
Saturday, September 19, 2009

It's Purr Like a Pirate Caturday!

It is!! It's International Talk Like a Pirate Day. So, to comply, here we go.

Ahoy mateys! It be Caturday! Thar be some stampin' booty! And Splotchy, me hearty, agreed to dress up for Purr Like a Pirate.Shiver me timbers, that's a CAT!

But you didn't come here for just any son of a biscuit eater with an eyepatch - you wanted BOOTY!

So onto the booty - this particular booty is for charity. Animal charity, of course. My friend Amy Bouquet does volunteer work for Cat Haven, and they are having a silent auction fundraiser next month. She asked me to donate artwork to the auction, so of course, I thought of Bernie, at A Place to Bark, and devised a way to maybe help both places at once!

So, I whipped out my Sassy Maddie stamp I designed for Bernie (If you want one, 100% of the proceeds go to benefit Bernie's shelter) and got to work.

First, I stamped her in Creamy Caramel on the wrong side of some K & Co. DSP. Then I carefully cut her out with my Martha Stewart Craft Knife. I collaged some contrasting paper onto 6 little 4x4 canvases, and then collaged little Maddie on with Liquitex Matte Gel Medium. These six pieces are meant to be hung together, so all the paper coordinates.
And what kitteh is complete without bling? I added a teeny rhinestone for her nose.
I hope they raise a bunch of money for hobo kittehs, like my own two, that I love with all my heart. Even when they're all - WTH WITH ALL THE PHOTOGRAPHS LADY??? I'M WASHIN' MAH FEET!

Or when Maddie eats the part that holds my Copics in their case
They may be scallywags every now and then, but they are me heartys, so ARRRRRRRRRRRR - have a great Caturday!!!

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  1. Lydia! I can't even begin! First, the pics of Splotchy n Maddie kill me. I was waiting on some pics of the furkids! I can't wait to see the reaction of the artwork, you are awesome. I ran out yesterday and got the Crafts n Things mag too! THANK YOU SO MUCH!

  2. FINALLY! Pix of the kitties again... Have missed them both.

    And I LOVE the one of Splotchy and her pirate outfit! Mine would never let me do that to them!


  3. Lydia,

    Ok, I have to know, how on earth did you get Splotchy to stay still while you put those pirate thingys on her? She must be extreeeeeemly easy going! The other two kitteh photos are too adorable.

    OMG! on those Maddie stamp creations! Those are way too awesome, someone needs to do an "awesome artist dance" at your feet!


    Lisa aka...The Cat Whisperer

  4. Oh what a humbled cat to let you put all that on him and get such a grand picture. He's darling - but I love the black cat....since one of mine is a black one. Glad to see another cat lover! I have 3 - but that's all it's going to be.

  5. Oooh! I love those canvases. They are so pretty! I love everything you do to help out animals!


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