
Sunday, October 11, 2009

I Like Words

I just do. I wonder if someone could grow a flower with text on it. Or something that looked like text. Crisp black and white little details. Would that not be cool? Can some botanist out there please get to work on that?

Until then, I give you a little card I made for an event I did Friday.Paper: Basic Black, Old Book Page Accessories: White Gel Pen, Oval Punch, Retired Flower Punch, Pretties Kit
(All Supplies Stampin' Up!)

This is one of my many two-minute cards. Just punch and scribble and you're done.

The day was so fun - it was for Commemorative Brands - the people who make class rings, and employer of my buddy Nicole (@nicole2112 on Twitter) who was so crazy sweet to invite me! It was a really neat event with super nice people.. It was their employee picnic, so they had a big BBQ, and had lots of fun games, vendors (like me) and a pumpkin carving contest. The entries were amazing! Here are three of them. The first is freaking adorable - look at the wings!! HAHAH - I laughed so hard when I saw this little guy.
Next, a Michael Jackson tribute. My pic is a little blurry but the glittery part is his glove, and he's in that classic pulling his hat down pose from Billie Jean. AWESOME. The entire inside of the pumpkin was glittery too. This was really super out of the box and cool.
And last, but not least - the winner -this AMAZING peacock pumpkin! She pushed out some of the feathers a bit and the paint job was amazing. His little feeler dealie boppers on top of his head are adorable! The lady that won with this was a really cool marketing lady (yay for marketing people! :) ) who is clearly super crafty.Anyway, a good time was had by all, and the vendor next to me was really really nice. Thanks Nicole!!!


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  1. I love the card! very cute and it would be a fun one to give.

    I bought myself a couple of books to use to alter. One is Winnie the Pooh and the other is a baby name book that I thought I could use.

    Still don't know quite how to use them yet as I don't see it myself so for now I will have to be content with casing you.


  2. Your card looks wonderful, Lydia.

    Thanks for sharing the amazing pumpkins, too.

    Hugs and smiles

  3. Awesome pumpkins! I love seeing what people can come up with.

    Love your card. I wish I could figure out how to make them.

  4. Lydia,

    I just love this card, it is my new Lydia favorite. Love the colors, the words, the scribbles, the layout, love it all.


    Lisa aka CW


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