dark green carpeting! Ah, those were the days...

    Word for the day: "distry" as in:
    "Distry it Mikey, you'll like it!"


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