
Sunday, September 27, 2009

How Really Poor Grooming Choices Help you Stamp - A Tutorial

You remember. You used it. We all did. We were young. People thought platform shoes and powder blue tuxes were a good idea. Looking back, it wasn't the WORST thing that happened in the 70s.

Sadly, powder blue tuxes have been put out to pasture, and yet, not THIS substance...

photo courtesy - this is the actual product I used
But then, once upon a time, when I was verrry sleepy, having purchased 144 treat cups for reasons not even known to ME, my nearly asleep brain put that STUFF into THOSE CUPS, and your tutorial for today was born.

First, make a white card base, punch a 1.75" circle, insert your Sweet Treat Cup and put a little gel into your treat cup. Since this heinous affront to hairstyling comes in all sorts of garish colors, you can use it for any occasion. I of course, chose blue, and you'll see why.

I put too much in the first few times I tried, so be sparing. It doesn't move, so you can look from the other side before adding more. Also, you don't want it all over the cup, so be careful when squishing it into there. I put my cup down on top of my stamped image first so that I knew how much room I had to play with.

It's pretty in this setting, yes? Has kind of a little Hope Diamond vibe working, it does. Now look closely at the pic. The next step is to remove the backing from the adhesive on the treat cup and attach a 2.5 x 2.5 piece of window sheet. This seals the gel in there. Before you put it down though, add a glue dot on each corner to tack the corners to the back side of your card front.

Next, take an empty cup, put it on top of your image and trace around it. Cut the image out, and attach to the back of the window sheet so that your image shows through the cup to the front of your card. Mine is the whale from Animal Stories.

Now on my card, I cut a 4 x 5.25 piece of white cardstock to cover all that stuff up so the inside of my card is all clean and pretty.

Finally, I used the Swirly Big Shot die to cut the "waves" out of Ballet Blue, using both the positive and negative space, and Smarty Pants for the greeting.See - you're never too old to do goofy stuff with hair gel.

Loveyameanitbye. Oh wait - gratuitous kitty pic. :)

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  1. Lydia,

    That is so stinking cool! LOVE it!
    Hugs and smiles

  2. Fantastic idea!! Of course, I never made poor grooming choices so will now have to go out and knowingly purchase some hair gel......LOL


    I have a bottle of hair gel - not from the 70's, but from an evil plan to subject my customers to a gel project that just never materialized. (Doesn't that window sheet backing make everything so easy?!)

  4. The cutest idea for the cups I've seen so far. Love it, Lydia!

  5. I agree with what everyone else said "awesome, fantastic, cool, and cutest card ever!"

  6. I love you! What a great idea...thank you so much for sharing.

  7. So so so so so so cute!!!! I am so glad you showed how to center the image using another cup. I had not thought of that and was really having a challenging time!

  8. Oh my gosh, that is the most creative thing I have seen with those cups. To think I thought that they were not worth the hassle. I gotta get some, any sea creature would look cute behind that should the image be the correct size.

    Ok, that is the cutest photo of the kitties yet, snuggling up to one another. How is Maddie doing?


    The Cat Whisperer

  9. You are so awesome. What a really cute idea and card. Love it.

  10. Amazing what you can do with hair gel - and that sentiment definitely offers words to live by!
    Love the card......

  11. and only 143 to go!!!
    That is super cute Lydia!!! and the kitties are adorable!!!

  12. Oh, this is such a neat technique. TFS it with us all. I love seeing 2 kitties all cuddled up together. Glad they seem to like each other. Aren't we lucky when we have kitties that get along. TFS

  13. What a sinkin' cute card! I love how you used the cups and btw what were you thinking? I ordered 4 packages and am wondering what I will do with all of them. I guess I better get to work!
    The kitties are so cute. I just love them and hope that Maddie is doing better.

    Love Ya!!!

  14. Very cool card. Love the pic of the furkids. How sweet.

  15. What a genius idea for the hair we know what it can be used for...and the kitties look like they are joined at the head!
    TOOOO cute!. Love your cats to pieces.

  16. This is so fun! Love it! I linked to it on my weekly blog feature "Brown Paper Packages", hope you don't mind! TFS!

  17. Luv them furbabies... We need more photos of them, pls....

    Oh - your idea was great too! LOL

  18. Great use of "gunk", it looks so cool as water! Your kitties are so adorable, makes me want to get another, I miss my baby :[

  19. DH uses that stuff EVERY DAY!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHA

    What a cute idea! I'll have to get my own bottle of gel since he'd prolly not appreciate me stealing is hair DOO. hehe

    Super cute idea!!!

  20. Too clever! Great repurposing of gel!

  21. Love this idea, Lydia. CASE-ing now for a b-day card! ;)

  22. This card is SO cool! I just love it!


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