
Saturday, March 27, 2010

How Does This Grab Ya?

I just happen to have one of the shopping sprees from the blog hop this week! I'm as excited as you are! It was a surprise to us too, and so crazy fun!

I wonder if it was you? Do you wonder if it was you? Do you want me to TELL you if it was you??

Well first, the rules. If it WAS you, you need to email me - there's a link in my sidebar - with the following information: In the subject line put Day Two and the name of the prize you won and in the body of the email you can squeal :) and give me your address.

So was it you? Well the random number generator picked #120, which was...

Timestamp: 2010-03-26 22:18:49 UTC
resmith said...
Oh, so pretty!!!
March 24, 2010 12:27 PM

So if you are RESMITH - it WAS you! :) Congratulations Liz! :)

Here is a list of the other winning locations for Day Two:

Linda Duke $200 JustRite Shopping Spree

Lucy Abrams $100 Stamp Simply Ribbon Store Shopping Spree

Melody Rupple $100 Spellbinders Shopping Spree

Eva Doblias $100 JustRite Shopping Spree

Enjoy! I'm so jealous!!!

Have you signed up for the UBlue Cyber Club? Attended one of my Webinars?? Come on - get your geek on! :)

Want to see my other blog?

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