
Sunday, June 14, 2009

It's a Sundae...

With a cherry on top!

I had a lot of work to do, but I got a couple surprises along the way that made it all really super fun. Fire up your ADD - there are a lot of topics in this post!!

First - the most exciting news.. One of my FAVORITE blogs - ModernCat - featured me today!
Well, actually, they featured Sassy Maddie!!This is such an honor for me, because Kate, who runs this site, is not just a sweet, warm hearted ailurophile, but she finds the most AMAZING designs. It's my favorite eye candy every day in my tromp through Google Reader. Please check out her site. Thanks Kate - you are a doll.

Next, to cheer myself up on a so-not-lazy Sunday, I wore this fabby bracelet from one of my beloved Twitter pals - Bunny (@holyxuxa) who makes the most GORGEOUS jewelry.

Here's my horribly freckly arm with her lovely glowy bracelet on it. You can find her site here.Then, I found out that Splotchy knows how to work the window locks. Can stealing my car be far behind??

Aww - but look how cute he is.
Then, finally, a card or two before tonight's work starts.

This gorgeous bird set is a hostess set from the upcoming catalog - it's called Wings of friendship. I thought of it today because summer can be a bummer when your friends sprout wings and take off on vacation.

But come back, they do :).
I stamped the bird in Ballet blue on some old sheet music.

I shaded around it with a pencil and outlined it with my Micron.

The sheet music makes it technically a Reanimation.

Would you like to see another? Click here.

Enjoy the dwindling weekend hours... Why do they go so fast?


Have you signed up for the UBlue Cyber Club? Attended one of my Webinars?? Come on - get your geek on! :)

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  1. At first I thought you stamped the Ballet Blue on a transparency- it's a really cool effect the way the blue pops out off the sheet music! I mean REALLY cool- like so cool that I am not hot any more- like so cool that I'm chillin'- like so cool that........

    Kydia- where do you get the sheet music? Is it a DSP from a company or honest to God, real sheet music? I want some, you enabler, you! I want some of that crossword paper too! I want, I want, I want but probably don't need- ha!

    WV-beammi- "Beammi up Scottie!"

  2. I LOVE the music birdie! I have to CASE this. Years ago I picked up a whole box of music at a rummage. This is a perfect use for it.

  3. I nominated you on my blog for an award, hmmm, should have done it on caturday so it would have been more to celebrate. but check it out. also how can i email you a hilarious pic of my cat jellybean i think you'd like? he is attacking my daughter for his cat hashish

  4. congrats on being featured and that is a fabulous card! I so wanted that birdie too, but we could only choose one...

  5. Love the card. I thought you had pop-dotted it, but it was the wonderful shading that gave it that 3D look. TFS

  6. Lydia,

    The card is too pretty! I love the bluebird on the music sheet, what a great idea.

    Splotchy is too cute too! The problem is that kitties are just too smart. The little stinkers understand everything we say. Oh, I know you are too used to calling Splotchy a "he", but really she is a "She". Poor gender confused Splotchy.

    Lisa Page, Girlfriend, you are hysterical, keep the Kydia comments coming.


    Lisa A.


Every time you leave a comment, a new LOLcat is born. ALSO - don't panic if you don't see your comment right away - I moderate my comments to keep those spammers out, so your comment will show up in short order. Unless you're linking me to Russian brides or Nigerian princes.