
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sustainable Summer!

I entered this card in the Cards Magazine cover contest - it's made from the pages of Cards Magazine - it's like a meta-card!

Alas, I did not win, however, they were kind enough to feature me on the blog today! They have incredible photography and projects over here.. It's like getting their magazine every day. Check it out by clicking the link above or the picture.

Craft magazines have such beautiful pages - use them for something fun!

PS - I twittered a special offer today... check it out!

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  1. That's great that they featured your card on the blog.


  2. You are so clever. Congrats on the Cards blog shout-out, but I really think you deserved the cover!

  3. I think your blogs are morphing! :-) Cute idea, and I agree: you should have won!

  4. This is cute---very clever.

    So I was waiting to hear how the first post-lent breve was??

  5. Awesome card! I love the colors and the design, so bright and cheery! Suddenly, I am in the mood to go through my old magazines!

    Lisa A.


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