
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Psychedelic Mushrooms, LSD and the Iranian Election

See? This is what happens when I can't think of a title. I will probably get some weird traffic now, which is fun. My friend Jennifer over at These Are Days & I love to peek at the keywords that drive people to our site. This oughta be good. Heyyyy mushroom eaters - sorry - it's a paper arts blog. But I bet some of my stuff looks EXTRA cool when you're all hopped up on mullahs and LSD.

Freaky, baby.

But really what I have today is another contest & magazine entry and also, most importantly, a card for my beloved former boss. Hey Bob - no peeking! :) Leave the site immediately!

Whew - he's gone. Now I can show you.

I used the new Circle Circus set, which I'll probably use unceasingly for months. It has sooo many uses!!

And it was simple - some of the new in colors, the matching circle punches, and my silver holiday thread.


Happy Birthday Bob. I miss you. :)

Have you signed up for the UBlue Cyber Club? Attended one of my Webinars?? Come on - get your geek on! :)

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  1. Love that stamp set. I'll have to look in the catalog for it. Still waiting to get my hands on the new SU! catty.

    Great card.


  2. Great stamp set. We all need balloons.
    Happy Birthday BOB!

  3. Lydia,

    Dog gone it, I forgot to visit you today and leave a comment. Sorry, I hope you aren't mad at me.

    Completely awesome card. I love that stamp set, gonna place an order tomorrow, and that is on it. I am thinking it will be popular, so darn verstile.

    I am so freaking tired and I can't get to sleep, so what am I doing, leaving goofy comments on peoples blogs. Hey, is that like the old childish prank phone call thing that we all did at least once in the 70's as kids? Ya know, long before caller id? Oops, just showed my age with that one. Oh well, gotta run, got other blogs to prank.

    Love ya,

    Lisa A.

  4. Will order towards the end of the month to meet minimums- this will be the first set to order- I {HEART} IT! and love the card.

    WV- chernutd

    I'm worried about a possible war w. North Korea. This word reminded me of Chernobyl (sp?) A horrible effect of a terrible situation. I am bummed and can't get outta it. Just direly (is that a word?) SAD.


Every time you leave a comment, a new LOLcat is born. ALSO - don't panic if you don't see your comment right away - I moderate my comments to keep those spammers out, so your comment will show up in short order. Unless you're linking me to Russian brides or Nigerian princes.